How much latitude do you allow creating new ideas

By Panda72, in Game Masters

5 minutes ago, Desslok said:

Well, faster than light communication can be handwaved away and it's not very damaging in the big picture. I mean hopping in the TARDIS and flitting back to Mustfar and putting a blaster bolt through a mortally wounded Anakin's head. That doesnt feel very Star Warsy to me.

It all depends on the table. A group that's not concerned with canon and plays fast and loose with lore may find it to be a fun concept to base a game around. A group that doesn't probably won't. RPG sessions are all self contained universes, anything can happen.

I do agree though. It doesn't feel very Star Warsy to me either.

I would've said it didn't feel very Stargatey too, but then it happened and I loved the result. So yeah, some people may enjoy that kind of thing more than others.

Edited by ghatt
4 hours ago, Panda72 said:

I've got to get more creative in handling these situations.

Fiction writers are often told they have to "kill their darlings" -- that is, dump their favorite ideas since they usually get in the way of even better things. I think we GM's face a similar situation... we have to be ready to kill *our* darlings when player ideas, events, or narrative dice rolls come knocking. It can be hard to do, but it's always been worth it when I've managed to pull it off.

Oh, btw, it seems like the first FTL travel in legends is done via force-technology, until the Duros develop a conventional hyperdrive. So that stuff is really, really old and the knowledge should be lost for thousands of years, and long forgotten outside of maybe a literal hand-full force users in the galaxy. That is, if you want to use the legends canon.

And speaking of legends, they have a solid amount of time travel and time manipulations as well: ;-)

Edited by SEApocalypse
4 hours ago, SEApocalypse said:

Oh, btw, it seems like the first FTL travel in legends is done via force-technology, until the Duros develop a conventional hyperdrive. So that stuff is really, really old and the knowledge should be lost for thousands of years, and long forgotten outside of maybe a literal hand-full force users in the galaxy. That is, if you want to use the legends canon.

And speaking of legends, they have a solid amount of time travel and time manipulations as well: ;-)

Yeah in canon, hyperspace travel was patterned after Purrgil. You know, space whales that breathe the same gases that ships use for fuel and can travel in hyperspace naturally.

Edited by GroggyGolem

I do agree that just having one night brother that can inexplicably warp someone to one destination to another is a touch weird. While the players can create a backstory it's ultimately up to the GM in how that backstory is manifested; sometimes the player not knowing the precise mechism might make things more suprising then they appear. I mean, for starts why did the Nightbrother feel inclined to move this one individual?