Crappy Customer Service

By Podman74, in Star Wars: Destiny

My hope here, is that I might actually get to hear from a customer service rep in regards to this game. I have sent 3 emails to customer service over the last couple of months, and have yet to get a reply. Let me put it to you this way. Where I live, there are not exactly a plethora of readily available game stores. That being said, the ones that are here, got about a sum total of 15 boxes of boosters. Imagine just how far that DOESN'T go. So, when you have a healthy and thriving gaming community, that love, repeat, LOVES Star Wars, this kind of game is going to sell. Then you have the internet merchants (limited availability if you don't want to get ripped off). Doesn't look like I can get my Destiny product there. Then, I get to hear, that I can't even get the boosters now, other than an upcoming limited release. Unless of course I want to get more starter sets, which I have 2 of each already. So, FFG, tell me, WHERE DO THOSE OF US GETTING TOTALLY HOSED GET OUR PRODUCT? Its nice of your customer service team to totally ignore my emails, and for your distribution team to essentially skip the area I live in. Help a huge fan out here. I have thousands of dollars invested in your products, and am ready to keep that up, but not if you can't make enough for me and my friends too.

3 hours ago, Podman74 said:

My hope here, is that I might actually get to hear from a customer service rep in regards to this game. I have sent 3 emails to customer service over the last couple of months, and have yet to get a reply. Let me put it to you this way. Where I live, there are not exactly a plethora of readily available game stores. That being said, the ones that are here, got about a sum total of 15 boxes of boosters. Imagine just how far that DOESN'T go. So, when you have a healthy and thriving gaming community, that love, repeat, LOVES Star Wars, this kind of game is going to sell. Then you have the internet merchants (limited availability if you don't want to get ripped off). Doesn't look like I can get my Destiny product there. Then, I get to hear, that I can't even get the boosters now, other than an upcoming limited release. Unless of course I want to get more starter sets, which I have 2 of each already. So, FFG, tell me, WHERE DO THOSE OF US GETTING TOTALLY HOSED GET OUR PRODUCT? Its nice of your customer service team to totally ignore my emails, and for your distribution team to essentially skip the area I live in. Help a huge fan out here. I have thousands of dollars invested in your products, and am ready to keep that up, but not if you can't make enough for me and my friends too.

It's a bummer that you don't have access to product, but to be fair that doesn't put the blame on FFG's customer service. With any popular products sometimes the demand is far greater than the supply and this is just one of those cases. FFG is aware of this and have stated that they are printing more Awakenings and they should be on the way soon. More info here:

Sadly, I wouldn't get your hopes up. I wrote a similar email in December, followed up many times, and eventually received a terribly generic reply that had nothing to do with my question.

I sent a question about tourney kits back in november and still have not got a reply

7 hours ago, Podman74 said:

My hope here, is that I might actually get to hear from a customer service rep in regards to this game. I have sent 3 emails to customer service over the last couple of months, and have yet to get a reply. Let me put it to you this way. Where I live, there are not exactly a plethora of readily available game stores. That being said, the ones that are here, got about a sum total of 15 boxes of boosters. Imagine just how far that DOESN'T go. So, when you have a healthy and thriving gaming community, that love, repeat, LOVES Star Wars, this kind of game is going to sell. Then you have the internet merchants (limited availability if you don't want to get ripped off). Doesn't look like I can get my Destiny product there. Then, I get to hear, that I can't even get the boosters now, other than an upcoming limited release. Unless of course I want to get more starter sets, which I have 2 of each already. So, FFG, tell me, WHERE DO THOSE OF US GETTING TOTALLY HOSED GET OUR PRODUCT? Its nice of your customer service team to totally ignore my emails, and for your distribution team to essentially skip the area I live in. Help a huge fan out here. I have thousands of dollars invested in your products, and am ready to keep that up, but not if you can't make enough for me and my friends too.

What exactly is it that you want them to say, though?

That's a bummer. At the very least a customer service representative should've had an issued statement apologizing for the circumstances and what they are doing about it.

10 hours ago, soviet prince said:

I sent a question about tourney kits back in november and still have not got a reply

You mean the tournament kits you can purchase from a distributor?

8 hours ago, hey_yu said:

That's a bummer. At the very least a customer service representative should've had an issued statement apologizing for the circumstances and what they are doing about it.

FFG posted an article on the front page (see link above). Would it have been nice to receive a personal response? Maybe, but I can see a reason for not doing so since there was a pretty in-depth article covering this on the main page. Saying it again by e-mail isn't going to make it happen any sooner.

10 minutes ago, Darth Landy said:

FFG posted an article on the front page (see link above). Would it have been nice to receive a personal response? Maybe, but I can see a reason for not doing so since there was a pretty in-depth article covering this on the main page. Saying it again by e-mail isn't going to make it happen any sooner.

Personally, if it was it me it would make difference. It's customer service. I would want to feel like I was being listened to as a customer since I'm spending money for their product. It could've been a an email stating:

We appreciate your business and are aware of the production issues. We have formally released a statement in regards to this at:

It's not that difficult. Also, this article was only released last week. I'm assuming folks submitted their complaints/concerns before then with no response.

On 3/4/2017 at 2:59 AM, soviet prince said:

I sent a question about tourney kits back in november and still have not got a reply

Email Organized Play or the distributor directly. Customer Service likely can't handle this issue, nor will they have an answer for the original poster because it's not their department and they cant change supply shortages.

Contacting Customer Service is like a last resort situation. You email them because you got damaged product, which in my experience they are very good at replacing. Otherwise you want to contact the department you need directly. Email addresses are on the website.

Edited by Engine25

Black-holing questions, even if you think they've been answered, is awful. Even if they can't provide anything but an apologetically-themed form letter, they should be responding. If you're emailing the wrong place they should be directing you to the right one, or forwarding it themselves. The entire point of having a customer service department is to field general inquiries and route them to the right place. It's not the last resort - it's the first.

This wouldn't be acceptable anywhere but email. What would you do if you walked into a store, asked your question, and the person in front of you just ignored you and waved on the next person in line? Or you made a phone call, asked a question, and they just hung up on you? Should a receptionist at the front desk ignore your question because there's a directory posted on the wall behind you?

It doesn't really matter how settled the issue is, when customers ask questions they should get responses. Period.