Fully Operational - Engineer Source book Announced

By Dr Lucky, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

9 hours ago, Richardbuxton said:

Since Cloning seems to take a long time I doubt we will see rules for it.

That just means you have to spend a Destiny Point to "reveal" your nearly-finished, long-gestating secret cloning project that was totally there the whole time and not just something you came up with on the spot.

On ‎5‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 4:19 AM, Richardbuxton said:

I really hope Doctor isn't reprinted, it's so incredibly similar to Medic that I can't see justification. It also has absolutely no talent that thematically fits a medical researcher which is what the Engineer is all about. Cyberneticist would be good too, but it's incredibly self focused.

Well, we have seen prior EotE specs be re-printed for AoR (Pilot, Driver, Heavy, Mechanic, Scout, Slicer), and we've had specs that are similar in theme/nature exist in separate careers. Mercenary Captain (EotE Hired Gun) and Tactician (AoR Commander) both have fairly similar feels to them.

Besides, Medic is more "immediate aid" or "meatball surgery," which makes sense for a Soldier career, where Doctor is a tad more academic and generally more focused on proper medical care with a side order of Frankenstein due to the Stim Application talent series.

Having Doctor as an Engineer spec also means that if a player wants to focus on a dedicated healing spec in AoR from the start, they're not forced to go Soldier as their career. Have seen this come up with a player that wanted a character that was more of an intellectual-turned-rebel as opposed to a trained fighter-turned-healer, want to take ranks in Intellect-based skills as career skills as opposed to (in their opinion) being shoe-horned into taking combat-focused skills they never really planned on investing very much in.

I will definitely agree a medical spec should be included in Engineer, I just disagree that doctor is the right spec. The Medic and Doctor both have:

Stim application (including Improved and Supreme), Master Doctor, Natural Doctor, Anatomy Lessons, Dodge, 2 Surgeon, 1 Bacta Specialist, 1 Toughened, 2 Grit, and obviously Dedication.

Medic gets Its Not That Bad for a unique talent, along with 3 stimpack Specialisation, well rounded and forager.

Doctor gets an extra rank of Surgeon, an extra Bacta specialist, 1 extra Grit, 2 resolve, and everyone's favourite Pressure Point.

Seriously it's crazy how much similarity there is, no other specs have that much in common and are still in the same system, 14 out of 20, and almost all the unique talents match.

Yes the skill lists are vastly different, but is that enough to justify the same tree in 2 career in the same system?

FFG have definitely gotten a habit of having specs that do similar things, but they always do it in far different ways, Hotshot Pilot and Driver are so different yet very similar.

Scientist has the Medicine skill, but it doesn't do much with it, there is definitely room for more there... but again an almost identical spec in 2 careers in the same system? I'm skeptical.

I'd like a doctor-type without Stim Application. It just seems so videogame-y. Sure, I can buy around the talents, but I'd rather have something else that's more in-theme for a SW healer.

I LOVE Stim Application. In an older game (that unfortunately ended), our "doctor" wasn't exactly board-certified. She was a drug dealer, and her Stim Application was her injecting the party with experimental versions of her wares, and taking notes on the effects during--and perhaps more importantly, after--the battle.


Edited by Absol197
8 hours ago, Absol197 said:

I LOVE Stim Application. In an older game (that unfortunately ended), our "doctor" wasn't exactly board-certified. She was a drug dealer, and her Stim Application was her injecting the party with experimental versions of her wares, and taking notes on the effects during--and perhaps more importantly, after--the battle.


I agree, This talent is rife with juicy RP potential. Because of that, it is my favorite talent in the game.

8 hours ago, Absol197 said:

I LOVE Stim Application. In an older game (that unfortunately ended), our "doctor" wasn't exactly board-certified. She was a drug dealer, and her Stim Application was her injecting the party with experimental versions of her wares, and taking notes on the effects during--and perhaps more importantly, after--the battle.


Had a Trandoshan Doctor in a con game I was playing that did the exact same thing, with the player adding a heaping helping of "demented mad scientist" for an extra level of kookiness, complete with "crazy eyes" and Igor-inspired voice.

Talk about motivation to avoid taking injuries in combat...



Bith have higher cunning, and probably lower brawn. Sapper looks interesting, but without the full rules for each talent it looks like it could be abused. Since it doesn't say for two of them it's limited to once per encounter/session. New rules for creating explosives from compounds, and what looks like a lot of explosives in the book as well.



"It providing cover."

Nailed it.


Looks like it will be a reprint of the demolitions rules from Dangerous Covenants, but with some more options. That's acceptable.

On 5/3/2017 at 9:44 AM, Blackbird888 said:

Preview .


Those times and prices on those vehicles are total horse manure. Sci-fi writers have no sense of scale indeed...

swa47_shipwright_art.png swa47_species_art.png

Kaminoans will have high Intellect and something to do with Medicine.

Shipwrights will have Push the Specs, Smart Handling, Fine Tuning, and Solid Repairs.

The freighter materials cost for the Frame looks reasonable. Since you can buy a complete stating ship for 120,000 fredits, 50,000 as the materials cost for the frame seems pretty reasonable. I'm also pretty sure that the 50M space station isn't meant to include the deathstar.

Hmm, the Sapper seems to be really close to the saboteur.

Probably is but with more defense stuff in it

22 minutes ago, TheMOELANDER said:

Hmm, the Sapper seems to be really close to the saboteur.

I'm guessing it won't have things like Powerful Blast and Selective Detonation. Sapper might be more "knowledge of explosives" while Saboteur is more "application of explosives."

16 hours ago, Blackbird888 said:

I'm guessing it won't have things like Powerful Blast and Selective Detonation. Sapper might be more "knowledge of explosives" while Saboteur is more "application of explosives."

Yeah I guess. Plus those on-the-fly defense position creation pracically scream to be paired with the Soldier career, while Saboteur is more friendly towards the Spy career in my opinion.

Actually I think this goes well with many specs, mechanics based specss, as well as the soldier careers and spy...

On 21.5.2017 at 2:28 PM, TheMOELANDER said:

Yeah I guess. Plus those on-the-fly defense position creation pracically scream to be paired with the Soldier career, while Saboteur is more friendly towards the Spy career in my opinion.

I agree. Sapper seems more like the typical Combat Engineer, who also builds things in addition to blowing them up. I'm looking forward to seeing the whole spec laid out, it looks quite interesting.

Sapper= Guy with all the mines and the knowledge to detonate and remove them. Think of the application of sappers in real warfare. They're soldiers with mines and Anti-Tank weapons. If these guys don't get Gunnery, Ranged Light/Heavy, Mechanics, and skullduggery as extra career skills, I'll be surprised.

Saboteur= Guy who infiltrates enemy territory, places a butt-load of Thermal Detonators on the new TIE Phantom prototypes, and gets the hell out of there. He's a sneaky bomber with enough explosives to make the Cymoon 1 factory go haywire.

On 9.5.2017 at 6:16 AM, EliasWindrider said:

While I think your prediction (biotech) is likely correct, I don't agree with the reasoning that got you there... suppose that they did intend to put the doctor in from the beginning... the mechanic is the highest priority spec to include in the 3 engineer specs in the core book, scientist is likely second to cover the roll of scholar from eote that would otherwise be left uncovered, then the third spot is a contest between saboteur and doctor, and since medic covers the doctoring role already and a rebel saboteur is so thematically appropriate, doctor (supposing it was intended to be repeated) would naturally get pushed back to the engineer book.

So while my gut/intuition (based on the kaminoan) says you are correct, I don't agree that the current absence of evidence (i.e. no doctor spec in the aor core book) is evidence of absence (i.e. doesn't support the conclusion that doctor won'the appear in the engineer book)

However, I'll admit that I have a desire to see the pressure point talented introduced into AoR as a player accessible talent and this could be biasing/coloring my judgment on the matter.

Scientist is already in the AoR core, so I am unsure what your angle is there. Bio-Engineer would be a great addition and combines well the with Scientist which is already in the AoR core. Though I would not expect to see pressure point at all in an AoR book, it does not really seem to fit the theme.

But I guess, sapper it is. :)

1 hour ago, SEApocalypse said:

Scientist is already in the AoR core, so I am unsure what your angle is there. Bio-Engineer would be a great addition and combines well the with Scientist which is already in the AoR core. Though I would not expect to see pressure point at all in an AoR book, it does not really seem to fit the theme.

But I guess, sapper it is. :)

The "angle" is, that even if doctor was 1 of the 6 engineer specs that they planned from the beginning (which I'd like but am not expecting), it isn't what I'd think they'd put in the core book. Thus absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Edited by EliasWindrider

So we still don't know the final spec... enough with the teasing already!

Gosh, I know >_< ! Trust me, the guy who writes the articles had gotten multiple earfulls from me about this :P !

Not like he has any say in the matter, but still! It's so freaking annoying! Everything or nothing! Pick one! Especially if the book is going to take three-quarters of a year to come out!

Edited by Absol197

I wouldn't be surprised if we get that Medical spec for Engineers....... and I wouldn't be surprised if it's a reprint of the Cybertech from EotE Special Modifications. Makes sense really. AoE is about a war. People who get injured in War are often amputees. Those casualties need prosthetics. Just look at Luke.

16 hours ago, MitchPelon said:

I wouldn't be surprised if we get that Medical spec for Engineers....... and I wouldn't be surprised if it's a reprint of the Cybertech from EotE Special Modifications. Makes sense really. AoE is about a war. People who get injured in War are often amputees. Those casualties need prosthetics. Just look at Luke.

I really agree it's fitting, my problem is that Cyberneticist is heavily focused on oneself, an engineer is more focused on supporting the rest of the team.

On 5/3/2017 at 8:44 AM, Blackbird888 said:


Oooh, with a couple of my talents, it'll only cost me 25,000,000 to build me a Death Star Space Station! And I can have it done in 10 days, thanks to my Tool Box!

That's just the frame. he equipment will cost much, much more and take a very long time to install.