Kanan As SoR Character Quasi-Spoiled

By dpb1298, in Star Wars: Destiny

25 minutes ago, Mep said:

FFG and its wonderful ambiguous wording. Is the 3rd set at the end of the year or is the core set released at the end of the year? If they at least try to stick to the 4 month schedule then the 3rd set is coming in September (two expansions a year and then the base set at the end of the year). We need an official FFG ruling on what the hell they just said. I doubt they want to go from May to December without a new release. However, I am not sure they can produce enough dice, especially with the awakening reprint to do the 3rd set this year. I still think it may get bumped but I hope not. This means the core set with Last Jedi at the end of the year to correspond with the movie and the one set Disney wants them to print all year. I doubt they mean by the "at the end of the year" their core set with new starters are going to miss out on the holiday shopping season. Disney probably will axe that one and have them hold off on the Rebels set, which will be going into season 4 next year, so plenty of time to capitalize off of it.

So after SoR we will get an Awakening reprint and maybe ????? and just in time for the holiday season and the new movie, we will get a new base set and starters. So the shopping seasons are tax returns, back to school, holidays. Early in the new year is a horrid time to release something.

Why would the production of one set affect the production of another set? Normally, one time print runs would be some more or less at a random factory and there would not be one consistent factory used for all print runs of the same game. This means they could just have two, or even three, contracts out with various companies to have each factory producing a different set to have ready to go if they had tight releases. For example, the factory doing the SoR print run very likely is NOT the factory doing the Kylo/Rey starter reprint and neither of those factories would be he one doing the Awakenings reprint. Those would be three separate contracts all running concurrently, allowing for faster printing of each and more than likely also lower (or at worst equal) production costs.

Yeah, not how it works. Those dice require a special fabrication process. FFG already explained this in several interviews. So no, it isn't a random factory but specialize fabs at the contracted factories set up to make them. They are clearly trying to scale up and said as much just to get the limited supply of Awakening. How much more capacity they can produce over the next year will be interesting to see. I am hopeful they get enough fab capacity to do the 3rd set this year and have good supply but I am sure Waag will be along here shortly to piss all over those hopes.

On 3/7/2017 at 7:58 PM, WonderWAAAGH said:

That looks like upgrade or event art. Also: boo and ****ing hiss.

Don't want Rebels stuff?

I'd really prefer they didn't.

I'd really prefer they didn't.

I'm not saying I want it. I'm just pointing out a potentiality.

3 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

I'd really prefer they didn't.

Too bad, Disney prefers that they do so. Pretty sure we know who's preference matters here.

3 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

I'd really prefer they didn't.

I suppose the beauty of this game is that you could swap any Rebels cards you pull for none Rebels stuff. You just know that there will be this perfect card for your deck and you won't want to play it because it's from Rebels.

2 hours ago, Mep said:

Too bad, Disney prefers that they do so. Pretty sure we know who's preference matters here.

I understand that. I adore the Disney brand as a whole, but a child's cartoon is ultimately a poor fit for Star Wars, and it certainly has no place in adult oriented gaming.

8 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

I understand that. I adore the Disney brand as a whole, but a child's cartoon is ultimately a poor fit for Star Wars, and it certainly has no place in adult oriented gaming.

Have you watched Rebels? I would say it is as much a children's show as A New Hope was.

I've seen enough to find it distasteful, but I'm not about to watch the whole series in the slim hopes of having my mind changed. A New Hope, for all of its faults, at least has 40 years of nostalgia and rose-tinted lenses to shelter my perspective.

My secret hope is that Vader's droids stumble across the entire Rebels crew and terminate them with extreme prejudice. I guess that's just, like, my opinion, man.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

Yeah, about that. You know Star Wars is a kids movie right? Having grown up with the original trilogy and all those toys, I can assure you it is. It just happens to be a kids movie adults can enjoy too, like the cartoons. These games are intended for umm older kids. After all, no one really grows up, they just grow old.

Yeah indeed... Robocop had toys as well, so while I can appreciate the sentiment (I saw it in theatres when I was 5) maybe "kids can enjoy this too" is not the best metric for what the actual intended audience is supposed to be. The lines may be grayed a bit, but I think you're standing on thin ice if you're trying to convince me that cartoons aren't inherently childish.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH
On 3/8/2017 at 3:18 PM, WonderWAAAGH said:

" Saber-copter

Upgrade - Ability

Action: exhaust attached character to make WonderWAAAGH quit FFG, forever and always."

I LOVE how salty the saber copter makes everyone. It fills my dark soul with light.

9 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

Yeah indeed... Robocop had toys as well, so while I can appreciate the sentiment (I saw it in theatres when I was 5) maybe "kids can enjoy this too" is not the best metric for what the actual intended audience is supposed to be. The lines may be grayed a bit, but I think you're standing on thin ice if you're trying to convince me that cartoons aren't inherently childish.

Cartoons are not inherently childish. Just look at hentai.

2 minutes ago, KalEl814 said:

I LOVE how salty the saber copter makes everyone. It fills my dark soul with light.

Hey, I grew up adoring RotJ as my favorite Star Wars film, so I never quite got all of the ire directed toward the Ewoks. I don't like Rebels or Rogue One, and I have complaints about both that I feel are rooted in objectivity, but I still accept that these are largely just minority opinions that I personally hold. You guys are welcome to enjoy whatever you like, and I won't tell you differently - but at the end of the day I still feel like the game is more inclusive (and better off) without the influence of Rebels.

1 minute ago, anthonybarnstable said:

Cartoons are not inherently childish. Just look at hentai.

That depends on where we're talking about. Is it safe to assume we're discussing western cultural values, since we're all conversing in English? I'd say so. Hentai isn't exactly Saturday morning material.

6 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

That depends on where we're talking about. Is it safe to assume we're discussing western cultural values, since we're all conversing in English? I'd say so. Hentai isn't exactly Saturday morning material.

I would not recommend any form of porn for your Saturday morning material, but to each their own. Hentai has a pretty sizeable ... market.

Anime is pretty standard in Western culture at this point. Most anime are not for children.

Simpsons, South Park, Futurama, Rick and Morty, King of the Hill, Family Guy, American Dad, the Cleveland show, etc are all cartoons not intended for children.

There re is nothing inherently childish about cartoons. I guess the majority of the times something is animated the majority of the target demographic is children, but that is not to say a super majority or that it is any large margin or that this simple majority makes other cartoons any less adult. Generally, it's just a way to do very interesting things visually on the cheap.

There are cartoons, and then there are cartoons. There was nothing about Rebels that made me feel like it was intended for adults when I watched it. Does that mean adults can't also enjoy it? Of course not, but that doesn't change the target audience. Personally, I don't want to play with kiddy toys.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

Someone doesn't like Rebels? That's a first

9 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

Yeah indeed... Robocop had toys as well, so while I can appreciate the sentiment (I saw it in theatres when I was 5) maybe "kids can enjoy this too" is not the best metric for what the actual intended audience is supposed to be. The lines may be grayed a bit, but I think you're standing on thin ice if you're trying to convince me that cartoons aren't inherently childish.

You sit on your ass all day posting on games forum. Pretty sure you bitching about childish things is out the window.

12 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

I understand that. I adore the Disney brand as a whole, but a child's cartoon is ultimately a poor fit for Star Wars, and it certainly has no place in adult oriented gaming.

I hate when ppl label things as kiddy, and who the heck cares if it was a good story is a good story don't care if it's barney vs the teletubbies

You know what's great about whither or not some people like Rebels? That it doesn't matter! They've made their way into the movies (Rogue One) and are already a part of many of the FFG Star Wars games. I will gladly take donations of these components from non-fans. Too each their own; and my own has been total cool-aid drinking of everything canon. :D

Edited by Stone37

Whatever. I don't like Rebels, and I don't like that it continues to pollute every aspect of the Star Wars universe. That's my prerogative, regardless of whether you choose to accept my rationale.

16 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

You guys are welcome to enjoy whatever you like, and I won't tell you differently - but at the end of the day I still feel like the game is more inclusive (and better off) without the influence of Rebels.

I get that you don't like Rebels, and that's fine (even though I disagree). But I don't get the logic that excluding a significant (by run time, if nothing else) part of the canon is more inclusive than including it.