Alchemical Problems IC RPG thread

By April, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Durrak will take the time to meditate and maybe some target practice.

He lines up Yorik's empty bottles and or cans and throws his disc blade after he hits the targets he reaches out with the Force to retrieve the weapon.

OOC: Spend my xp on adding the shadow spec.

@TheShard when you try to search it says Restricted... Class alpha clearance required..Senate Sith Committee only. The trip is uneventful if filled with a Certain Humans constant stream of velvet coated insults.

As you arrive on Munn.. you are very quickly directed to Zando Corps local office... The Same Munn is there that initially briefed you before. This time he seems agitated. Gilt ushers you into a familiar office...

(Questions are you bringing Lord Crumbleberry in chains? )

(No, I don't think we need to bring him in chains as long as he acts alright. We're all heavily armed and if something happens and he suddenly goes crazy then everything will be on camera so we'll be within our rights to shoot him down. :) Just sayin... )

But, having said all that, Yorik would wear his sash to strengthen his connection with Sar Agorn... & he'd also consider the Code of the Grey Jedi once he sobered up after the crew's celebration back from Taris.

Edited by Cartergame

***(While en route in the Golden Hind )*** (reference for New Taris adventure)***

Upon completing her physical inspection of the newly acquired pieces, Astrid rejoins the party in the lounge.

Bespin's Best? These were a staple, at University! We had these annual scavenger hunts, and my class frequently found itself in competition with the Archaeology Department at U of Rudrig. Whenever we located a site first, and logged it, we'd stash our empties for them to find in place of the actual prize...

(helps herself to a cold one, back to business)

I've completed preliminary examination of the Staff and Runes, and will be moving forward into more thorough research of the items, cross-referencing them with the AA's database, and university archives.

Since I joined the party on the ground a bit late, I'd like to make sure I have all the pertinent information to perform a proper search. I've compiled what I have (consults datapad):

  • A unique strain of the Rakghoul infection
  • "fall All those who are Lost, May they rest In the Force" from the floor mosaic. hmm. A-L-M-I-F... I'll search that, too, in case the random cap's are of import.
  • Eihos, possible founder of Jedi Watch Station Rho-Zeta-Three.
  • Imo Kul, possible Sith connection?
  • Staff of the Force Walker, a weapon which I have tied to Darth Yethriv, an enforcer for Darth Adendu; its touch purportedly brings nightmares.
  • "Sealed for all time... is one of the Acolytes of an enemy that both Sith and Jedi... had to work together to defeat... The Acolyte of Screaming" from the circular slab. This Acolyte was part of the Sith Autocracy.
  • Tapestries depicting rulers of a tribe of creatures similar to the Rakghouls.
  • Opened Sarcophagus, with scratchings on the inside in Proto Basic "No cage can hold me, the Master will come, the acolyte Has Risen... Soon the Screaming will shatter the minds of the betrayers, THE MASTER HAS RETURNED"... not the least bit ominous, that...
  • Footprints leading from a well, in the tunnels beneath the crypt.
  • The data slab given by the Curator, which Zyi is now working on.
  • A collection of runes carved into bone fragments, used to gauge the force, extremely old.
  • A dark and powerful whisper, "He is Back," and laughing, from the Sarcophagus room.
  • An unexplained warmth in the air, in the temple vicinity.

Thus far, I have found no "Sith" connection with the runes, so my intent is to study and document them, then return them to the Curator. They don't fall within the purview of my work for Zando, but I find them curious.

Does anyone have anything to add?

"Wow, excellent summary, Doc..." "We can add a couple of things...

Thanks, Yorik. Okay, so I'll add the following:

  • Lord Insanire, currently on Korriban, was behind the madness on New Taris (and is planning similar devastation for Felucia).
  • Worra learned that these planets were all part of the Sith Empire circa 2801 BBY.
  • New Taris is being monitored from an orbiting space station, and a signal was detected transmitting to Drummond Kaas.

Wait... Drummond Kaas... That was a Sith Colony, before the Great Hyperspace War...

@Cartergame Spiders?

(Also, am I supposed to know about you pocketing the purple crystal because that might be additional evidence to include)

-(I believe Astrid pocketed the crystal discreetly, and has not mentioned it)

"Also, I don't know if I'm supposed to hand over this souvenir but I'd like to keep it as a trophy," Yorik brandished the red lightsaber that Imo Kul had wielded below ground in the tunnels.

@April (I assume Zando will want him to hand over the lightsaber?)

Let me have a look at it, Yorik? (does it appear to be anything particularly special, beyond being A FRELLING LASER SWORD)?!

(OOC: Can I safely assume that lightsabers are few and far between)

Edited by Edgehawk
insert prior to arrival on Muun; added new info/responses

(As she is ushered into the familiar office)

Mizzy, why the long face? (winking at the Muun, even though he never plays back) You seem agitated?

Edited by Edgehawk

(Previous Comments posted under Edgehawk's post so...)

Yorik was all smiles and polite firmness as the group escorted their "guest", Lord Crumbleberry, up to meet with Mr. Zando and his associates. It would be their job, not his, to determine what to do with the old pompous windbag. Yorik was looking forward to his payday, his upgrades, and his next mission and wanted nothing further to do with this repulsive noble who had caused so much harm.

Maybe, Mr. Zando would do to Lord Crumbleberry what he'd done to the previous "hunter" Veris Forshab and give him a not so gentle shove from the top of this building.

Chuckling, Yorik opened the elevator doors and said to Lord Crumbleberry, "After you, milord. Right this way to where you can receive your due justice for your regrettable discomfort."

Edited by Cartergame

Durrak looks at the Munn. Decides not to show him the crystals. This being has nothing to be mad about. We did our job.

Soooo.... This isn't a normal Rakghoul infestation. This man right here.. He points to the noble. Was a beast we almost killed. He transformed back into a man... He was the lucky one. The others...

He shakes his head mournfully.

What the frell did you send us into hmmm?!?!

He looks the Munn straight in the eyes, glaring fiercely.

Fragging bankers, probably wanted the competition off-ed! And we're the sorry suckers who played along!

2000 credits to massacre some aristocrats? Is this a joke?

...You know what, he's keeping that energy blade... Frell if that ain't the least you do for compensation!

If you doubt the story its all been holo-corded by myself and also by Worra here, who by the way is an official from New Tarris... who thank the stars agreed to corroborate this insane tale...!!

Edited by TheShard

I concur. The situation on the ground was... well, pretty farkled.

The saber is nothing special, and he's a good man to have on your team- I say let him give it a name and call it his own.

Could you kindly tell us the real story behind this mission, now?

Oh- With the communications embargo in place, I could not consult with anyone prior to negotiations, but Zando owes 20k credits to a museum on New Taris. I could not sit on the deal, but trust me- it was a steal. He will be quite pleased with what we've brought him. It's all here in my preliminary report.

Edited by Edgehawk
2 hours ago, TheShard said:

Soooo.... This isn't a normal Rakghoul infestation. This man right here.. He points to the noble. Was a beast we almost killed. He transformed back into a man... He was the lucky one. The others...

He shakes his head mournfully.

What the frell did you send us into hmmm?!?!

He looks the Munn straight in the eyes, glaring fiercely.

Fragging bankers, probably wanted the competition off-ed! And we're the sorry suckers who played along!

2000 credits to massacre some aristocrats? Is this a joke?

...You know what, he's keeping that energy blade... Frell if that ain't the least you do for compensation!

If you doubt the story its all been holo-corded by myself and also by Worra here, who by the way is an official from New Tarris... who thank the stars agreed to corroborate this insane tale...!!

His stare is ice " you were given ship, Free food, Transportation.... Unless You expect The Republic to pay for everything?... You were supposedly a problem solver... You are, are you not ?... Regardless Of whom those creatures may Have been is Inconsequential as long as the mission was accomplished?.... Where is the Hutt?, Where is the Specimen?

.Unless you expect me to believe you found a Cure for a plague that Has escaped the greatest minds the galaxy has known...... Or are you deaf, and A fantasist as well as incompetent? "

"The Hutt who wanted the other has Gone missing... Maybe you stopped off to kill him ?.. Hmm... ? ... I see One of you is able to follow directives " Nodding at Astrid.

"Mr Zando will Not be Happy... Not indeed..." several war droids activate.... "Now Explain yourselves very Clearly"

" Money for a poxy word....., Oh yes fine ....( he seems to have heard something on a com link) i see... hmm Well yes okay ... Your deal will be honored "

(after explaining what happened Gilt nearly passes out at the tale, as it has been recorded ( for the most part) by Shard, and Worra... He drops the Preconception of Being offended, still Mr Zando doesn't like Half for filled jobs.. And Gilt rushes off with one of the other Muuns, however one remains he deactivates something....)

Gilt leaves leaving you with an unfamiliar Muun

" Alright, Lets get this Clear , I'm under cover for the Republic security Services....The guy who I'm pretending to be, Athrizan, well lets just say hes serving a long time for importing dangerous creatures.... Look I have just wired you 8k each, please shush and accept whatever Zando's goons give you... Play along until i can get sense of everything " he wipes his face,

"Get that Guy in your ship before they decide to dissect him.... By the moons.... Amateur hour" He says pointing at Crumbleberry

Gilt returns, Athrizan slinking back to his original position " Well, Mr Zando says ... Your needed, I feel 5.2k Credits each will be satisfactory? considering? ... as to information Need to know... you don't need to.... yet"

somebody give me a very easy deception roll? 2 purples

Edited by April

Deception check : 2eD+2eA+1eP 1 failure, 1 advantage
d-f-th.png d-f-th.png a-s.png a-a.png p-a-a.png

13 minutes ago, TheShard said:

Deception check : 2eD+2eA+1eP 1 failure, 1 advantage
d-f-th.png d-f-th.png a-s.png a-a.png p-a-a.png

anybody else feeling like rolling?...( please don't let them dissect this guy....)

7 minutes ago, April said:

anybody else feeling like rolling?...( please don't let them dissect this guy....)

Description Dissection Avoidance
Results 2eD+3eA : 0 successes, 1 threat [2eD=Th/Th, F/Th] [3eA=-, S/A, A]
d-th-th.png d-f-th.png a--.png a-s-a.png a-a.png

(Ooc: wow, this guy is about to die a horrible death...) Yeah... Lord Crumbleberry, I'm sure you're about receive new accommodations much different than those aboard the Golden Hind... Sorry, sir...

2eA+2eD : 0 successes [2eA=A, A] [2eD=Th, Th]
a-a.png a-a.png d-th.png d-th.png

(Or we can just you know fight battle droids... also what's up with the Hind? Is it theirs or ours now that our friendly hutt is missing? If it's ours I'll just peice out now and run this guy back and steal the Hind... Also any terminals I could plug into without being noticed?)

( wait a minute! Let's talk about this because I'm not about to give up the Hind and give up a potentially lucrative employer for a guy who tried to kill us and still might. We just got back from New Taurus and barely survived. For all we know, Lord Crumbleberry could still transform back into a monster at any moment during a time of stress which it's about to be stressful)

(Let's take this to occ thread)

http:// Deception to avoid Dissection : 2eP+1eA+2eD 1 failure p-a.png p-s.png a-a.png d-f-f.png d-th-th.png

(ooc: Ah man that didn't help lol. Can I try to like charm them / change their attitude about this decision?)

While Eldrith had been very very very quite doing his job keeping things and people running he tries to chime in to avoid a deadly encounter for their friend.

"Tell you what everyone I'm a trained doctor, researcher and all around bio nerd despite my well worn exterior here. I've got old friends that can handle this if you give us the chance. We've already proven we can handle transporting him and the golden hand is well equipped for transport."

Edited by cybric2686

Yorik whispers, "Eldrith! Man, you've been so quiet aboard the Golden Hind that I forgot to ask you about those a-r-t-i-f-a-c-t-s you retrieved from the p-a-l-a-c-e! Glad you're here to help!"

Yorik winks and claps the other doctor on the shoulder in a welcome return to the crew.

"Absolutely, I do NEED to look at those ARTIFACTS don't I that "I" found most definitely. You know who can help me with that? Why our very own Lord Crumbleberry here. A person with their connections has to be able to help us with that so my good sir if you'll just follow me back to the ship we can talk about how you can be most effective in earning your second chance at life here."

(ooc: Haha glad to be back to! )


1eP+2eA+3eD : 1 success [1eP=S/A] [2eA=A/A, A] [3eD=Th, Th, Th/Th]
p-s-a.png a-a-a.png a-a.png d-th.png d-th.png d-th-th.png

Deception = success!

(Finally! Whoop whoop!!)

(Oh praise the force dude. Can you imagine if we didn't make it lol)

10 hours ago, cybric2686 said:

"Absolutely, I do NEED to look at those ARTIFACTS don't I that "I" found most definitely. You know who can help me with that? Why our very own Lord Crumbleberry here. A person with their connections has to be able to help us with that so my good sir if you'll just follow me back to the ship we can talk about how you can be most effective in earning your second chance at life here."

(ooc: Haha glad to be back to! )

TheMuun seems to accept this and the droids deactivate. Gilt switches on a large hologram which flickered to life

You see Athrizan, with his head in his hands.

Episode 2: This is merely a distraction.

gilt announces " I believe your all familiar with this place...."... an advert starts to play.

" Flerrrrrrrrrrrrboooooooos.... that's Right Everything is here at Fleeeeeeerrrrrrboooooooossss the galaxy's ultimate Mall..... Located Conveniently on the western arm of the Galaxy.... Free parking, Free Gifts.... and Nowwwwww by Hypermegacorp a Intergalactic zoooo, free entry for the kids, face painting.....Come now or be a stick in the mud!.... It's Fun...

Parkingonlyfreeforfirsttwentymicrons Zooonlyfreeeveryotherweekend "

Gilt says " Well at 9:45 local time all contact was lost, seems that having a 'rescue Rancor' was ill advised... as well as"

You see a picture of kull on the monitor, as well as a floating creature in black that only has a oval fangled mouth it screams and the camera cuts off

Gilt says " Go there.. same deal, this time we want one of those two alive...or anyone else with them, clean up the mess, and limit civilian casualties.

While your there, find Oble in Obles collections, he has an item that Mr Zando requested...Astrid make sure it's genuine... you have your mission "

Edited by April