Prediction Based on Current Buisiness Model

By dpb1298, in Star Wars: Destiny

FFG has always seemed anemic when it comes to hiring experienced game designers. You'd think they could find at least one guy (or gal) capable of such insights as "oh, we tried that back in '97, it didn't work out" or "here's how we handled that rules/production issue when it came up." I mean goodness, one game with 20+ years in the biz and a couple others approaching that, and FFG can't be bothered to do just a little investigation? I don't have to be able to build a better game to know that there are others out there who can. FFG is treading a very thin line between originality and negligence.

1 hour ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

FFG has always seemed anemic when it comes to hiring experienced game designers. You'd think they could find at least one guy (or gal) capable of such insights as "oh, we tried that back in '97, it didn't work out" or "here's how we handled that rules/production issue when it came up." I mean goodness, one game with 20+ years in the biz and a couple others approaching that, and FFG can't be bothered to do just a little investigation? I don't have to be able to build a better game to know that there are others out there who can. FFG is treading a very thin line between originality and negligence.

You seem to be mistaking FFG for some other company, because the FFG I know doesn't seem "anemic" or "treading a very thin line between originality and negligence" at all. Or maybe you just like trolling.

Edited by Darth Landy
On 3/2/2017 at 3:52 PM, KrisWall said:

So, to be clear... you are challenging my statement that there is a problem with product availability by explaining to me why there is a problem with product availability. You sir, might want to work on your debate skills.

I don't think most people would be worried about shortages if they knew that future product was on the way. I, at least, am worried because FFG confirmed in their article that there will be NO reprints for future expansions. What they make is what will be available. If they make enough, awesome. If they don't make enough... players will quit. Product shortages make it impossible to grow a gaming community.

I think the only real problem with product availability is that some people's perspectives are becoming clouded (i.e. if it's not available in my area, it's not available ANYWHERE!!!).

The fact of the matter is that it seems only certain places are suffering from shortages. Whether it be not enough was ordered from local stores or maybe stores got allocated, that part doesn't really matter. What matters is there are plenty of areas where buying Destiny is not an issue. One of my local shops has had boxes of boosters for months (and still have them). And FFG has already confirmed more are incoming.

So yes, it does suck if you happen to be in a place where Destiny is hard to find but it doesn't mean the game is dying at all. Just unfortunate luck that will hopefully be resolved in the future from this point forward.

Edited by Darth Landy
54 minutes ago, Darth Landy said:

I think the only real problem with product availability is that some people's perspectives are becoming clouded (i.e. if it's not available in my area, it's not available ANYWHERE!!!).

The fact of the matter is that it seems only certain places are suffering from shortages. Whether it be not enough was ordered from local stores or maybe stores got allocated, that part doesn't really matter. What matters is there are plenty of areas where buying Destiny is not an issue. One of my local shops has had boxes of boosters for months (and still have them). And FFG has already confirmed more are incoming.

So yes, it does suck if you happen to be in a place where Destiny is hard to find but it doesn't mean the game is dying at all. Just unfortunate luck that will hopefully be resolved in the future from this point forward.

The occasional random store having some boxes does not speak to the availability of the game on the whole. The game can't be found in most places, as evidenced by the fact that FFG has decided to print more of Awakenings when they originally didn't intend to. No online retailers have them (some scalpers can be found, but that's pretty much it). Person after person after person are bemoaning their inability to get their hands on any product. My local store is one that never has product issues, yet, what they got sold within hours every time it came in. And that hasn't happened for a while now. Trying to claim that the problem is only localized to a few areas kind of demonstrates that you are actually guilty of what you are claiming others are. You have one local shop that has some, and assume that means that it's overall still available and the rest of us are just in a 'bad location.'

That said, that doesn't mean the game is dying. Far from it. If it were dying people wouldn't be so worried about getting their hands on some. The fear is that if they don't correct the issue moving forward, it will eventually lead to the interest in the game drying up.

Edit: I do find it funny all of the commentary on how terrible FFG is. C'mon people, if it was such a bad company with terrible game designers, you wouldn't be here trying to play their games. Let's get a little perspective here. They dropped the ball on production, but let's not act like they are some kind of inept company who can't properly make a decent game.

Edit #2: BTW, if your local store IS still swimming in product, I would love it if you could pick me up a box and ship it to me. :)

Edited by Xindell
1 hour ago, Darth Landy said:

You seem to be mistaking FFG for some other company, because the FFG I know doesn't seem "anemic" or "treading a very thin line between originality and negligence" at all. Or maybe you just like trolling.

Oh look, I seem to have stumbled across an apologist. Please, tell me what you know - and do try to mind the name-calling, friend.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH
3 hours ago, Darth Landy said:

You seem to be mistaking FFG for some other company, because the FFG I know doesn't seem "anemic" or "treading a very thin line between originality and negligence" at all. Or maybe you just like trolling.

WAAAGH isn't trolling. He's just very jaded.

Something like that.

3 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

Oh look, I seem to have stumbled across an apologist. Please, tell me what you know - and do try to mind the name-calling, friend.

Right back at ya, friend. If you don't like being called a troll, then don't make a post acting like one calling a company that makes great games names like "anemic" which is a trollish exaggeration if there ever was one.

Having a contrary opinion does not make one a troll, despite what you may have heard. If you don't like it, well, I can think of a couple things you can go and do. In the mean time, feel free to have a look around this forum; I think you'll find good will is in short supply for a company that makes such "great games."

Edited by WonderWAAAGH
8 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

Having a contrary opinion does not make one a troll, despite what you may have heard. If you don't like it, well, I can think of a couple things you can go and do. In the mean time, feel free to have a look around this forum; I think you'll find good will is in short supply for a company that makes such "great games."

Dude, if you hate FFG so much (going back to your "always anemic" retort) then why are you here? Your post above was obnoxious and childish.

Cool. What would you like to talk about, the half-baked rules or the they-should-have-known-better production issues? You know, those two things that half a second's worth of consultation might have prevented.

I've tried to buy product in 4 different countries, from a total of 9 different stores, as well as online retailers. Nothing available since early January.

9 hours ago, Darth Landy said:

I think the only real problem with product availability is that some people's perspectives are becoming clouded (i.e. if it's not available in my area, it's not available ANYWHERE!!!).

The fact of the matter is that it seems only certain places are suffering from shortages. Whether it be not enough was ordered from local stores or maybe stores got allocated, that part doesn't really matter. What matters is there are plenty of areas where buying Destiny is not an issue. One of my local shops has had boxes of boosters for months (and still have them). And FFG has already confirmed more are incoming.

So yes, it does suck if you happen to be in a place where Destiny is hard to find but it doesn't mean the game is dying at all. Just unfortunate luck that will hopefully be resolved in the future from this point forward.

your the exception not the rule,plus what are the prices those boxes are going for?

Oh man. And heaven forbid if you complain about the prices of the boxes etc right now too. Boy oh boy, that was a mistake on the Destiny group I was a part of. Even a store owner berated me for that.

20 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

Cool. What would you like to talk about, the half-baked rules or the they-should-have-known-better production issues? You know, those two things that half a second's worth of consultation might have prevented.

1) You basically called FFG's designers inexperienced.

2) Your snide retort to my "great games" comment insinuates that you think the games are far from great.

3) Now you're saying the rules are "half-baked" which is actually pretty laughable if you are actually serious.

So once again, and I'm going to say this in English since I don't speak troll, if you hate FFG so much, why are you here?

1 hour ago, GrandMoffMatt said:

Oh man. And heaven forbid if you complain about the prices of the boxes etc right now too. Boy oh boy, that was a mistake on the Destiny group I was a part of. Even a store owner berated me for that.

Wow. I can get people getting sick of hearing negative things about the game, regardless if they are true or not, but if you attack someone for complaining about gouging you are either a gouger or quite frankly sending your tax return to Oz. I am kinda enjoying the battle lines drawn at this point, as close to political as I want to get these days ?

2 hours ago, Darth Landy said:

1) You basically called FFG's designers inexperienced.

2) Your snide retort to my "great games" comment insinuates that you think the games are far from great.

3) Now you're saying the rules are "half-baked" which is actually pretty laughable if you are actually serious.

So once again, and I'm going to say this in English since I don't speak troll, if you hate FFG so much, why are you here?

Listen, cupcake. I can tell you're new around here, so why don't you go ahead and have a look around before you engage in a third round of name-calling, k? This ain't middle school, but you are expected to do your own homework.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH
11 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

Listen, cupcake. I can tell you're new around here, so why don't you go ahead and have a look around before you engage in a third round of name-calling, k? This ain't middle school, but you are expected to do your own homework.

Edited: not worth the trouble.

Edited by Darth Landy

I don't think it was worth the trouble in the first place, but if it was you should have checked out any of my 5,000+ posts here before making baseless accusations. I've spent no small amount of time discussing my opinion of FFG's rules writing ability, and I wasn't about to reinvent the wheel just to assuage your delicate sensibilities. It was foolhardy for you to think you could burst in here and take me down a peg without doing some basic research. Let me know when you're ready to have a conversation like adults.

2 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

I've spent no small amount of time discussing my opinion of FFG's rules writing ability.

Hey!! They do better than Games Workshop, they have had 7 or 8 tries at their games rules and they still haven't got them right. :D

I also think that while there is the occasional rule that slips past the rules writers and play testers they are some what more esoteric and most players never actually encounter them. Yes, they are there and that indeed makes the rules less than perfect, but I think you exaggerate your point that games are unplayable because of them.

In the past 4 months the one rule issue I have had was caused more because the fellow I was playing hadn't read the rule past a certain point.

Actually, GW has been really responsive for about the past year now. They've FAQ'd just about everything, and any major rules issue that accompanies a release is addressed within 2-4 weeks. If we're going to compare GW and FFG, GW is actually doing a much better job of engaging and addressing the needs of the community.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH
8 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

I don't think it was worth the trouble in the first place, but if it was you should have checked out any of my 5,000+ posts here before making baseless accusations. I've spent no small amount of time discussing my opinion of FFG's rules writing ability, and I wasn't about to reinvent the wheel just to assuage your delicate sensibilities. It was foolhardy for you to think you could burst in here and take me down a peg without doing some basic research. Let me know when you're ready to have a conversation like adults.

Actually wasn't baseless, might want to re-read some of your obnoxious and rude posts in this very thread in which you are insulting FFG and name-calling others (i.e. cupcake). Andy before you chime in that I was name-calling too, actually I wasn't. A "troll" is an Internet term used for someone being disruptive which you've been doing. You also might want to take notice of this message in the Destiny forums area:

"You can use this space to discuss excitement, speculations, gameplay, and strategy for the game. Just remember to keep your conversations kind and civil at all times!"

So yes, let's discuss like adults and leave cupcakes and anemia and other names out of here.

A troll is someone who goes out of their way to agitate others, though people often make the mistake of thinking it applies to anyone who says something they don't like. I was merely voicing an opinion about a company that appears increasingly out of touch with the needs of its customer base, and for whatever reason you took that as a personal affront. If there was any basis for you to instigate the name-calling it was flat out ignorance, which I'd be willing to forgive and forget if you just own up to it. Now, would you care to explain your fixation with my use of the word 'anemic'? Having a negative connotation doesn't automatically equate to pejorative use, in my experience.

this is a troll
