Jango/Veers deck, please weigh in!

By Stone37, in Star Wars: Destiny

Look! It's a thread about PLAY Destiny! :o

So tonight I'm going to play with a group that I'm expecting to play the Luke/Akbar deck. I'm building a deck that is fast and should get the jump on such slower decks. Here's what I'm thinking:



Frozen Wastes


2x Closing the Net

2x Dug In

2x Firepower

2x Leadership

2x Occupation

2x He Doesn't Like You

2x Unpredictable


2x FO TIE Fighter

2x Speeder Bike Scout

2x Supporting Fire


2x Flame Thrower

1x Commanding Presence

2x F-11D Rifle

2x On the Hunt

1x Thermal Detonator

1x Jetpack

1x Promotion

The idea here it to be fast and keep control of the Battlefield. I've got dice manipulation and ways to disrupt my opponent from stockpiling resources to by those 3+ upgrades. What am I missing? What should I change?

Thanks for the input!

I would say take out the bikes and Ties. They want to hit hard fast and grab control to do it all again next turn

You want two jet packs too. Keep all cost to no more than 2 . You can always play something that way

Get the flamethrowers out the aren't ranged damage. Add holdout blasters. With out them you'll fall to those who do.

5 minutes ago, ozmodon said:

I would say take out the bikes and Ties. They want to hit hard fast and grab control to do it all again next turn

Replace with more cheap upgrades then? Forget about Veers' ability?

3 minutes ago, ozmodon said:

You want two jet packs too. Keep all cost to no more than 2 . You can always play something that way

only have 1 Jetpack and am not willing to pay $15-20 for another. Put could maybe get some DH17 Blasters in there...

I agree about the TIEs and Bikes. Support dice having to be rolled on their own slow down your turn and make you more prone to losing control of the battlefield. You don't need to drop it all, but maybe 1 of each. Also, Veers ability is 'meh' if you want to control the battlefield. Too many actions each turn. I don't agree that everything should be 2 cost though, as upgrading upgrades is a thing. Holdout Blasters would definitely be a good add.

Edited by Xindell

Holdout blasters are a must for their ambush ability, plus infamous as a support to give any yellow card you play the ambush keyword.

3 minutes ago, Xindell said:

I agree about the TIEs and Bikes. Support dice having to be rolled on their own slow down your turn and make you more prone to losing control of the battlefield. You don't need to drop it all, but maybe 1 of each. Also, Veers ability is 'meh' if you want to control the battlefield. Too many actions each turn. I don't agree that everything should be 2 cost though, as upgrading upgrades is a thing. Holdout Blasters would definitely be a good add.

Dropping the TIEs. I think the Bikes have a good ability that might be needed. 2x Holdout Blasters added

I don't think you need to drop the Flamethrower. None of it's damage sides are + damage, and Jango does have a Melee side too. I feel like Infamous isn't really worth it in this deck. I agree that ambush is great, but it doesn't feel like it does enough in this deck to dedicate a card and a resource to making other cards have ambush.

12 minutes ago, Stone37 said:

Replace with more cheap upgrades then? Forget about Veers' ability?

only have 1 Jetpack and am not willing to pay $15-20 for another. Put could maybe get some DH17 Blasters in there...

Yes, yes, and yes. I've seen Backup Muscle used to great effect in nearly every deck that can support it, and Armed to the Teeth is a nice one-of for when you need to get in that last little bit of damage.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH
Just now, Xindell said:

I don't think you need to drop the Flamethrower. None of it's damage sides are + damage, and Jango does have a Melee side too. I feel like Infamous isn't really worth it in this deck. I agree that ambush is great, but it doesn't feel like it does enough in this deck to dedicate a card and a resource to making other cards have ambush.

For the moment, Flamethrower is still in. I also agree about Infamous.

1 minute ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

Yes, yes, and yes. Don't ignore the 1 cost upgrades - DH-17, On the Hunt, and Promotion can all squeeze in a little extra damage, let you dig for better upgrades, and are easily replaced to help mitigate the cost of said upgrades. I've seen Backup Muscle used to great effect in nearly every deck that can support it, and Armed to the Teeth is a nice one-of for when you need to get in that last little bit of damage.

Originally, I had Backup Muscle in this deck, but was scared it was too slow of a card.

3 minutes ago, Stone37 said:

Originally, I had Backup Muscle in this deck, but was scared it was too slow of a card.

You have Jango to make up for that, but I wouldn't underestimate the value of 3 unblockable damage. That's 'uge.

What might slow you down, though, is having to resolve melee damage and ranged damage separately. I'd consider swapping out the Flame Throwers for an IQA or two - use the Promotion or On the Hunts to reduce its cost.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

New list:



Frozen Wastes


1x Electroshock

2x Unpredictable

2x He Doesn't Like You

2x Occupation

1x Firepower

1x Dug In

2x Closing the Net


2x Speederbike

2x Backup Muscle

1x Supporting Fire


1x Commanding Presence

2x F-11D

2x On the Hunt

1x Thermal Detonator

1x Jetpack

2x Promotion

1x Holdout Blaster

2x Flamethrower

2x IQA=11

**Changes Italicized**

Should I drop something to get a second Supporting Fire in there?

Do you have DH-17s Blasters?

Edited by netherspirit1982
3 minutes ago, netherspirit1982 said:

Do you have DH-17s Blasters?

I thought I had at least one of them, but can't seem to find any in my collection =(

1 hour ago, Stone37 said:

Originally, I had Backup Muscle in this deck, but was scared it was too slow of a card.

3 and another 3 with both for a cost of 2 is never a bad choice with backup muscle

Have you played yet?

I think the deck looks like it still needs to be run through it paces because there are cards in there that I am not sure I would have in there: Flamethrower, commanding presence, thermal detonator, supporting fire, I like the tie rather than the bike and occupation.

For me, the deck is good, just need to play a few games and watch how the cards go, do you nearly always use this card for a re-roll, or do you never play this card as the situation never comes up. Does the deck have a fast tempo or slow, because that can affect the battlefield choice.

DH-17's are hard to get because they are good, don't just look at singles prices to see what cards are being played you also have to look at availability. DH17, Holdout blaster and electroshock are all either very expensive or very hard to find.

You could also do with making a firm decision on how you want this deck to play. You say you want a fast deck but have too many cards slowing it down. Flamethrower does a lot of damage but you will have to take an extra turn to resolve that melee damage as opposed to resolving all of your ranged damage in 1 turn. Vehicle's, again, slow the pace of your deck, especially if you intend to use Veers action, as you will spend an action activating vehicle, action to use Veers special action, and finally an action to resolve the die. Anything with ambush speeds you up so much you could have killed of a character before they resolve one of its die.

35 minutes ago, Amanal said:

Have you played yet?

I think the deck looks like it still needs to be run through it paces because there are cards in there that I am not sure I would have in there: Flamethrower, commanding presence, thermal detonator, supporting fire, I like the tie rather than the bike and occupation.

For me, the deck is good, just need to play a few games and watch how the cards go, do you nearly always use this card for a re-roll, or do you never play this card as the situation never comes up. Does the deck have a fast tempo or slow, because that can affect the battlefield choice.

DH-17's are hard to get because they are good, don't just look at singles prices to see what cards are being played you also have to look at availability. DH17, Holdout blaster and electroshock are all either very expensive or very hard to find.

Haven't played yet. Games start in about 2 hours. I'll be sure to let the forum know how it went.

I'd love to change out a few cards, but I'm doing the best with what I have. I like the Bike over the TIE because it removes a die from play and then gives an extra action (special). I'm hoping I get a Bike out before a character goes down. It will keep the damage coming. I too am worried about Flamethrower, but hoping it will bring solid late game damage.

Your events could do with some changes, depending on what you've got available. Consider: Electroshock, Armed to the Teeth, Disarm, Fight Dirty, Logistics, Tactical Mastery. These all help increase your damage or mitigate your opponent's options without costing too much.

Cuts: Closing the Net, Firepower, Occupation, Leadership. Closing the Net is hard to justify for it's cost. Firepower is the same, and without TIEs it's even worse. Occupation is often going to be dead, or you break even. Leadership, people will usually focus Jango anyway, so feels like this is putting all your eggs in one basket.

26 minutes ago, Abyss said:

Your events could do with some changes, depending on what you've got available. Consider: Electroshock, Armed to the Teeth, Disarm, Fight Dirty, Logistics, Tactical Mastery. These all help increase your damage or mitigate your opponent's options without costing too much.

Cuts: Closing the Net, Firepower, Occupation, Leadership. Closing the Net is hard to justify for it's cost. Firepower is the same, and without TIEs it's even worse. Occupation is often going to be dead, or you break even. Leadership, people will usually focus Jango anyway, so feels like this is putting all your eggs in one basket.

Check out my updated list. I made many of these changes. First game is in about 20 minutes. I'll report back late tonight or tomorrow.

So I went 2-2. I would scratch a few cards from this list: Commanding Presence, Occupation, Thermal Detonator, Closing The Net, and Support Fire. Never played the Speeder Bikes either.

More tomorrow...

16 hours ago, Stone37 said:

Should I drop something to get a second Supporting Fire in there?

No, it just slows everything down and if you are going to spend 2 put something down that can do more.

Cards I think are worth a look at, scramble, disarm and the DH-17 (the 1 point blaster). Logistics and Tactical Mastery is also 2 choices that Abyss recommends and I could echo their usefulness.

I also think dodge is worth a think if your meta is mainly gun decks.

So I've removed: Commanding Presence, Thermal Detonator, Speeder Bike Scout (2), Firepower, Closing the Net (2), Supporting Fire, and Occupation (2). I'd like to replace Flame Thrower with the DH-17, I just don't have them. I'd also love to throw in a second Holdout Blaster if I had it. With the cards I have here is the new list:



Frozen Wastes

1x Electroshock

2x Dug In

2x He Doesn't Like You

2x Unpredictable

2x Scramble

2x Logistics (I Would replace these with 1x Holdout Blaster and 1x Electroshock)

2x Tactical Mastery


2x Backup Muscle


2x Promotion

2x F-11D Rifle

2x IQA-11

1x Jetpack

1x Holdout Blaster

2x Flame Thrower (I would replace these with 2x DH-17)

2x On the Hunt