It's a trap question

By Belevoix, in Star Wars: Destiny

If I use 'It's a Trap' and pick a ranged damage die belonging to my opponent I am allowed to turn my red die to that symbol. That much I understand. What I want to know is if I am allowed to turn a red die of mine to ranged damage if it was already showing ranged damage. Basically I want to know if I can turn a die to increase the amount of ranged damage it shows. I've played opponents who insist that I can't turn dice that already show the symbol I've chosen. I interpreted the card to mean I can adjust any red dice belonging to me to show any ranged side I wish. What's the rule here?

I would say that you could still turn the die. The stipulation on the card is that the dice are turned to match the symbol, so as long as the die matches the chosen symbol as an end result to playing that card then it should be fine.

" turn any number of your Red dice to sides showing that symbol. " No indication that you can't turn dice already showing the symbol. The wording of 'sides' being plural also means that there could be multiple options for each die so that is how I read it too.

Pretty sure this is just people trying to avoid getting their face shot off. You turn a red dice to 'a' face showing ranged damage. There's absolutely no stipulation about not being able to turn a dice that is already showing ranged damage to 'a'(nother) side showing ranged damage.

41 minutes ago, Abyss said:

Pretty sure this is just people trying to avoid getting their face shot off. You turn a red dice to 'a' face showing ranged damage. There's absolutely no stipulation about not being able to turn a dice that is already showing ranged damage to 'a'(nother) side showing ranged damage.

Correct. You just can't turn it to the same side.

24 minutes ago, Stone37 said:

Correct. You just can't turn it to the same side.

Why not?

The rules reference says:


When turning a die, it must turn to a different side. A player cannot turn a die to the same side it was on before turning it. (If the die has the same symbol and value on two or more of its sides, it can be turned to an identical side).

Fortunately It's a Trap says "any number" of Red dice, so you can simply choose not to turn the dice you like. Hypothetically, if there were some card which triggered when a particular die is turned, then leaving the die on the same side would not cause that trigger to happen.

.... and the over thinking it award of the day goes to.......

Yeah you can switch around your red dice to any side showing ranged damage. Anyone who told you otherwise was wrong. You go ahead and turn that 2 to a +3 on the IQA, then listen to them squirm as you resolve it.

21 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

Why not?

I believe Denis said it best when asked this questions:

I like this one better:

Thanks everyone. Glad to know my line of thinking was correct. As it happens I gave the benefit of the doubt to my opponents during the games in question. Didn't impact things too much as I had a launch bay on the table which took out all their characters when combined with the two IQAs and blaster pistols. I cunning'd to discard their dodge cards by then so knew it was safe to go all in on ranged. Hit for 14 ranged damage 2nd time i played taking out two stormies in one turn. It's a trap is a beast when it comes together.

Hit and run and then It's a Trap is the only thing that gives Rebels Red a chance.

Hey, remember that whole "can't turn to the same side but it doesn't matter because nothing triggers on turning" thing? Now something triggers on turning. Chewbacca's special requires that you turn the die, so if a die is already show a damage side, you can't just choose that side.

Unless I missed it, Chewie doesn't resolve that die, he just changes the side and does damage equal to that value. So if you are staring at 3 damage you can turn it to 1 damage.

11 hours ago, Mep said:

Unless I missed it, Chewie doesn't resolve that die, he just changes the side and does damage equal to that value. So if you are staring at 3 damage you can turn it to 1 damage.

But if Chewie kills the character attached to the dice than there is no worry of retaliation from that changed die.