Alchemical Problems IC RPG thread

By April, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

The robot went over and activated the Holo A Ithadorian appeared... and spoke but it was hard to see. Exactly. " You Boys Work for me ya got that.... Not some Pawxy Hutt, Not some Stretch face Me .... The Baws! ... I made this Deal Fram Nawthin ... And Nawbody.... You hear me Nawbody is gonna tell you otherwise....

Right tha Robit there is Zandows.. but I fixed em see ... Naw like you Boys ....." he chuckled

" You Bozos gawt any Questions ? "

10 hours ago, April said:

roll a force dice please

f-ls-ls.png 2 Light side

7 hours ago, April said:

Outside the offices stand three men, one looks like some kind of official from the Imperial Police .... the other two are dressed in black stormtrooper armour

" So your the New suckers ... Working for the Fail..... I mean Republic right guys "

The two stormtroopers laugh " Yeah boss that's right ! " says one

" hey you have a license for your dog...? " says the other

" I'm the ambassador for the Proper Government in Exile... You know you love us The New Empire... We will give you 30,000 credits to just forget the Jawb ...How could you say no "

Just then splat right in front of everyone ..... it was a bothan ...." Gilt... My new suit man!!! "

The sight of Imperials does not sit well with Durrak. Still his employer did tell him not the trouble the Imps.

"I have a job to do. Get out of my way."

Just in case he starts to reach for his Discblade.

In response to Cybax, "Of Course! It was a test to make sure that we could be trustworthy and reliable.... Avoid stormtroopers, stick to the plan, get in, and get out.... if they can't even get outside the building then they're a waste...makes sense!"

After seeing the holo....

"Wait a minute," Yorik said. "Now, I'm confused. Pardon, me, sir, but you're our employer or the Hutt? We may need some clarification regarding the chain of command as this could get confusing in case we need a confirmation of the mission.

When we eliminate the targets and retrieve the intelligence do we bring it back here or directly to you? "

"Ah, smegging hell there's potentially another one. A Muun, a Hutt, and an Ithorian... almost sounds like the start of a bad joke," he thought as he tightened his grip on his glass slightly.

"Yeah, especially if you want live targets brought back. It helps immensely to know just who it is that's expected to take delivery and where that is."

Who are you? Whats the situation on the ground at the port? This is 2000cr minus "deductions", so since thats not much more then a week or two of starship repairs this shouldn't be too involved right? Next Gonothar the Hutt... who is he? Whats his story? Gratho and another outlined the mission, to be effective I need to know the command structure... who are they to you? Do we have specs on these creatures? Whats the protocol for capture and transport? Lastly, and I'm sorry for this becoming a list, but i'm thorough with my information sets for a case... What is the imperial connection to this case?

(i know we are keeping rolls down but i'd be happy to use a deception roll to make him think my curiosity is mostly to be effective and is necessary information)

Zyi is deliberately, putting up his "authoritative and professional" persona. He also knows to look for an opportunity among the contentions of rivals. He didn't survive the streets of Nar Shadda or the slave pens without knowing how to read people.

We are going to need clarification...

He looks to the group as if to urge on their support.

I mean, we could always do a holo-conference, 3 ways, all parties...?

He pauses for dramatic effect.

...and sort it all out? That is, if your not the one who can make things reeeeeeeeee-al simple and clear hmm? Cause right now I have 3 bosses, but only 1 paycheck. Whose digi-signing to authorize that 2000cr slip?

Eldrith raises his glass high and does a charming salute with the glass. "Eldrith Hightower at your service. I'll be the one keeping you all on your feet and patching you up when you get knocked off them."

From a pouch in his utility belt a spider like Droid with scalpel appendages and other mildly scary attachments appears and perches up on his shoulder chirping away in a oddly cute tone of binary. "And this here is my lovely assistant Sussanna she helps me do what i do"


"Yeah I agree with this fella. We're all professionals here I'm sure. So who's actually calling the shots friend You, the hutt, the munn?

Edited by cybric2686

( his accent becomes thicker when he's belligerent )

" Aww my You Barmy Bunch of Nurrf urders are Stuupid aww whawt?

That Hoot Repawted those fings... The Muun Is there becawse the Banking Union waawnts oversight... and Thws put locator beacons in those cards... Fwee Money aww you gouys One Droid shawwt of a Bolt?

The Hoot just wants to show hoots awww Resawnsable ...I bet that fawt Slooge wawnt do nuffin... I'm that only one Worrking faww Zandaww.. Kindaw.. he chuckled.. I'm hiz Boy see?... uund Yoo Nuuf urders are mine!

Take the fawt Slooge taw the big Building Wiv thaw Bluud Sampul but poot the Guool in The cague in tha huld.. It will be Awfloaded when you get back... if you Du..." He chuckled

" Oi Robit actuvat Thu Map "

The robot glitches .. but obeys its obvious something isn't quite right here

" If You Sirs will look here... "

" New Taris was a project long abandoned after the rise of the Empire... however once the Republic.. *Fzzt* Once the Republic.....Once the Republic..." The robot seems to be struggling..

" Awww nawww I got naww tum faw this.... You Boys Listen up yaw Here? I'm Gawna Make this nawce n simple ... Planit basically aBawnded... Run by that fate slooge... Thu Hoot Waws... Roonin it faww gambling n other Stawf... Hawever the Repawwblic.. "

The robot starts up again " Recolonization efforts were met with "

" Aww thank thaw Staws.. Listen to the Robit... if it goes Kablewy just fling him into space or sumthin' yeah!" The ithidorian snapped

"Resistance from the Hutt and his illicit operations... Once found out The Republic appealed to the Butt Council.. They claimed he had earned the world via right of Conquest...

However for some reason Gathro the Hutt... came forward and appealed for justice ... *Fzzt*

He provided proof that these creatures were part of some Experiment from The Former Emperor... He listed every problem and where they currently are... he said normally the Jedi would deal with this but.. the Jedi are no more... but it was his duty for some reason..

The Republic eventually got around to dealing with it... Gathro provided this ship to those taking on the problems..Once he found out who was tasked with the job Zando Corp . with one condition they could not enter one if the rooms..

He also left a com frequency if you need information regarding the creatures or their abilities.. the Nav computer is prepared.. " the droid turns and sparks

" See Ya bunch of Ugnaut nose cleaners ... eazy... blah blah sum dingbat.. go blast it ... boom boom Thu end... simpul ... bring pruuf.. and one of the Beasties ... No defences... probubly.. and if so ... the ship has a turret.. bang bang dead.."

(Roll a deception, If anyone wants to try to see if he's lying or hiding something... You can try using investigate or intelligence )

Edited by April

(are you asking for me to roll a deception check? Or intelligence?)

(Yeah, I'm confused too. Investigation covers a lot of skills including deception.)

( if you have deception use that. My bad, sorry)

Edited by April

"Ahhh, I see" said Yorik, still working through the details. "Same mission as before and we are still working for Mr. Zando but we have a little more clarity regarding all the parties who are interested in what we bring back. The Muun is still working for the Banking Union which is tracking us via the Credit Cards. The Droids and this Ithorian work for Mr. Zando. Gathro (or Gartho? from previous post) the Hutt wants "justice" but probably just wants to take out a rival and is using this premise to do so. "

He leaned back and then looked to his companions.

"So, we get in, blast the baddies, except one. Cuff it and throw it in the hold down below in this yacht. If anyone or anything follows us then we jump in the turret and blast them out of the sky as we make our way back. Just one question though... How does the Empire already know of this and if we encounter trouble do we really need to avoid it or should we resolve it explosively and then pin the blame on someone else so the blowback doesn't fall on us? Ok, that was 2 questions but you still get my meaning..."

(any difficulty?)

" yaw

Just now, TheShard said:

(any difficulty?)

( standard difficulty .. Or you can try to Colombo it)

( standard is 2 purple?)

Just now, TheShard said:

( standard is 2 purple?)

( ya two purps )

"Right on all counts except for the blasting everyone except one. By my count, we have to take in two alive. At least preferred alive, though that doesn't mean we have to keep our hutt guest comfortable. As for convincing an inquisitor, if one is there, to hand over their gear peacefully... yeah, that's a spice dream alright," he said as he took a sip, "however we'll have to see who's there before we can attempt to pin blame on anyone if that is even necessary."

" Look.. As long as there iz Naww imps left to repawt Wut has 'append I dun Care what you Boys Do see? ... Gathro ? Whos Gathro? ... Stuopid Robit... Reproraam You wiv a Socket Wrench.. He means Gartho.. Ignore Gathro Right?, You never Hurd Of Gathro Got it? " The Ithadorian looks like hes been Caught in something sticky

( Never let it be said I don't gamble at times... or do let it be said if that would be better. Either way.)

(Okay, any dice roller available that I can actually paste results from? I have one success.)

Edited by LightningFox

Deception check : 2eA+1eP+2eD 0 successes, 2 advantage
a-s.png a-a.png p-a-a.png d-f-th.png d--.png

7 minutes ago, Cartergame said:

[I posted up the Google Hangouts Dice Roller that I'm using. Currently, there's someone else in there with me named Ulrak but you're all invited]

(its me)

" What?, He snaps... Just forget it okay? ... Stoopid Robit... "

Edited by April

Yorik laughs... "OK, so we head out now to Taris. Do we have any Intel on the environment or security on the planet or the facility or anything? K186, do you by any chance have schematics regarding our destination so we can plan our tactical insertion? Also, I sure hope someone on board can astronavigate us to where we need to be. I can pilot us there but when it comes to knowing the ways of the Hyperspace lanes that's always been far beyond my understanding..."

( Ability 1 Success Ability 1 Success 1 Advantage Difficulty 1 Failure Difficulty If this works, and that's a pretty big if at this point, ignore the advantage.)
Success Advantage