Kanan As SoR Character Quasi-Spoiled

By dpb1298, in Star Wars: Destiny

So rather than debating on which audience rebels is target at and who enjoys it, what are your speculations on what the card with Kanan is?

My thoughts:

The image seems to be from shortly after he went blind, so I think it will be related to using the force to see. Something like:

Force Vision - 3cost

Upgrade - Ability

Blue Character Only

Action: exhaust this card to play a blue event from your hand for free. (Or maybe reduce its cost by 1 to a minimum of 0)

Edited by madday92
1 hour ago, GooeyChewie said:

I get that you don't like Rebels, and that's fine (even though I disagree). But I don't get the logic that excluding a significant (by run time, if nothing else) part of the canon is more inclusive than including it.

I meant inclusive of players' preferences. We can all enjoy Destiny without Rebels; only some people can enjoy Destiny with Rebels.

Double post.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH
34 minutes ago, madday92 said:

So rather than debating on which audience rebels is target at and who enjoys it, what are your speculations on what the card with Kanan is?

The picture was used on Kanan's Concentration in the LCG. He appears to be using the Force, so Blue is almost a given. Given the rest of the scene, and the fact that Kanan's Concentration is an event in the LCG, I think the picture will be used for an event here.

29 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

I meant inclusive of players' preferences. We can all enjoy Destiny without Rebels; only some people can enjoy Destiny with Rebels.

Ah. We'll probably have to agree to disagree at some point, because I see that as the opposite of inclusion. To me, inclusion means putting up with some things you don't necessarily like because you know others will like those things. If we only include things everybody will enjoy, we won't be left with much source material! Also, we'd need to go back and take out Grevious. I never liked that character. :-)

40 minutes ago, madday92 said:

So rather than debating on which audience rebels is target at and who enjoys it, what are your speculations on what the card with Kanan is?

My thoughts:

The image seems to be from shortly after he went blind, so I think it will be related to using the force to see. Something like:

Force Vision - 3cost

Upgrade - Ability

Blue Character Only

Action: exhaust this card to play a blue event from your hand for free. (Or maybe reduce its cost by 1 to a minimum of 0)

I love the idea of a Hero version of Sith Holocron. Thematically, I'm not sure such a power fits the Jedi.

I'd love to see Deflect become a Blue upgrade (rather than just an Event).

If we see Kanan on another non-hero card, I like the idea of "Force Push" for him. The special side on this blue upgrade die (and there would be 2 or 3 special sides) could be "remove this die to exhaust a character".

11 minutes ago, GooeyChewie said:

The picture was used on Kanan's Concentration in the LCG. He appears to be using the Force, so Blue is almost a given. Given the rest of the scene, and the fact that Kanan's Concentration is an event in the LCG, I think the picture will be used for an event here.

Ah. We'll probably have to agree to disagree at some point, because I see that as the opposite of inclusion. To me, inclusion means putting up with some things you don't necessarily like because you know others will like those things. If we only include things everybody will enjoy, we won't be left with much source material! Also, we'd need to go back and take out Grevious. I never liked that character. :-)

That's fair, but I would also say the opposite is true; inclusivity sometimes means giving up things we like or are accustomed to in order to create a more welcoming atmosphere for all players. In this case, a cartoon that not everyone enjoys. If you and I ever play I'll be sure to leave Grievous at home.

19 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

That's fair, but I would also say the opposite is true; inclusivity sometimes means giving up things we like or are accustomed to in order to create a more welcoming atmosphere for all players. In this case, a cartoon that not everyone enjoys. If you and I ever play I'll be sure to leave Grievous at home.

I do this all the time in casual games. If know the person I am playing against does not particularly enjoy a certain mechanic of the game, I'll leave it out of my list. Not everything is a tournament and I play games to have fun. I want my opponent to have fun too.

1 hour ago, madday92 said:

So rather than debating on which audience rebels is target at and who enjoys it, what are your speculations on what the card with Kanan is?

My thoughts:

The image seems to be from shortly after he went blind, so I think it will be related to using the force to see. Something like:

Force Vision - 3cost

Upgrade - Ability

Blue Character Only

Action: exhaust this card to play a blue event from your hand for free. (Or maybe reduce its cost by 1 to a minimum of 0)

Hmmmm like I mentioned, I think it will be a Blue Hero Event. I think it will have either zero or one cost and perhaps something to do with dice manipulation

Grevious is my favourite character! Well actually 5th favorite. Tonight I'll tear down Vader/raider and build Grevious/Dooku

2 hours ago, JediGeekGirl said:

Hmmmm like I mentioned, I think it will be a Blue Hero Event. I think it will have either zero or one cost and perhaps something to do with dice manipulation

Safe assumption for a blue card.

Just now, Ywingscum said:

Grevious is my favourite character! Well actually 5th favorite. Tonight I'll tear down Vader/raider and build Grevious/Dooku

I love that combo, but Grievous goes down HARD! I have yet to find a way to keep him on the board for a fair amount of time. I've had the most success with eDooku and single die Grievous. My opponent STILL goes after the General first, and I plan for this. I build the whole deck around that eDooku and playing into his opponent frustrating ability.

22 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

I've seen enough to find it distasteful, but I'm not about to watch the whole series in the slim hopes of having my mind changed. A New Hope, for all of its faults, at least has 40 years of nostalgia and rose-tinted lenses to shelter my perspective.

My secret hope is that Vader's droids stumble across the entire Rebels crew and terminate them with extreme prejudice. I guess that's just, like, my opinion, man.

I really don't care for the Rebels characters and would also love for them to get killed off. However, we all know that won't happen. I still can't get over that show replacing the masterful Clone Wars. My saltiness with Disney cancelling that amazing show that was already scheduled to end at season eight, was written through completely, and had animation work almost finished for the other half of season six and season seven. And then they replace it with Rebels. There is just no comparison. Not to mention firing all of LucasArts and canceling 1313 since it was rated "M". The only good thing Disney has given me so far is Rouge One. And that I attribute to the amazing Gareth Edwards, not Disney.

21 minutes ago, dpb1298 said:

I really don't care for the Rebels characters and would also love for them to get killed off. However, we all know that won't happen. I still can't get over that show replacing the masterful Clone Wars. My saltiness with Disney cancelling that amazing show that was already scheduled to end at season eight, was written through completely, and had animation work almost finished for the other half of season six and season seven. And then they replace it with Rebels. There is just no comparison. Not to mention firing all of LucasArts and canceling 1313 since it was rated "M". The only good thing Disney has given me so far is Rouge One. And that I attribute to the amazing Gareth Edwards, not Disney.

See I am on the flip side of that. I love everything that has happened since the sale. Don't get me wrong canceling Clone Wars and closing Lucasarts are moves I was not in favor of, but I have enjoyed myself since then more then at any other time pre-sale. I think they are doing a great job at growing the brand and introducing things to new people. Past may suck, but the future is full of possiblities

Is the future full of pink Mandalorians, saber-copters, and re-purposed Disney princes? Space Aladdin has had his day, maybe it's time for a character who wields something more menacing than a slingshot. I vote chainswords.

16 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

Is the future full of pink Mandalorians, saber-copters, and re-purposed Disney princes? Space Aladdin has had his day, maybe it's time for a character who wields something more menacing than a slingshot. I vote chainswords.

I was trying my hardest to forget those blasted saber-copters. Thanks...

28 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

Is the future full of pink Mandalorians, saber-copters, and re-purposed Disney princes? Space Aladdin has had his day, maybe it's time for a character who wields something more menacing than a slingshot. I vote chainswords.

Hey, Don't knock a Pink Mandalorian. She is awesome :)

Chainswords? Like what Ivy has? Been done (although not in Star Wars)

7 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

I meant inclusive of players' preferences. We can all enjoy Destiny without Rebels; only some people can enjoy Destiny with Rebels.

who says everyone will enjoy with out rebels? I prefer to see everything that history has to offer

While the source is important what is more important is the game mechanics and if the card is fun to play. TBH the quality of the art work is more important than the character itself. A horrid looking pic of Leia is heresy. A nice looking pic of Hera is just fine by me.

The reality is Rebels is the big new property. Either accept that or go cry in the corner. Crying here will make zero difference. I personally think it could be a lot better but it is just enjoyable enough and is all we get for a TV show.

19 minutes ago, Mep said:

While the source is important what is more important is the game mechanics and if the card is fun to play. TBH the quality of the art work is more important than the character itself. A horrid looking pic of Leia is heresy. A nice looking pic of Hera is just fine by me.

The reality is Rebels is the big new property. Either accept that or go cry in the corner. Crying here will make zero difference. I personally think it could be a lot better but it is just enjoyable enough and is all we get for a TV show.

You seem to be confusing explaining my preferences for crying. Should I just ignore people when they ask me to clarify?

Also: you seem irritable today... or maybe you're just hangry. Care for some pie?


Edited by WonderWAAAGH

You know they are going to do Rebels no matter what, so the whole "but I hate Rebels, waaagh..." is just pointless whining. You could vote with your dollars when they come out with the Rebels set. Just more for the rest of us, not like we will get to buy much anyways.

I don't think you understand my motivations or expectations, but okay.

Well since I am on a great hargry streak here, you are right, I don't understand because I, like most, don't care. Which is my point, no one cares, least of all Disney, if you like their Rebels or not. So what's the point? Waaaghing about it changes nothing.

Time to close up the forums, folks! You heard it hear first: there's absolutely zero point in talking about anything because it's all meaningless and beyond our control.


The great thing about Star Wars is that there is something for everyone.

2 hours ago, JediGeekGirl said:

The great thing about Star Wars is that there is something for everyone.

Rogue One satiated me for now. I don't hate Rebels. I legitimately enjoy some aspects of it. I just can't stand that The Clone Wars was killed for it. Not a good trade-off. Disney literally has a mandate that for every "dark" Rebels episode that there has to be two "light" ones. I'll find the link if I can. That's the kind of crap from Disney's oversight that I can't stand.

It was business. Cartoon network had the rights to clone wars, Disney has their own TV channels. That and they clearly are running away from anything prequelish.