Prediction Based on Current Buisiness Model

By dpb1298, in Star Wars: Destiny

21 hours ago, Darth Landy said:

Edited: not worth the trouble.

Hey Darth Landy. If you are new, there is a beautiful "Block" feature where certain people don't appear to you when you are reading the forums. I didn't find out about it until after I had to read a bunch of posts by the person you are talking to. After I found it, I was immeasurably more pleased coming to this website. I assume it is located somewhere in the settings, but I have not needed it since.

On ‎04‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 1:46 AM, dpb1298 said:

WAAAGH isn't trolling. He's just very jaded.

I thought WAAAGH was an Ork, not a Troll.

Waaghs alright. Bit of a pedantic rules lawyering prick at times but generally has points worth considering.

Uh, thanks?

On ‎3‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 8:11 AM, dpb1298 said:

The current model of one new print every four months and then gone is super discouraging to new players coming in.


One of the main problems with this super-limited print run is this game's excessive reliance on rares, which can only be obtained through boosters. Literally half of the deck has to be rares. If there are some rares that would work great for your deck, but were in a limited pod eight months ago, then you're pretty screwed.

Waaagh, I completely get where you're coming from. I have read most of your other posts on this forum. That being said, I don't think it's reasonable to tell others to go find your other posts and read them and then call that good enough. I think it would be more reasonable to either just re-summarize the argument in this thread (you used really vague complaints with no real justification or examples behind them, when reading only this thread) or provide links to the specific posts you are referencing. Make it a little bit more reasonable for someone to understand the supporting evidence of your core argument about the overall flawed nature.

Stu, rules lawyers are the best thing I can imagine for a game. The intent of this game is to be played by players all over the world. This means welcoming and embracing players on the Autism Spectrum Disorder who may have a hard time understanding any rules beyond literally only the ones written down in a rules document. Rules that can only be figured out by getting a personal correspondence with Lukas Litzinger would not be ones they could predict the answers to. That is problematic for them. Additionally, this means embracing international players where English may not be their first language (or may not even be their second language). This makes complex rules nuances very difficult for them and a rules lawyer pointing out these complex nuances and advocating for more simply written rules or simpler answers to benefit these players is a major boon to the game. And before arguing that the game is printed in other languages, remember the game's first language is English, so the translations often may not be perfect or their native syntax may actually create rules ambiguities that don't even exist in English rather than just removing the ambiguities that do exist in English (or worse, may remove ambiguity by wording it in such a way in the translation to suggest an incorrect answer).

I agree the norm is that the game is out of stock and the exception is finding a store that still has stock. I would expect those that still have stock are likely charging above MSRP rather than at or below it.

My my prediction for the game is more a hope rather than a prediction per se. I am hoping that if the production issues continue for SoR and the other set of 2017 that in 2018 FFG will reconsider the viability of their system and either remove the one-and-done print runs or will switch the game from TCG to LCG.

Random side question: what is the actual difference between a TCG and CCG?

TCG = trading card game.

CCG = collectible card game.

As far as I know, WOTC was the first to use TCG for their SW card game back in 2002. It has a friendlier connotation being a "trading" activity you can do with your friends as opoposed to "collecting".

4 minutes ago, Hawkman2000 said:

TCG = trading card game.

CCG = collectible card game.

As far as I know, WOTC was the first to use TCG for their SW card game back in 2002. It has a friendlier connotation being a "trading" activity you can do with your friends as opoposed to "collecting".

But is there any difference between the two? Like TCG's do X but CCG's do Y? Or maybe one is a brand name thing like LCG is a term owned by FFG?

3 hours ago, anthonybarnstable said:

But is there any difference between the two? Like TCG's do X but CCG's do Y? Or maybe one is a brand name thing like LCG is a term owned by FFG?

As far as I know, there is no fundamental or gaming difference between a TCG or CCG. Both provide random booster products and pre-sorted starter sets. Both are collectible. The TCG logo might just sound friendlier.

There is no real difference between a TCG and a CCG.

Yep. The difference between a CCG and a TCG is branding.

19 minutes ago, GooeyChewie said:

Yep. The difference between a CCG and a TCG is branding.

Yep. One implies, to a certain extent, people buying to keep and may sell for money later, Collectable. Where the other Trading kind of conjures up thoughts of middle america, apple pie and baseball, the originator of Trading Cards, at least in the west.

Which comes off as more appealing and nice to mommy buying her 9 year old timmy somthing.

Edited by GamerGuy1984

CCG means a collection only to keep or sell. Sounds more expensive, valuable, serious. TCG means trading with you friends as part of the fun, more interactive, informal, trading as oppose to selling. I don't get why Yugioh even bothers calling themselves a TCG anymore.

On 3/7/2017 at 4:42 PM, DJRAZZ said:

CCG means a collection only to keep or sell. Sounds more expensive, valuable, serious. TCG means trading with you friends as part of the fun, more interactive, informal, trading as oppose to selling. I don't get why Yugioh even bothers calling themselves a TCG anymore.

As I said it is more palatable to Miss Jones down the street when she is buying packs for Timmy. The term Trading brings up thoughts of baseball, apple pie, and wholesome values, for some. Its a branding/PR move.

Edited by GamerGuy1984

Well the recent news about hardly any shops getting the SoR prerelease kits only further supports my assertion that the game will burn too brightly to one year with super-limited supply and scalpers galore before it tanks with people getting so irritated that they quite en mass. I expect that after a year FFG will get their **** together and fix supply, neutering scalpers and getting people back into the game. But, I can already tell it's going to be a super rocky road. SoR events are going to be pure and utter chaos. It'll be a clusterf**k for sure. The only one I know in my area is even charging people to get in. Insane. It reminds be of trying to buy Funko products at NYCC. A raffle to get a ticket to get in a line to get a ticket to get in another line to maybe buy some product if the day's allotment isn't gone. Then half the stock pops up on Ebay for five times the original price. Insanity embodied.

Yet Funko does that all the time with no care for the how the secondary market is impacted. It creates buzz and demand and the people chasing carrots on sticks keep going.

FFG is no where near there yet, even though the SoR event is looking thin. The question will be how long people will stay in on a game with such a slim tournament structure. CCGs thrive on the competitive nature of tournaments which prompt people to chase the carrot on the stick. With Funko it's about completing a collection and with CCGs it's about winning games. The winning of games can't take place if there are no events and limited product.

The game has only been out for 3 months. Have some perspective. If we are having this same talk in December then all of this is valid, for now, not really.

1 hour ago, Mep said:

The game has only been out for 3 months. Have some perspective. If we are having this same talk in December then all of this is valid, for now, not really.

How a company handles problems is ALWAYS valid. Yes so far it seems like FFG have realized problems, printing more of Awakenings. But when your first set was short and your preview kits for the second are gone faster than stores can call to get them that doesnt paint a picture that you are printing enough. Doesnt help they said all future xpac sets are one and done.

3 hours ago, dpb1298 said:

Well the recent news about hardly any shops getting the SoR prerelease kits only further supports my assertion that the game will burn too brightly to one year with super-limited supply and scalpers galore before it tanks with people getting so irritated that they quite en mass. I expect that after a year FFG will get their **** together and fix supply, neutering scalpers and getting people back into the game. But, I can already tell it's going to be a super rocky road. SoR events are going to be pure and utter chaos. It'll be a clusterf**k for sure. The only one I know in my area is even charging people to get in. Insane. It reminds be of trying to buy Funko products at NYCC. A raffle to get a ticket to get in a line to get a ticket to get in another line to maybe buy some product if the day's allotment isn't gone. Then half the stock pops up on Ebay for five times the original price. Insanity embodied.

My LGS asked if I wanted to secure a box of SoR last night. I'll wait and see how the event goes. If it happens at all. But if I can't get in because there's only one store in the area that gets a kit and too many people to attend...I'm pretty sure I'll be looking to get out of the game after that. Small chance I'll keep my stuff and check in when supply can actually be had.

On 3/2/2017 at 4:39 PM, pstalker said:

FFG saw this and tried to do something about it -- they did demos of the game at GenCon and offered pre-release events....still many stores were hesitant to commit too heavliy to pre-ordering product.

5 stores within 1 hour to 1.5 hours of me, zero pre-order events. I talked to 2 store owners who said yes the pre-order buzz was way down, but they had zero posters or artwork, and they still didn't the week after Xmas. There was nothing in the store to say hey STAR WARS card game! These stores mainline MTG. 20/10/10/5/2 tables. Finally, what pre-orders they did put in, which was for more than what individuals order, they didn't get 100% filled.

People want to keep acting like FFG either A under reacted to the market or B failed to meet their own numbers bc of production issues. When in reality it seems that they are happy with their numbers. This game has almost zero traction in a city with 5 brick and mortar stores that you can get a game of MTG 5-6 days a week.

Last time I was in the store I use to frequent for MTG they still had no posters or product.

Tweeted 2 stores about Spirit events, zero response.

IF this game has taken off where you live, great be happy. But FFG has got to be 100% happy with what they're pushing, because it is easy to see room for growth that they're not willing to risk venturing in.

"The sky is falling, The sky is fall"

*looks up*

its still there.....

11 hours ago, GamerGuy1984 said:

How a company handles problems is ALWAYS valid. Yes so far it seems like FFG have realized problems, printing more of Awakenings. But when your first set was short and your preview kits for the second are gone faster than stores can call to get them that doesnt paint a picture that you are printing enough. Doesnt help they said all future xpac sets are one and done.

Being short of the preview kits is just wrong. Either all in or all out. That is a current problem and shame on them for not making sure they could do enough preview events. Their long term problem is dice production. They just can't make them fast enough right now. So yeah, SoR will be short too. Like I said, by the end of the year is the real test. If they can't figure it out by then, this is a problem. Until then, it's a 3 month old game. Sell outs happen all the time.

2 hours ago, JediGeekGirl said:

"The sky is falling, The sky is fall"

*looks up*

its still there.....

seriously ppl need to stop, this is a serious complaint that 100 percent legit

People aren't allowed to complain, share an opinion, etc. That's the takeaway I have been able to gleam since the announcement was made by FFG.