On 3/9/2017 at 1:25 AM, SEApocalypse said:Can agree on general TFA issue, can't agree on Poe, he is just an ace, doing what Wedge and other alliance top aces could do. Though the TIEs pilots might have been especially green, which again fits the first order theme.
Saw this and just couldn't resist getting embroiled in this particular internet debate...
Hugely disagree on this point. Wedge and Poe are portrayed very differently. Throughout 4, 5, and 6, Wedge was never made out to be some kind of super-ace -- it was never pointed out, rubbed in our faces, or otherwise declared . Wedge gained that reputation purely through his actions and survival throughout the trilogy. In 4, he's just a rando Red Squadron pilot who helps his squadronmate (Luke) out of a bind when Luke's wingman (Biggs) isn't available, and he then manages to survive getting shot by Vader -- thus making this rando Red Squadron pilot now a combat veteran. In 5, he again picks up the slack when Rogue Squadron is getting trashed by AT-ATs, with he and his gunner scoring a tow cable kill on one of the AT-ATs -- just a veteran pilot pulling his weight, nothing more. By 6 he's moved up the ranks to be Red Leader, clearly an elite pilot by this point. Other than the distinction of generally being competent during the battle and helping Lando knock out the Death Star's reactor, nothing really exceptional goes on with Wedge. He's just a competent, veteran pilot who's there .
Compare to Poe, whom we are immediately informed is THE BEST PILOT EVER. I have no real objection to the TIE escape sequence, but then we are later treated to a completely gratuitous shot of him annihilating the entire First Order Starfighter Corps to Finn's jubilant cries of "OH EM GEE BEST PILOT EVER." Cinematically, it's a pretty shot (though not as nice as Rogue One's T-65 action, IMO), but in terms of story and character it's wretched. I can forgive the weird, blatant re-write that brought Poe back to life out of nowhere, but the overblown, gratuitously-ridiculous character abilities are not at all comparable to the OT's, and certainly not Wedge's.
In other words, Wedge earned his reputation as an ace. Poe was handed his.
Edited by BCGaius