Hallowing Fire Enc 2b - Map issue?

By Indalecio, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

In Encounter 2b of Hallowing Fire (Mists of Bilehall), the bottom side of the map indicates that tile 8 B should be used as the Sanctum, however the reference made below states 82 B. Which one is correct?

Tile 82B looks like it could also be the Sanctum.

Can I assume the map design takes precedence over the text reference?


It's definitely a typo, 8B is the sanctum, because 82B isn't even part of that map.

I have no idea whether FFG uses a vault-like tool in their official map construction. If they do, it is MUCH simpler to make a typo of a number (82 vs 8) than to choose a wrong map piece, including an endcap.

Edited by Zaltyre