Prediction Based on Current Buisiness Model

By dpb1298, in Star Wars: Destiny

I love this game. Sadly, this is what I think will happen to it based on the new info we've gotten.

I'm afraid that this game will burn too brightly for one year, and then lose about half of its already disappointed player base due to lack of product and frustration with attaining boosters. The current model of one new print every four months and then gone is super discouraging to new players coming in. Maybe the "Base Set" will successfully remedy this, though I doubt it. I really hope that they print enough for the stock to last until the next set, but doubt that they will produce a sufficient stock. I want this game to succeed and it probably will to a reduced extent solely because its Star Wars and plays really well.

The only joy that would come with this game failing is that scalpers would be stuck with worthless hoards of product.

Edited by dpb1298


You don't know how many packs will be printed. 1 million, 2 million 10 million.

Limited print runs is to get ready for the next set. Otherwise they will always run into production issues.

Also there will always be that time where you will have to buy singles to get what you want. You cannot always rely on buying packs to get those legendry or rare cards you want.

3 hours ago, dpb1298 said:

I love this game. Sadly, this is what I think will happen to it based on the new info we've gotten.

I'm afraid that this game will burn too brightly for one year, and then lose about half of its already disappointed player base due to lack of product and frustration will attaining boosters. The current model of one new print every four months and then gone is super discouraging to new players coming in. Maybe the "Base Set" will successfully remedy this, though I doubt it. I really hope the print enough for the stock to last until the next set, but doubt that they will. I want this game to succeed and it probably will to a reduced extent solely because its Star Wars and plays really well.

The only joy that would come with this game failing is that scalpers would be stuck with worthless hoards of product.

I lost you at the,"sadly this is what I think!" No need to read any further, RIP

Edited by ozmodon

15 hours ago, bravo29 said:


You don't know how many packs will be printed. 1 million, 2 million 10 million.

Limited print runs is to get ready for the next set. Otherwise they will always run into production issues.

Also there will always be that time where you will have to buy singles to get what you want. You cannot always rely on buying packs to get those legendry or rare cards you want.

the very limited part did not say anything to you?

16 minutes ago, soviet prince said:

the very limited part did not say anything to you?

Yeah it said we are printing more so stop your winning

I swear this game must of came with a crystal ball. It probably should of come with a box of tissues

6 hours ago, ozmodon said:

I swear this game must of came with a crystal ball. It probably should of come with a box of tissues

Why are you so salty and defensive man? The game has major production issues. I don't see why you refuse to acknowledge that and keep chalking it up as the game's "collectability". No game can grow or flourish if no one can buy it. The game is currently stagnant and that's not a good thing.

Edited by dpb1298
5 minutes ago, dpb1298 said:

No game can grow or flourish if no one can buy it. The game is currently stagnant and that's not a good thing.

#1 the game cant flourish with negative people like yourself

#2 how can it be stagnant, its 3 months old and ONE set...

If you think the game is over, sell/give away your cards and go play an LCG.

Bye Felicia...


6 hours ago, soviet prince said:

the very limited part did not say anything to you?

very limited again can mean 1 million, 2 million, 200,000.

Until that happens we wont know. So no point of freaking out.

10 minutes ago, HoodieDM said:

#1 the game cant flourish with negative people like yourself

#2 how can it be stagnant, its 3 months old and ONE set...

If you think the game is over, sell/give away your cards and go play an LCG.

Bye Felicia...


Chill. I'm not being negative, I'm being realistic. The game's current state and outline is not conducive to growth. Stock will be bought and hoarded by flippers and people will make a mad rush on product early on ensuring that stock doesn't last all four months.

Also, a game is stagnant if no one can buy it. That is just a fact.

1 minute ago, HoodieDM said:

#1 the game cant flourish with negative people like yourself

#2 how can it be stagnant, its 3 months old and ONE set...

If you think the game is over, sell/give away your cards and go play an LCG.

Bye Felicia...


#1 - Tons of people HATE Magic the Gathering. It's flourishing with no problem. Ergo, your comment is likely false.

#2 - It's stagnant because it released, grew and then hit a wall. It is no longer growing. That's sort of the definition of stagnant. The game has stalled and is showing no forward progress. When was the last time you saw a new player walk into a store, buy a starter and some boosters and start playing? For me, it was release day. Those same few players snapped up every subsequent product release.

This game clearly has production issues. Not acknowledging that is a little bizarre.

Hopefully, FFG will resolve these issues. Many of us are hopeful, but not optimistic, due to FFG's historical inability to gauge customer demand. By telling us that they're doing single print runs, broken down into multiple waves of shipment, they're effectively saying that they're going to come up with a fixed number of boosters per expansion and if that's not enough... tough. They're not going to make more.

Lack of availability will kill a game like this.

The people that seem in denial that the game has production issues are likely the ones who bought up boxes of the game at release, got their full play set, and then became budding entrepreneurs by selling their remaining stock at inflated prices. I've seen people on facebook groups I'm in admit to as much openly.

6 minutes ago, dpb1298 said:

The people that seem in denial that the game has production issues are likely the ones who bought up boxes of the game at release, got their full play set, and then became budding entrepreneurs by selling their remaining stock at inflated prices. I've seen people on facebook groups I'm in admit to as much openly.

I actually have a full playset. Two of everything, plus 3-4 of the cheap generic Characters. I also have about 30-40 extra rares and legendaries for trading later on.

I was fortunate to get in on day one and pre-ordered two boxes before release. I then pre-paid for another 2 boxes when the second wave of product hit.

In other words, I'm good. I don't need any more product. What I do need is people to play against. I can get new people interested in the game by running a demo with two of my own decks, but I can't get people to buy in if they literally can't buy product. My experience thus far is that the entire local Destiny community is the same 15-20 people spread across a half dozen stores with no variation in decks since most people only have enough cards to build one or two different lists. It would be great to have new players or existing players with more deck options. Both require available product.

I agree that my local group has dwindled to about eight people who actually managed to get stock before it ran dry. I've got every character besides Vader, Ackbar, Leia and Kylo, however, my brother has all of those except Vader so we can have plenty of fun with what we have. I just wish others could buy in to play and that I could hunt for the remaining rares and legendaries I still need.

17 minutes ago, KrisWall said:

Both require available product.

Heres what I tell people when they say available product. Dont be a ***** and pony up and spend $650-$700 on a complete playset (2 of everything). Thats no different than me buying a case at $650+. I got 36 legendaries in a case (6 boxes). Oh look, you got 34 legendaries. Problem solved.

People who buy loose packs I never understand. Its all a lotto game. Buy a complete common playset at $15-$20. Thats the 5-6 packs you were gonna buy that week. Then next week instead of $10 in packs, buy a couple of rares or a cheap legendary. Or better, take that $10-$20 a week, save it for 3 months, then buy 3 boxes in the summer!!

Im sorry if people cant afford to buy into a CCG. If you cant afford it, then go play the LCG or one of FFGs other awesome games that allows you to get everything in one wave purchase. Or better yet, save your money and invest so you dont have to work until you die.


4 minutes ago, HoodieDM said:

Heres what I tell people when they say available product. Dont be a ***** and pony up and spend $650-$700 on a complete playset (2 of everything). Thats no different than me buying a case at $650+. I got 36 legendaries in a case (6 boxes). Oh look, you got 34 legendaries. Problem solved.

People who buy loose packs I never understand. Its all a lotto game. Buy a complete common playset at $15-$20. Thats the 5-6 packs you were gonna buy that week. Then next week instead of $10 in packs, buy a couple of rares or a cheap legendary. Or better, take that $10-$20 a week, save it for 3 months, then buy 3 boxes in the summer!!

Im sorry if people cant afford to buy into a CCG. If you cant afford it, then go play the LCG or one of FFGs other awesome games that allows you to get everything in one wave purchase. Or better yet, save your money and invest so you dont have to work until you die.


My problem is that I actually enjoy opening boosters. Idk why. While it gives you leftovers I've given extras to players for free and they've done likewise. For rares we just trade.

45 minutes ago, dpb1298 said:

My problem is that I actually enjoy opening boosters. Idk why. While it gives you leftovers I've given extras to players for free and they've done likewise. For rares we just trade.

Oh me too. Nothing beats opening packs. But again, my comments are about product availability. Its out there. People just see $650 and dont want to pay that. They think they can buy 6 packs and get a Vader everytime. It doesnt work that way. In any game, you gotta invest to play. If they just want to play for fun, then go to ebay, buy a few packs and starters and thats it. Youll get your A$$ handed to you at tourneys, but who cares right, they just want to play for fun!


2 hours ago, dpb1298 said:

Why are you so salty and defensive man? The game has major production issues. I don't see why you refuse to acknowledge that and keep chalking it up as the game's "collectability". No game can grow or flourish if no one can buy it. The game is currently stagnant and that's not a good thing.

Did everyone miss the part about where they are making more or does that just not fit into the sky is falling scenario that they are weaving.

1 hour ago, HoodieDM said:

Heres what I tell people when they say available product. Dont be a ***** and pony up and spend $650-$700 on a complete playset (2 of everything). Thats no different than me buying a case at $650+. I got 36 legendaries in a case (6 boxes). Oh look, you got 34 legendaries. Problem solved.

People who buy loose packs I never understand. Its all a lotto game. Buy a complete common playset at $15-$20. Thats the 5-6 packs you were gonna buy that week. Then next week instead of $10 in packs, buy a couple of rares or a cheap legendary. Or better, take that $10-$20 a week, save it for 3 months, then buy 3 boxes in the summer!!

Im sorry if people cant afford to buy into a CCG. If you cant afford it, then go play the LCG or one of FFGs other awesome games that allows you to get everything in one wave purchase. Or better yet, save your money and invest so you dont have to work until you die.


BRAVO!!!BRAVO!!!!!BRAVO!!!!! this sums it up. Same thing I have been saying.

2 hours ago, HoodieDM said:

Heres what I tell people when they say available product. Dont be a ***** and pony up and spend $650-$700 on a complete playset (2 of everything). Thats no different than me buying a case at $650+. I got 36 legendaries in a case (6 boxes). Oh look, you got 34 legendaries. Problem solved.

People who buy loose packs I never understand. Its all a lotto game. Buy a complete common playset at $15-$20. Thats the 5-6 packs you were gonna buy that week. Then next week instead of $10 in packs, buy a couple of rares or a cheap legendary. Or better, take that $10-$20 a week, save it for 3 months, then buy 3 boxes in the summer!!

Im sorry if people cant afford to buy into a CCG. If you cant afford it, then go play the LCG or one of FFGs other awesome games that allows you to get everything in one wave purchase. Or better yet, save your money and invest so you dont have to work until you die.


Not everyone wants a full playset, so your advice to pay $650+ to some random reseller is ludicrous for many people. Plus, the resellers will rapidly run out of playsets to sell if there is no product available.

I'm really unclear as to why some people doggedly refuse to admit that A. this game has a product availability issue that is likely to continue and B. product availability issues are bad for pretty much everyone except singles resellers.

Also, not everyone has $650 sitting around to drop on a card and dice game. $3.99 a few times every couple of weeks is a lot easier for people to manage than having to save up nearly $700 just to make the game playable.

27 minutes ago, ozmodon said:

Did everyone miss the part about where they are making more or does that just not fit into the sky is falling scenario that they are weaving.

I think the fact that they came out and did a second run of Awakenings "but this is the last time guys!" kinda says it all don't you?

They are essentially saying "yea, there isn't enough out there, but this is our last mulligan; from now on, it is what it is". The general concern is that if they continue to have shortages release after release what that means for the player base. I, personally, seriously doubt that they will get it under control by SoR, which leaves me to hope that they get a handle on it on the xpack after that. But I do think if we go 1-2 releases after SoR with no/little improvement, that the player base and the game on the whole will suffer as a result. Whether that is true or not remains to be seen. I think a lot of the knee-jerk is that the single largest complaint about the game is the shortages. I think we can all agree if they can get a better handle on how much to produce (even if it is only a single run) then the game will be just fine. The article they posted, however, doesn't give me that warm fuzzy "everything will be fine" vibe. It kinda felt like "we have gotten a ton of complaints so we are fixing it this one time, but never again!". That is not exactly what the people who can't buy product currently were hoping for.

Honestly, I don't know if the marketing/PR team at FFG just doesn't understand or what. They would have done a lot better by saying "we recognize that our first run did not meet the demand and as a result we are doing another print run to try to fix that issue. Going forward we have adjusted our processes to try to better anticipate and meet the demand with our print runs. We do not generally plan to do multiple runs going forward, and it was our intent to only do single runs, but we recognize that the game has been vastly more popular than we anticipated and are trying to rectify that discrepancy. We expect to be able to meet the demand going forward, but will constantly re-analyze if we were successful in our later releases." Or something like that. The difference is you can read that as FFG recognizes an issue and are trying to fix it, but are hoping to avoid doing this in the future. Whereas the current article reads more like "we are doing another run because of all the complaining, but this is the only time we will ever do it. Get used to it". At least to me.

10 hours ago, ozmodon said:

Yeah it said we are printing more so stop your winning

First of all, I really enjoy winning. Second of all, remember all those times you pouted like a child because "zomg one more Magic ruling and I'm quitting FFG!"? I remember (and so does Pepperidge Farm). So, why don't you borrow daddy's hanky and scram, kiddo?

2 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

First of all, I really enjoy winning. Second of all, remember all those times you pouted like a child because "zomg one more Magic ruling and I'm quitting FFG!"? I remember (and so does Pepperidge Farm). So, why don't you borrow daddy's hanky and scram, kiddo?

I had my opinion and said my thoughts on the subject and moved on. That's what normal people do.

I don't think you're in a position to dictate how other people feel or what they get to say. That's not normal, it's obnoxious and childish.