The last print? WTF FFG

By bageldrone, in Star Wars: Destiny

The way I see it, it sounds like this is a serious strategic error.

I don't actually play Destiny, not yet anyway. I've wanted to try it for some time, but the supply problems have left me unable to do so. I do, however, play Star Wars LCG, Netrunner, and Lord of the Rings, and I used to play Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Pokemon.

It seems to me like FFG just doesn't get how you maintain supply for a TCG. The big three I mentioned above -- Magic, YGO, and Pokemon -- all have multiple print runs for their sets. Some sets, like Magic Core Sets, are repeatedly printed until a certain period of time has elapsed. Others might just get a certain predetermined number of runs. But they all get multiple print runs, with the intention of maintaining supply for a few months or so for each set. That requires a rather rapid supply chain. I don't know the details on the supply chain for all of them, but I do know that Magic cards for the US market are printed by Carta Mundi USA in Dallas, TX, not, you know, China. Carta Mundi is an international company, so they have printers elsewhere in the world that Wizards uses to print for those markets too. It's a lot easier to adjust to demand when you're printing domestically.

If Fantasy Flight could move printing out of China -- which they probably can't afford to do -- they could develop the infrastructure needed to support a TCG's demand. They can't, so they're just sort of stuck. If they did, we'd probably see a drop in production quality and/or a rise in prices.

Edited by GodotIsWaiting4U

All of the confusion forced me to go and preorder SOR, which I guess is a good thing...

...although to improve my chances of actually getng product, I preordered more than I'll need, and from 4 different suppliers. I don't have confidence that relying on a single source will work, and I'm sure there's a market to sell on any excess.

I didn't want to do this - I'm only really compounding the problem - but how else can I be sure to get any product?

I have two fears, new players losing interest, and put my hands on 2 copies each of 9 legendary cards i didn't got on my box + few boosters that i was really luck to put my hands on.

On my local store, were a i play every wednesday, i always see to much people hunger to play and waiting for products, but this can't last forever.

On local tournaments we only have 10-15 players with decks good enough to play, after 2-3 times, we only see the same thing, and even with players with cards, we can lost interest as well...

the problem is them treating this as a lcg and not a ccg

On ‎2‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 6:27 PM, ozmodon said:

Everyone seems to be complaining that a collectable game is in fact going to be collectable. WTF indeed.

Not only did we have a game store that talked to it's buyers but they went so far as to call around when supplies were short to get an extra 4 cases from other stores. I am sorry that some stores chose to wait and see how it was going to do before trying to get product. Missing the boat or wanting on board after the ship had already set sail, so to speak.

I keep hearing that the sky is falling despite FFG giving us a great game.

If you have a problem with availability you should probably look for a game that isn't collectable.

Except you are not sorry at all....

3 hours ago, Gibbilo said:

Except you are not sorry at all....

I wish more store owners cared about their costumer base and tried as hard as the ones that we have. I would like to see more people enjoying this game now. I'll definitely be happy when more people are able to get involved.

1 hour ago, ozmodon said:

I wish more store owners cared about their costumer base and tried as hard as the ones that we have. I would like to see more people enjoying this game now. I'll definitely be happy when more people are able to get involved.

The sad Irony being that due to the fact that your "Caring Store Owner" managed to clean out the surrounding stores of stock so that you and a few of your friends could fill out your play sets and then some, those 4 stores had less stock to sell meaning less players in your general vicinity.

Don’t get me wrong I'm happy you and your friends got what your wanted, but your local player base has quite possibly suffered because of it.

4 hours ago, Mace Windu said:

The sad Irony being that due to the fact that your "Caring Store Owner" managed to clean out the surrounding stores of stock so that you and a few of your friends could fill out your play sets and then some, those 4 stores had less stock to sell meaning less players in your general vicinity.

Don’t get me wrong I'm happy you and your friends got what your wanted, but your local player base has quite possibly suffered because of it.

it's not there fault, it's ffg for shorting the product