Fully Operational - Engineer Source book Announced

By Dr Lucky, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Shipwright spec and starship crafting rules. I'd be more excited if I didn't think the crafting systems we've seen so far weren't monstrosities easily able to destroy game balance.

Shipwright and starship crafting rules! I may have let out a small shout and a fist pump at my desk at work (drawing a few awkward glances). Off to sketching class, really hyped for this book can barely wait.

Far too excited for my own health. I love the crafting system and my current character is preparing to strip down and rebuild his current ship. The book probably won't be in before he does that though.

Hot diggity, starship crafting rules!

Seriously? The name of ONE spec and nothing else? Come on , FFG! All or nothing, not partial data! Grrr!

I know the guy who writes these articles personally, so I'm gonna give him an ear full even though the decision probably wasn't up to him :) .

Does he LOOK like a BITH?

Yes.. yes he does. Finally!

They nailed it with the title.

2 hours ago, Dr Lucky said:


The article content is pretty thin. We are definitely getting a Shipwright spec. Cover makes it seem that Bith are all but certain.

They really announce them faster than they can deliver them. I am still theoretical waiting for forged in battle and up. I hope we don't get another 2 pages of crafting tables to spend advantages for. ;-)

Here's to hoping the Givin get a nod in this book. It makes perfect sense for them to be there but you know .....

Hey, that's my dad on the cover!


The name of this image reads "Tools of the Trade." It looks like a specialization picture, or a signature ability picture. None of the specialization character pictures show a species not playable in the game, and Twi'leks aren't 'officially' in AoR.

I hope we get 'base' entries for weapons like Heavy Proton Torpedo Launchers, Bomb Chutes, and the like to add-on through Upgraded Weapons. Things like price, rarity and such dont show up for these weapons on vehicles where they are already mounted.

Very astute, Blackbird :) . First thing I did on seeing that image is check the title, see if it would spoil a spec name! And you're spot on on Twi'leks. I think it would be odd if we got Twi'leks again, in this book, no less, but it's looking like at least a possibility.

11 minutes ago, HappyDaze said:

I hope we get 'base' entries for weapons like Heavy Proton Torpedo Launchers, Bomb Chutes, and the like to add-on through Upgraded Weapons. Things like price, rarity and such dont show up for these weapons on vehicles where they are already mounted.

Oh baby, give them the heavy protons for sil 5 ships, a gonna give you double broadsides with them from a C-Roc ;-)

Interesting article, after the info dump of DoH this one was definitely more of a tease. We got Shipwright, but there were hints there that could point to other specs. There was a lot of talk of bases and disaster recovery, that suggests something like a Fortifier or Builder. There was also talk of a combat engineer, I take that to be about trenches, traps and remote access engineering so something that utilises the Trailblazers Cunning Snair talent - Combat Tech?

Tools for the Trade has got to be a Signature Ability, it sounds like a way to decrease the difficulty of Mechanics checks.

Ship building should be interesting, I'm guessing it will build on the Pod Racer rules in EV. Build the chassis then build the core components, that could be half a chapter alone! I'm actually not expecting much reprint from SM as far as the crafting rules go, I don't think FFG will want to duplicate that much space that could be new fluff.

Q3 2017, so proably around April 2018 for we Outer Rim (UK) peasants :P

31 minutes ago, Absol197 said:

Very astute, Blackbird :) . First thing I did on seeing that image is check the title, see if it would spoil a spec name! And you're spot on on Twi'leks. I think it would be odd if we got Twi'leks again, in this book, no less, but it's looking like at least a possibility.

Honestly I would have put Twi'leks in the Spy book if I were going to put them in an AoR book.

4 minutes ago, Kael said:

Honestly I would have put Twi'leks in the Spy book if I were going to put them in an AoR book.

Definitely, a Twi'Lek makes a fun Engineer but a far better Spy.

I hoping for Zeltrons, myself :) . But since I know they can't possibly be in my Mystic book (which, until I'm proven wrong, I am calling Unseen Mysteries :P ), because that would be too much good things happening for me, is it too crazy to hope they might be in this book?


Yes. Yes it is too crazy. But I'm crazy, so that checks out :) .

So I wonder how much complaining on the boards there will be about how the starship construction rules don't allow a PC to make ships that are similar to if not identical to pre-existing starships? :rolleyes: Which was a complaint leveled against both of WotC's ship construction rules, the OCR and Saga Edition versions, though with Saga Edition Rodney came right out and said the build rules weren't meant to allow PCs to fully replicate any of the officially stat'd ships.

As for species, we know from past experience that FFG is willing to make oddball choices; case in point is Special Modifications and how zero of the species there were what folks were expecting. Or could be that the Spy book will have Twi'leks and was expected to be released before Fully Operational, only for the two books to get swapped in the production schedule.

When you look at the "Factory Customs" compared to the "build your own" Pod Racers they're definitely different. Same goes for the modular star fighter, it's different to all the other ships. FFG just won't have those unique rules found on some ships available for the hand crafted ones... but I bet they are extreme in their abilities

13 minutes ago, Donovan Morningfire said:

As for species, we know from past experience that FFG is willing to make oddball choices; case in point is Special Modifications and how zero of the species there were what folks were expecting. Or could be that the Spy book will have Twi'leks and was expected to be released before Fully Operational, only for the two books to get swapped in the production schedule.

Except we know that the Spy book is not next. This book has the product code of SWA47; Forged in Battle is SWA42, and in the Age of Rebellion product code order, the three specialization decks and the signature abilities deck come after the book. So SWA43, 44, 45, and 46 are the new Soldier spec decks and SA deck. Then we get to Fully Operational at 47. No place for Secret Agendas (I'm trying out new book names to find the one I think it'll be; not sure I like this one) in the middle there.

So it's either a random Twi'lek picture from the middle of the book (maybe, with it's title, it's in the Gear chapter?), or it's a Spec iconic character, in which case we're getting a Twi'lek reprint as a species.

Other than humans, has any species been presented as a PC option in all three lines?

Umm...no. I don't believe so. But Twi'leks are kinda iconic. Maybe not so much as Wookiees, but...