Really ppl. Do we need to fight and bicker like babies? FFG should be informing their loyal customers who have paid and continue to pay for the materials they are producing. Some have paid almost 1000$ on the sw rpg materials alone and if a company wants to keep customers coming back the best way is to keep them happy. A simple way to do that is to state what the hold up is and come up with a way of resolving it and reducing the chances of it happening again. Another is to give free product to counter the issues that are plaguing their business model. Its simple business ppl! A company is nothing without customers so yes they do owe us something.
Of course they could always go back to the negotiation table and try to get pdf rights. That would solve a number of issues if they were successful.
I for 1 wouldn't mind having both a pdf and a hard copy of my books
Due to their reliability issues if it weren't for the star wars products I wouldn't be buying anything from ffg... what can i say I'm a sucker for star wars... but at least I don't have to worry about waisting money on genesis (... unless they want to give me a copy free)
And trollers feel free to add your voice. I've got big shoulders and a thick skin.