Fully Operational - Engineer Source book Announced

By Dr Lucky, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

They're all from non-movie sources, too.

Preview .


Those times and prices on those vehicles are total horse manure. Sci-fi writers have no sense of scale indeed...

swa47_shipwright_art.png swa47_species_art.png

Kaminoans will have high Intellect and something to do with Medicine.

Shipwrights will have Push the Specs, Smart Handling, Fine Tuning, and Solid Repairs.

Edited by Blackbird888

The article pretty clearly states that you have to craft each piece of the ship, so those are just for the frame, with other checks to follow.

Yeah that's just the crafting check for the basic skeleton. There's probably going to be whole other ones for engines, weapons, internal systems, etc.

That looks really cool, the Shipwright in particular with those talents to increase the speed and handling of the ship using Knowledge (Education) is a neat idea.

Ill reserve judgment on space station construction until the book is in my hands. I like that the smallest frames are within the realm of an ordinary game, while the craziness is definitely for campaigns focused on that.

I know the guy who writes these articles, I need to rag on him for being so stingey with the details.

Even though he likely has no control over what he's allowed to reveal, it's still fun to harp :P ! But seriously! The previews for this book have been the teasiest, and still done little to get me excited.

Except maybe Kaminoans. They're pretty cool.

Can't help but wonder if Shipwrights will get a couple of Larger Project, enabling Signature Space Stations!

8 hours ago, Blackbird888 said:

Those times and prices on those vehicles are total horse manure. Sci-fi writers have no sense of scale indeed...

It says it's just for the frame right there on the table.

Guess it does. Consider me sufficiently chastened.

I wonder who did the character art? They have the same kind of glossy look to them that makes me think it's the same artist.

Also, that hologram looks either like a Nebulon-B2 frigate, a relative of the Nebulon-B that debuted in the X-wing games. In the thumbnail image, you can spot the tail end of an Assault Frigate Mark II.

Kaminoans; well that's one mark off of my species list. Pre-Ordered.

I wonder what the third species will be. Probably something like Ugnaught would be my guess.

I'm hoping for Bith, Kaminoan, Skakoan.

34 minutes ago, A7T said:

I'm hoping for Bith, Kaminoan, Skakoan.


Though a fourth species would also be nice.

BTW That preview is somewhat lacking, don't you all agree so?

I think I've made my opinion on that matter clear :P !

12 hours ago, TheMOELANDER said:


Though a fourth species would also be nice.

BTW That preview is somewhat lacking, don't you all agree so?

I like what it said about the shipwright... hinted that it allowed a character to have 2 signature vehicles, speaking from experience (I do have a science masters in Aeronautics and Astronautics, a.k.a. "course 16" and if you get that reference you know the school I got the science masters from) aircraft/spacecraft design is very academic/theory based these days so it makes sense that a shipwright would be using education. I am really looking forward to the shipwright and vehicle construction rules, but I am sure it won'the live up to the hype *I* am giving it and that's on me (the difference between expectations and anticipation, it's the reason i've been deliberately keeping myself ignorant of the disney Era star wars movies before I see them/i.e. avoiding spoilers) initially I thought no disintegrations was a real let down but rereading it, it's a lot better than I thought on my first take. I'm thinking the second or third best Eote career book (IMHO fly casual takes the top spot, and i'm having a hard time deciding whether special modifications, or no disintegrations, take second place, dangerous covenants takes 4 in my book.

6 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

I like what it said about the shipwright... hinted that it allowed a character to have 2 signature vehicles, speaking from experience (I do have a science masters in Aeronautics and Astronautics, a.k.a. "course 16" and if you get that reference you know the school I got the science masters from) aircraft/spacecraft design is very academic/theory based these days so it makes sense that a shipwright would be using education. I am really looking forward to the shipwright and vehicle construction rules, but I am sure it won'the live up to the hype *I* am giving it and that's on me (the difference between expectations and anticipation, it's the reason i've been deliberately keeping myself ignorant of the disney Era star wars movies before I see them/i.e. avoiding spoilers) initially I thought no disintegrations was a real let down but rereading it, it's a lot better than I thought on my first take. I'm thinking the second or third best Eote career book (IMHO fly casual takes the top spot, and i'm having a hard time deciding whether special modifications, or no disintegrations, take second place, dangerous covenants takes 4 in my book.

I am also looking forward to it. So far it seems you need to put several parts together, and construct them individually first. That is how I hoped it to work. So if I have some threat while working on the ships avionics the handling goes down or something. We will see in Q3 I guess.

Unless we get a new preview.


Also the Kaminoans give me the vibe, that there will be some kind of bilogical engineering going on, giving the engineer either the Doctor spec (hope not) or something else.

Edited by TheMOELANDER
More thoughts
1 hour ago, TheMOELANDER said:

I am also looking forward to it. So far it seems you need to put several parts together, and construct them individually first. That is how I hoped it to work. So if I have some threat while working on the ships avionics the handling goes down or something. We will see in Q3 I guess.

Unless we get a new preview.


Also the Kaminoans give me the vibe, that there will be some kind of bilogical engineering going on, giving the engineer either the Doctor spec (hope not) or something else.

I actually think the doctor spec would work well in the engineer career. In the game i'm currently running we have a Droid mechanic/doctor, M4-RK (guess what the player's name is, I helped him build the starting knight level character when we started a few years back, and put M4-RK as placeholder name on the sheet I showed the player and he kept it), the character is primarily built as a support character (modeled off the droid in the eote beginner game, the player had played that pregen character and liked it) but it's pretty badass with the Vulcan neck pinch (brawl from the mechanic and pressure point from the doctor).

With Shipwright confirmed I think one of the others will be a fortifications expert, building trenches, bridges, bases and everything in between.

The third spec makes sense as a medical spec, but I wonder if it could combine making Cybernetics with regular healing to form a military surgeon of sorts. Experts in patching up combat wounded soldiers, not on the battlefield obviously, this is the long term healing stuff.

While Doctor would make an amount of technical sense in the career, it's a bit too similar to Medic, I think for them to reprint it. If they had wanted, they could have reprinted it from day one, but they didn't, so I doubt it will appear this far down the line.

I could see there being another partial medical tree, with some ranks in Physician, Surgeon, or Bacta Specialist, but it would have to focus on something else primarily. Biotech or something, focusing more on chemical applications, with some Medicine.

One that I could see being reprinted here is Droid Tech. Why? Primarily, droids were at a disadvantage when healing wounds, as there was no talent existing that healed more wounds for them, a la Surgeon or Bacta Specialist; Droid Tech and Machine Mender remedied this.

2 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

I actually think the doctor spec would work well in the engineer career. In the game i'm currently running we have a Droid mechanic/doctor, M4-RK (guess what the player's name is, I helped him build the starting knight level character when we started a few years back, and put M4-RK as placeholder name on the sheet I showed the player and he kept it), the character is primarily built as a support character (modeled off the droid in the eote beginner game, the player had played that pregen character and liked it) but it's pretty badass with the Vulcan neck pinch (brawl from the mechanic and pressure point from the doctor).

I have a Medidroid in my group as well, a M edical C ombat unit, model 0Y

Put the bold letters together and groan with me.

1 hour ago, TheMOELANDER said:

I have a Medidroid in my group as well, a M edical C ombat unit, model 0Y

Put the bold letters together and groan with me.

One of the other players in my game is a droid that's a droid tech, building other droids. We tried to get him to come up with a designation to go by, but he didn't want to...he decided he just wanted to go by Bob.

So the rest of us decided it's actually Builder Of Bots, and would be BO-B or something. He isn't as onboard with that idea, no clue why :) (Then again, i'm the bad influence that got one guy to name his human smuggler San Holo, and that we should name our YT-1300 starting ship the Century Eagle...)

On a small side-note, the "Smart Handling" is something that would have been nice for the Commodore. We had that discussion about the Commodore's uselessness already but with the Shipwright spec s/he drifts further into the realm of spec-oblivion.

On 5.5.2017 at 3:21 PM, Blackbird888 said:

While Doctor would make an amount of technical sense in the career, it's a bit too similar to Medic, I think for them to reprint it. If they had wanted, they could have reprinted it from day one, but they didn't, so I doubt it will appear this far down the line.

Doctor? Nah. Trust her, she is a bio-engineer. Bio-Weapons, bioware upgrades included. :D

On 5/5/2017 at 7:21 AM, Blackbird888 said:

While Doctor would make an amount of technical sense in the career, it's a bit too similar to Medic, I think for them to reprint it. If they had wanted, they could have reprinted it from day one, but they didn't, so I doubt it will appear this far down the line.

I could see there being another partial medical tree, with some ranks in Physician, Surgeon, or Bacta Specialist, but it would have to focus on something else primarily. Biotech or something, focusing more on chemical applications, with some Medicine.

While I think your prediction (biotech) is likely correct, I don't agree with the reasoning that got you there... suppose that they did intend to put the doctor in from the beginning... the mechanic is the highest priority spec to include in the 3 engineer specs in the core book, scientist is likely second to cover the roll of scholar from eote that would otherwise be left uncovered, then the third spot is a contest between saboteur and doctor, and since medic covers the doctoring role already and a rebel saboteur is so thematically appropriate, doctor (supposing it was intended to be repeated) would naturally get pushed back to the engineer book.

So while my gut/intuition (based on the kaminoan) says you are correct, I don't agree that the current absence of evidence (i.e. no doctor spec in the aor core book) is evidence of absence (i.e. doesn't support the conclusion that doctor won'the appear in the engineer book)

However, I'll admit that I have a desire to see the pressure point talented introduced into AoR as a player accessible talent and this could be biasing/coloring my judgment on the matter.

I really hope Doctor isn't reprinted, it's so incredibly similar to Medic that I can't see justification. It also has absolutely no talent that thematically fits a medical researcher which is what the Engineer is all about. Cyberneticist would be good too, but it's incredibly self focused.

I want to see a spec that's about fitting Cybernetics to other people. But I also think Droids should get a shoe in the door. Then there is the entire cloning thing. Since Cloning seems to take a long time I doubt we will see rules for it.

6 hours ago, Richardbuxton said:

I really hope Doctor isn't reprinted, it's so incredibly similar to Medic that I can't see justification. It also has absolutely no talent that thematically fits a medical researcher which is what the Engineer is all about. Cyberneticist would be good too, but it's incredibly self focused.

I want to see a spec that's about fitting Cybernetics to other people. But I also think Droids should get a shoe in the door. Then there is the entire cloning thing. Since Cloning seems to take a long time I doubt we will see rules for it.

Oooh, that would be it, wouldn't it. Clone crafting rules...

daaaaaaaaaaaaarn son!