2 question for Rtl: treachery in ltnt encounters + staff of wild

By Moneseki, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

1. Regarding ltnt encounters "Additionally, two cards without a treachery cost can be added to his hand for one treachery of the correct type (although Power cards can’t be added to his hand at all) "(rtl sourcebook page 16). I never really understood this, so I avoided the problem ignoring this. Seeing my party soon will have another ltnt encounter, I thought I should check it out. My question is : can I "sacrifice" 1 treachery(monster for example) and get 2 non-treachery cards of the same type(monster again)? Atm, I have 2 event and 1 monster treachery, this could for instance give me 2 normal spawncards and 4 event cards. Seems nastily overpowered, hence my question.

2. Staff of the wild. Heroes are on their way to a town 2 trails away for training, and they have the staff of doublewalk. Between them there is a ltnt they want to send to limbo. My question is : can the party move 1 trail, have a ltnt encounter, then move another trail? From rtl sourcebook page 10 "If the heroes end their movement in the same area as a lieutenant, they may (but do not have to) attack that lieutenant (see “Encounters Involving Lieutenants” on page 16)". Seems to me the party needs to end their movement at the ltnspot, yet there may be some clarifications I missed(if so my friends would be happy to hear about it).

In advance thanks.


1. Yep, you can do that. And once the heroes have Wind Pact, you probably want to do it all the time. Until then, sometimes the treachery card is better than the alternative (like with Crushing Blow).

2. If they keep moving, they haven't ended their movement, so they can't attack the lieutenant.

Actually the ltnt is in Tamalir, heroes are passing through to get the get the windpact(yet they would sacrifice an item to get rid of the ltnt if possible(question 2)). With windpact in game it seems better to sacrifice some treacherycards for more cards at hand.

James, you are my hero! Well, actually I am my hero. Probably not true either, as I am the overlord and my friends are the heroes, but... enough rubbish! What I mean to say is thanks alot!
