Surge Triggering (RuneMath)

By drkpnthr, in Runewars Miniatures Game

I think he's talking about the part where they flip through the rulebook. I've been wanting to go back and watch that in HD in slow mo and screenshot each page to try to read the rules.

2 hours ago, Orcdruid said:

They haven't read the rules yet either.

And? You can read the page at that timestamp.

12 hours ago, drkpnthr said:

I think he's talking about the part where they flip through the rulebook. I've been wanting to go back and watch that in HD in slow mo and screenshot each page to try to read the rules.

You won't need slow mo for some of it, I just went back on my phone and was able to read the surge rule clear enough.

On 3/12/2017 at 1:11 PM, Orcdruid said:

You won't need slow mo for some of it, I just went back on my phone and was able to read the surge rule clear enough.

so, what's the answer, do surges multiply, or do they not as we all suspect.

The answer is that only damage is multiplied by threat (82.3)