Ever since Avalon Hill produced Star Wars: The Queen's Gambit I've been wanting a similar game which depicts the final battle of Return Of The Jedi. Fifteen years later Hasbro finally releases this, but from what I've read the game was rushed and is dismally flawed (to the point that both players should ignore the Death Star and Forest Moon entirely - focusing 100% on the space battle).
Lucky for us Hasbro does not have a monopoly in Star Wars board games! Could FFG possibly step up do this theme a little more justice? I'm not sure if FFG intends to make more Star Wars board games (please, please) or would rather simply keep churning out RPGs, card games, and miniatures. But if there is any inclination to do another board game this should go over very well considering what a trophy/grail game Queen's Gambit is (and fun too).
Star Wars: Rebellion is pretty much perfect, so as much as I like expansions a new Star Wars board game would be even better!