A Gr75 carrying freight and information instrumental for the Rebellion's survival is desperately on the run, and must escape! The Rebel high command suspects a leak, and has assigned a heavy escort force for protection. An ion cannon on the nearby asteroid base provide supporting fire, as suddenly Imperial forces appear on the screens. Claxons sound on the transport as the fighters disciplined accerelate to meet the incoming threat!
Had fun on the weekend with 2 of my children, the house's admiral did not want to participate (more interested in sail ships).
We did the Rebel Transport H2 Blockade Run Mission, albeit slightly modified, only 3 waves of Empire, mostly similar ships to keep the mental strain low (not that easy to keep all the ships, theior abilities and the kids under control).
Point values did not add upp exactly to 200, Empire 182, Rebels 189 (too lazy to trim to 200pts, and want to keep theme and uniformity). 8 rounds. 145x70cm (roughly 4ft9 x 2ft3.5), as I wanted an elongated field instead of playing on our 3x3 X-wing table.
Rebels had:
-2 Ion-cannon Crossfire tokens
-an A-wing wing: 2 Green, Chardaan, Test-Pilot, Calculation, PTL, dpeloyed starport od the transport (flown by the 10y old, who has experience with X-wing)
-an Y-wing wing: 2 Gold, Targeting Astromech, Autoblaster Turret, Ion Torpedoes, EM, deployed to the port of the transport (flown by the 7y old)
-supported by Shara Bey, Alliance Overhaul, Calculation, M9-G8, Weapons Engineer (flown by me)
-a GR75 optimied for survival: Bright Hope, Automated Protocols, Backup Shield Generator, Cluster Bombs (which we forgot to use!), Tibanna Gas, Shield Technician and WED-15 (flown by me)
Empire had:
-3 Turbolaser Crossfire Tokens
Wave 1: Storm Sqd, TIEx1, ATC, Prockets and 2 Acad TIEs
Wave 2: 2 Scimitar, Plasma, Assault, Cluster Mines, EM, Lightweight Frame, escorted by Night Beast.
Wave 3: Lt Colzet, Tiex1, ATC, Prockets and 2 Acad TIEs
One might say the Bombers were overloaded, but I wanted the kids to have a chance. 4 or more Bombers with only minimal ordnance would make mincemeat of a Transport. And I also have only 2 bomber models.
You could also say that more variance on the Ywings torps could have been good, but I wanted it to be not too complicated. And the HotAC AI dooesn't care that much about stress, so Flechette was out.
All Empire ships were flown by the HotAC AI. Thus also no Guidance Chips on Empire, as they anyways get free target locks.
I had to help the AI a bit, and the kids were OK with it, as the AI cannot really handle huge ships well, tends to get overrun by a Huge and smashed.
FGD and others say ARCs w/o Tailgunner are worthless. Maybe in a 100/6, but in this scenarios I used the tailgun only once.
Wave 1 popping in:
Wave 1 was quickly massacred by the Y-wings and support ARC with 1 Ion torp and the Autoblasters. Still, the Adv got the prockets off, and the transport had to frantically reload the shields. 1 TIE survived but was way off out of the battle, still not in shooting range again by turn 8.
Wave 2 appears (used the Rebel Tie to make recognition of Night Beast easy):
Wave 2 punched more, the Clusters and Night Beast almost killed one Awing (1 hull left), punched huge holes into the transport. 1Bomber was almost gunned down (1 hull) in combined fire by the A:s and 1 torp, before run over by the Transport, the other bomber was limping away, along the transport's sides. Night Beast survived, continued harassing the A:s.
Wave 3, in the heat of the battle:
The amount of ions tokens (3 on the Adv already removed) was slightly hilarious...
The Wave 3's Lt Colzet almost killed the transport with his prockets, before being hit by a torp and finished off by Shara. Luckily before he could turn up any crits. The Lt's wing(wo)men were then annihilated by autoblaster fire.
End result:
Calculation did hurt the Empire. But the Empire's Turbolasers punched well, the Cluster mines were evil as well. Transport was barely alive by the end of round 8, had just refilled all shields, but was down to one hull.
One A-wing down to one hull (Clusters and Night Beast), the other without shields, the ARC shieldless as well, one Y had lost shields. If we had continued 2 rounds more the Empire's surviving bomber and Night Beast probably would have killed the transport before the guards could eliminate them (even if the transport could have used the Cluster-Bomb-Cargo on the bomber, it would not have been enough probably).
Lightweight frame definitely helped the bombers.
The 7year old flew slightly suboptimal, and was continually blocking the ARC. Not that a problem, as I anyway had planned to keep Shara close. Shara had mostly the Y's locked, giving them rerolls on the Autoblasters, that was punishing.
My feeling is the Empire has an advantage with their 3 crossfire tokens of 3dice unblockable damage, against the Rebellions 2 tokens of 1 ion and maybe 2 damage. If you concentrate this fire on the transport it is getting really difficult for the rebels, esp as it normally is played on a 3x3, and the GR75 has combat retrofit, and no automated protocols.