Prediction Based on Current Buisiness Model

By dpb1298, in Star Wars: Destiny

9 hours ago, JediGeekGirl said:

"The sky is falling, The sky is fall"

*looks up*

its still there.....

soooo. If everybody has this much concern over a new game, isn't that in itself an issue? These very real issues have stunted the growth of new players to this game. Whether the game will recover or not, time will tell.

The takeaway I have taken is that there has been nothing but complaining. As it has been mentioned before it is way too soon to start calling wolf, now if it was a year into the game instead of where we are right now to me, and this is just my opinion,it would hold more weight.

I have my concern and my frustration, but they are reserved. I prefer To stay more optimistic right now. Wait and see. Trust me FFG is aware

42 minutes ago, JediGeekGirl said:

The takeaway I have taken is that there has been nothing but complaining. As it has been mentioned before it is way too soon to start calling wolf, now if it was a year into the game instead of where we are right now to me, and this is just my opinion,it would hold more weight.

I have my concern and my frustration, but they are reserved. I prefer To stay more optimistic right now. Wait and see. Trust me FFG is aware

I agree that some things can be better and that it is also too early to cry wolf. The bright side is that it's a great game and if nothing else it's very collectable, so if it does fail down the road. The game may very well be worth more than what you've invested in it. Oh, the best part is that the sky is falling crowd can play this in their bomb shelters as it's sure to not take up much room. Seeing how it's doomed to fail

2 hours ago, JediGeekGirl said:

The takeaway I have taken is that there has been nothing but complaining. As it has been mentioned before it is way too soon to start calling wolf, now if it was a year into the game instead of where we are right now to me, and this is just my opinion,it would hold more weight.

I have my concern and my frustration, but they are reserved. I prefer To stay more optimistic right now. Wait and see. Trust me FFG is aware

I'm not necessarily complaining. At least that wasn't my intent although my saltiness may be wearing through. I hope to offer constructive criticism to help the game grow and succeed. I want it to do well and it's a really fun game I want to actually be able to play with people-not have to chase. The current trend is really damning and damaging to a new game and I fear that it won't recover. That's frustrating and why some of us are being really vocal. We can tell when something is going badly and quick. They'll have supply fixed by next year, but the damage may be too extensive by then for people to want to get back in with the new core. To not be able to get any cards from the last three sets is really going to rub a lot of people the wrong way. Especially when favorite characters are locked back there and will being sold as $50 singles.

Edited by dpb1298
8 minutes ago, dpb1298 said:

I'm not necessarily complaining. At least that wasn't my intent although my saltiness may be wearing through. I hope to offer constructive criticism to help the game grow and succeed. I want it to do well and it's a really fun game I want to actually be able to play with people-not have to chase. The current trend is really damning and damaging to a new game and I fear that it won't recover. That's frustrating and why some of us are being really vocal. We can tell when something is going badly and quick. They'll have supply fixed by next year, but the damage may be too extensive by then for people to want to get back in with the new core. To not be able to get any cards from the last three sets is really going to rub a lot of people to wrong way.

I would like to say that my statement was not about you directly, but more at the community at large. We don't have all the facts about the next set numbers, once we do then it would help with the claim may people are making. Besides it is FFG's game and for better or worse, they know what they want this game to be. It may or may not line up with other's people opinion of what it should be but we should respect it if we want to be apart of it. If people are not happy, there are other games out there. Another idea would be to create your own X in this game for it to be one that you enjoy. It is too soon for me personally to be so cynical about it, but I know others don't share that. That's normal, I am just saying to take a deep breath.

Edited by JediGeekGirl
7 minutes ago, JediGeekGirl said:

I would like to say that my statement was not about you directly, but more at the community at large. We don't have all the facts about the next set numbers, once we do then it would help with the claim may people are making. Besides it is FFG's game and for better or worse, they know what they want this game to be. It may or may not line up with other's people opinion of what it should be but we should respect it if we want to be apart of it. If people are not happy, there are other games out there. Another idea would be to create your own X in this game for it to be one that you enjoy. It is too soon for me personally to be so cynical about it, but I know others don't share that. That's normal, I am just saying to take a deep breath.

It's only too soon if this is your first dance with FFG. The fact is that many of us who've been loyal customers for years are worn thin and increasingly alienated by a company that just flat out refuses to learn from its mistakes. The state of the game is only forgivable and deserving of your optimism if you choose to ignore all of recent history.

6 hours ago, GrandMoffMatt said:

People aren't allowed to complain, share an opinion, etc. That's the takeaway I have been able to gleam since the announcement was made by FFG.

To be fair, those who think people aren't allowed to complain about this are the same people who always think people aren't allowed to complain. Nothing new about this particular announcement.

Man, ain't that the truth, Buhallin?

1 hour ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

It's only too soon if this is your first dance with FFG. The fact is that many of us who've been loyal customers for years are worn thin and increasingly alienated by a company that just flat out refuses to learn from its mistakes. The state of the game is only forgivable and deserving of your optimism if you choose to ignore all of recent history.

They are number one so how does that equate to mistakes. They keep growing and expanding to other country's. Seem likely that they have gotten it figured out pretty well. I get that people want more. I've been playing ffg's games for more than 20 years and I keep coming back.

Edited by ozmodon
2 minutes ago, ozmodon said:

They are number one so how does that equate to mistakes. They keep growing and expanding to other country's. Seem likely that they have gotten it figured out pretty well. I get that people want more. I've been playing ffg's games for more than 20 years and I keep coming back.

Show me where it says that they're number one.

2 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

Show me where it says that they're number one.

Show me where it says they aren't


That's not how facts work. Do you have a source, or are you just talking out of your ass?

Edited by WonderWAAAGH
1 hour ago, JediGeekGirl said:

I would like to say that my statement was not about you directly, but more at the community at large. We don't have all the facts about the next set numbers, once we do then it would help with the claim may people are making. Besides it is FFG's game and for better or worse, they know what they want this game to be. It may or may not line up with other's people opinion of what it should be but we should respect it if we want to be apart of it. If people are not happy, there are other games out there. Another idea would be to create your own X in this game for it to be one that you enjoy. It is too soon for me personally to be so cynical about it, but I know others don't share that. That's normal, I am just saying to take a deep breath.

pretty sure they don't want it to be a dead game. And if the second set disappoints with supply, it sure will be.

4 minutes ago, msieder said:

pretty sure they don't want it to be a dead game. And if the second set disappoints with supply, it sure will be.

No one wants a dead game. A disappointing 2nd set is not going to kill it. A set without sales would be a cause for alarm, I don't see that happening. When there is product on the self not selling, that's when I'll worry.

Just now, JediGeekGirl said:

No one wants a dead game. A disappointing 2nd set is not going to kill it. A set without sales would be a cause for alarm, I don't see that happening. When there is product on the self not selling, that's when I'll worry.

well a month ago we had 20 people show up to a tournament. many of them were complaining about not being able to buy any product. At last week's tournament. there were 10. fringe players are definitely dropping out. stunting the player base growth in a new game can be hazardous. There are many interested players doing as you suggest. Hold their breathe and wait and see. If those players again cant get what they want in the second set. see ya later.

5 minutes ago, JediGeekGirl said:

No one wants a dead game. A disappointing 2nd set is not going to kill it. A set without sales would be a cause for alarm, I don't see that happening. When there is product on the self not selling, that's when I'll worry.

And not having enough product for the first 6 months of a game results in the later. Look at Dicemasters, similiar style, similiar **** ups, and now, at least locally, there are boxes of it on the shelfs and not selling. If you have to little product early you dont grow, then you produce a bunch and next thing you know it doesnt sell. Been gaming for roughly the last 20 years and seen this happen to plenty of games, mostly CCGs as matter of fact.

Edited by GamerGuy1984
22 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:


That's not how facts work. Do you have a source, or are you just talking out of your ass?

If you knew the facts you wouldn't ask. They are 7th in over all sales in the world. Games like Monopoly is still the best selling board game. They have risen above GW who has fallen 9th. They are doing just fine with out your input. But keep up the sky is falling rhetoric. It seems to be working for you.

Links, please.

28 minutes ago, GamerGuy1984 said:

And not having enough product for the first 6 months of a game results in the later. Look at Dicemasters, similiar style, similiar **** ups, and now, at least locally, there are boxes of it on the shelfs and not selling. If you have to little product early you dont grow, then you produce a bunch and next thing you know it doesnt sell. Been gaming for roughly the last 20 years and seen this happen to plenty of games, mostly CCGs as matter of fact.

This is exactly it and what I don't want to happen. I fear that once they can actually produce product that no one will want it. Tons of gamers wanted Dice Masters at first and couldn't get it. Moved on. Now I see tons of Dice Masters stock sitting around limply. I think Destiny will fare a bit better since its design is superior, but I really want the game to reach its potential before it slumps.

I guess you can just call me naïve for trying to be cautiously optimistic about everything. I am sure FFG is aware of this and I am sure Disney is watching this. Worst case scenario this could lose them the license, best case scenario they make dramatic moves to address the issue of the masses. A more realistic thing is that you are going to have a stagnant game with your loyal people following it. For me (and this is just me), I'm going to be playing if there are 5 people at a tournament or 20. I'm sorry people are upset about this. CCGs are a tricky business. It's why there have been some that come and go but only the same 3 stay on top. The only thing I know is that I am enjoying the game right now, and I am going to stay cautiously optimistic moving forward.

Edited by JediGeekGirl
9 minutes ago, JediGeekGirl said:

I guess you can just call me naïve for trying to be cautiously optimistic about everything. I am sure FFG is aware of this and I am sure Disney is watching this. Worst case scenario this could lose them the license, best case scenario they make dramatic moves to address the issue of the masses. More realistic thing that you are going to have is stagnant game with your loyal people. For me (and this is just me), I'm going to be playing if there are 5 people at a tournament or 20. I'm sorry people are upset about this, but CCGs are a tricky business. It's why there have been some that come and go but only the same 3 on top. The only thing I know is that I am enjoying the game right now, and I am going to stay cautiously optimistic.

Well many of us arnt "The sky is falling" like many like to say. We simply state that the decissions and track record doesnt have us optimistic. Will I be happy if Destiny pulls a 180 and comes back to rival any of the top 3, Pokemon Yugioh or god willing Magic? Yes decidedly so. But I wont be shocked if the opposite happens.

When I state that I think the game is going wrong its not a straight up kill off but a shortening of its life span. If all went well Destiny should of had about a 8 year lifespan, or 2025. With the current choices I feel its closer to a 5 year lifespan, or 2022. And if they keep up the problems and dont fix things I could see Destiny being gone in 2-3 years, or 2019-2020.

Edited by GamerGuy1984
20 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

Links, please.

It's listed under Ranger. Just Google top board game companies. FFG's X-Wings just happens to be number one miniature game in sales pushing out Warhammer 40k. It's all there if you look

5 hours ago, JediGeekGirl said:

The takeaway I have taken is that there has been nothing but complaining. As it has been mentioned before it is way too soon to start calling wolf, now if it was a year into the game instead of where we are right now to me, and this is just my opinion,it would hold more weight.

I have my concern and my frustration, but they are reserved. I prefer To stay more optimistic right now. Wait and see. Trust me FFG is aware

there has been nothing but complaining because ffg decisions does not warrant anything other then complaints. A year into the game the damage will already be done, thats like having cancer and waiting a year to treat it to see if it just goes away.

2 hours ago, JediGeekGirl said:

I would like to say that my statement was not about you directly, but more at the community at large. We don't have all the facts about the next set numbers, once we do then it would help with the claim may people are making. Besides it is FFG's game and for better or worse, they know what they want this game to be. It may or may not line up with other's people opinion of what it should be but we should respect it if we want to be apart of it. If people are not happy, there are other games out there. Another idea would be to create your own X in this game for it to be one that you enjoy. It is too soon for me personally to be so cynical about it, but I know others don't share that. That's normal, I am just saying to take a deep breath.

well it's my money so I have ever right to complain if there sending my investment to the ground

28 minutes ago, JediGeekGirl said:

I guess you can just call me naïve for trying to be cautiously optimistic about everything. I am sure FFG is aware of this and I am sure Disney is watching this. Worst case scenario this could lose them the license, best case scenario they make dramatic moves to address the issue of the masses. A more realistic thing is that you are going to have a stagnant game with your loyal people following it. For me (and this is just me), I'm going to be playing if there are 5 people at a tournament or 20. I'm sorry people are upset about this. CCGs are a tricky business. It's why there have been some that come and go but only the same 3 stay on top. The only thing I know is that I am enjoying the game right now, and I am going to stay cautiously optimistic moving forward.

I think the part that upsets/angers most is either FFG was told directly through Forums posts, or through previous CCGs committing the same mistakes. Yet they didnt see the issues coming. Which has only two possible explanations. One) FFG IS actually that bad, which going by their other games they arnt. Or Two) They knew of the issues but just didnt care, which is arguably the worse of the two possibilities.

Its the old situation where you see someone do somthing you know is bad and can only shake your head and say "I knew it" after the fact.

Edited by GamerGuy1984
9 minutes ago, soviet prince said:

there has been nothing but complaining because ffg decisions does not warrant anything other then complaints. A year into the game the damage will already be done, thats like having cancer and waiting a year to treat it to see if it just goes away.

well it's my money so I have ever right to complain if there sending my investment to the ground

Following you money and you are here so that saying something