Kanan As SoR Character Quasi-Spoiled

By dpb1298, in Star Wars: Destiny

Would they use that pic for Kanan as his character? Possible, though it could be some other card as well. I feel they will have a whole set just for Rebels.

"Spirit of Rebellion" is a pretty fitting title though.

Edited by dpb1298
26 minutes ago, Mep said:

Would they use that pic for Kanan as his character? Possible, though it could be some other card as well. I feel they will have a whole set just for Rebels.

Both of the sets we've got so far span a variety of times and source material, covering from prequel to new movies. I doubt we'll see a full set dedicated to JUST a single source.

That looks like upgrade or event art. Also: boo and ****ing hiss.

Theyve used that image in the LCG. Im expecting it to be an Event/Upgrade. They already announced Set 3 will be Rebels focused, esp since they already showed Thrawn for Zahn podcast event.


4 hours ago, Buhallin said:

Both of the sets we've got so far span a variety of times and source material, covering from prequel to new movies. I doubt we'll see a full set dedicated to JUST a single source.

Of course, just like Spirit of Rebellion is the Rogue One set. Still has room for an IG-88 or Whinakin. Still Kannan would most likely be found in the Rebels set.


Hold your horses, don't put them in front of your cart yet. The art work is from an event card from the Star Wars LCG. I expect the same for this game as well with that art work. A Blue Hero Event card.

As far as Kanan himself goes? Set 3 is where I would bet.

With a name like "Spirit of Rebellion" you'd expect to see the characters from Rebels in this collection. Rogue One and Rebels will be the big hitters of this set by my guess. I fully expect to see Episode 8 stuff in the 3rd set and the Starters that will come out with it this December.

Edited by Stone37

I agree with most all here... this is most likely a Blue Hero event... maybe an upgrade.

I base this on a limited data pool, and some inference.

Awakenings had 1 Unique character from each era per color per side.
Example: Blue Hero: Rey (TFA era), Luke (OT), Qui-Gon (PT). Blue Villain: Kylo (TFA era), Vader (OT), Dooku (PT).

We have already seen the OT era Blue Hero - Chirrut Imwe.
Yes, I think they will treat Rebels and Rogue one characters as mainly OT era. Ahsoka and Rex could have two eras versions, like Vader.

That's what I think anyways.

I am ok with cartoons on the odd event card. But I'd rather movie only cards for actual characters. Mostly, one exception of course is Thrawn in set three. I won't be hunting any cartoon characters except Thrawn, but because of his presence in the books, not his presence from 'rebels'

1 hour ago, Ywingscum said:

I am ok with cartoons on the odd event card. But I'd rather movie only cards for actual characters. Mostly, one exception of course is Thrawn in set three. I won't be hunting any cartoon characters except Thrawn, but because of his presence in the books, not his presence from 'rebels'

What about Ashoka? I cant wait for her!!!!


I don't mind the presence of characters from the clone wars and rebels cartoons, they are something that I, along with my kids have enjoyed over the years. I would, however, prefer that the style of art all matched, therefore characters from the cartoons would be rendered more life like.

I think actually I'm gonna back track a little, I do like Cad Bane. Ashoka not bad towards end of clone wars. Bossk my all time fav character shows up a lot in clone Wars.

Count me out of the cartoon stuff. Even if character cards like Kanan, Ahsoka, Rex, whoever, becomes the new hotness, I'll probably never use them if pulled or just sell/trade them. I don't hate the shows, they're just not my cup of tea. I don't mind the characters used on upgrades and the like, though.

Thrawn would have to look very non-cartoony to be the exception.

If you look at the SW:LCG you can see that the characters from rebels and also thrawn are done very well in the same art as we now see on the cards.

Also without you knowing you could be playing with characters from the clone wars right now as we speak. Nightsiter is from the clone wars.


I can live with that art on Thrawn. Knowing what we do about FFG reusing art, this looks like it'll be the version Destiny gets.

The cartoons have some awesome storylines. Then again, they have some clunkers, too. I prefer to judge them by their stories rather than the medium.

That said, I enjoy it when a game can give me new appreciation for a character I didn't enjoy. D-squad may have been a terrible arc, for example, but Colonel Gascon could make an interesting character who makes Droid supports awesome.

" Saber-copter

Upgrade - Ability

Action: exhaust attached character to make WonderWAAAGH quit FFG, forever and always."

Edited by WonderWAAAGH
7 hours ago, Stone37 said:

With a name like "Spirit of Rebellion" you'd expect to see the characters from Rebels in this collection. Rogue One and Rebels will be the big hitters of this set by my guess. I fully expect to see Episode 8 stuff in the 3rd set and the Starters that will come out with it this December.

I don't. Since they are supposedly doing a set every four months (they are now a month late on SoR), that third set will come out months before the movie. Disney will want that set out on time with the movie, which places it as the fourth set. Now with the production problems and awakening reprint it is possible the "3rd" set gets pushed back to next year, meaning the 4th set will be the 3rd to go along with the hard release date. They also have these core sets coming out, around that time frame, so who knows what they are doing now. It was originally Awakenings, Rogue One set(now SoR), a Rebels set (by the inclusion of Thrawn), and then Last Jedi set. It may now be Awakening, SoR, Core Set (Last Jedi), and then Rebels next year, which would mean no Thrawn this year.

As for their being a Rebels set? Yes there will be one. Disney is very clear on the priorities for the licensed material, Movies, Cartoons, Books ..... EU - dumpster. Thrawn is now a Rebels character. X-wing, Aramada, the LCG all had their turn with Rebels. Destiny will get its as well. When that will happen? Doubtful it is is August anymore.

27 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

" Saber-copter

Upgrade - Ability

Action: exhaust attached character to make WonderWAAAGH quit FFG, forever and always."

That card is a huge favorite among the FFG forum users.

Some of them, I'm sure.

*reviews like count*

1 hour ago, Mep said:

I don't. Since they are supposedly doing a set every four months (they are now a month late on SoR), that third set will come out months before the movie. Disney will want that set out on time with the movie, which places it as the fourth set. Now with the production problems and awakening reprint it is possible the "3rd" set gets pushed back to next year, meaning the 4th set will be the 3rd to go along with the hard release date. They also have these core sets coming out, around that time frame, so who knows what they are doing now. It was originally Awakenings, Rogue One set(now SoR), a Rebels set (by the inclusion of Thrawn), and then Last Jedi set. It may now be Awakening, SoR, Core Set (Last Jedi), and then Rebels next year, which would mean no Thrawn this year.

As for their being a Rebels set? Yes there will be one. Disney is very clear on the priorities for the licensed material, Movies, Cartoons, Books ..... EU - dumpster. Thrawn is now a Rebels character. X-wing, Aramada, the LCG all had their turn with Rebels. Destiny will get its as well. When that will happen? Doubtful it is is August anymore.

Per FFG:

After the third expansion set, at the end of the year, we will release a base set for Star Wars : Destiny. Base sets for Destiny will consist of two new starter decks (which will replace the current Kylo Ren and Rey starter decks) and a set of booster packs. ( https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2017/2/28/there-has-been-an-awakening-1/ )

After SoR, we will get a third set in late November/December. Then, early in the new year, a new base set and starters.

FFG and its wonderful ambiguous wording. Is the 3rd set at the end of the year or is the core set released at the end of the year? If they at least try to stick to the 4 month schedule then the 3rd set is coming in September (two expansions a year and then the base set at the end of the year). We need an official FFG ruling on what the hell they just said. I doubt they want to go from May to December without a new release. However, I am not sure they can produce enough dice, especially with the awakening reprint to do the 3rd set this year. I still think it may get bumped but I hope not. This means the core set with Last Jedi at the end of the year to correspond with the movie and the one set Disney wants them to print all year. I doubt they mean by the "at the end of the year" their core set with new starters are going to miss out on the holiday shopping season. Disney probably will axe that one and have them hold off on the Rebels set, which will be going into season 4 next year, so plenty of time to capitalize off of it.

So after SoR we will get an Awakening reprint and maybe ????? and just in time for the holiday season and the new movie, we will get a new base set and starters. So the shopping seasons are tax returns, back to school, holidays. Early in the new year is a horrid time to release something.

Edited by Mep

double post

Edited by Mep