Hello, X-Wing flyers! Wednesday Night at the the local gamer pub was an excellent success. After dominating a HotAC session, we needed something for the three players to do to fill up more of the evening, without running another HotAC and leaving a missing squad-mate lacking in XP. So, we ran a three-way furball, with a token pick-up mechanic to try to keep things from devolving into the usual "Oh, crap; I'm suddenly in the middle, oh I'm dead!" furball scenario.
Turn 0. Really fuzzy picture. I am centered with Miranda/Dash. Left is Ello/Norra/Sabine, right is Vader/Juno/Omega Ace. Tokens are opposite your starting position. You have to land a ship on the token and use an action to pick up the package. Then, survive to escape off your starting position. If the token carrier dies, you're out! Apart from attacking the other token carriers in the ultimate of trollish spoilerism, that is. First one to retreat with the package wins. I rolled for and kept initiative (so that Dash could move first and not bump), and the other two rolled such that movement went clockwise.
Turn 1 (actually, after the turn, dials are placed for Turn 2). I think Ello and Dash traded shots here, for maybe a shield each.
Turn 2. Dash Burnout SLAMs through the middle, escaping all the pain of being trapped in the middle, while Miranda SLAMs behind the eventual position of the Imperial forces. Norra shoots at Dash, for maybe a shield, and the Imps trade shots with Ello, for maybe a shield each.
Turn 3. Miranda drops an Ion Bomb, betting on the rebels and the Imps getting all up in each others's faces and leaving quite a few targets. She guessed right. Dash starts heading for home. Ello is making a bid for his token, as is Juno. Vader bumps and blanks out against a fully tokened Norra - Norra one-shots Vader off the board. Dash and Miranda combine to drop Ahsoka.
Turn 4. Dash continues to reorient and head for home. Miranda runs around causing trouble. Ello drifts toward his package, and Juno runs around the asteroid in front of hers.
Turn 5. Ello and Juno both pick up their packages. Omega Ace bumps Dash. Norra k-turns, drops a shield to Miranda.
Turn 6. I don't know what I was thinking. I went straight with Dash instead of hard turning for home (and barrelled AWAY from the board edge?!?!?), and ended up with two sets of target locks on him. So I popped Countermeasures and hope for the best. Miranda lost a shield to Norra, maybe knocked a shield off Omega Ace? Dash avoided all damage with some very good dice luck.
Turn 7. Because of last turn's poor planning on my part, Dash ended up with three sets of target locks on him this turn, combining to take his last shield and drop two crits on him. Fortunately for me, he's now facing the finish line and moves first on turn 8, for the win!
Edited by Kleeg005