Multiple bomber command re-rolls are part of the same "attack", right?

By xanderf, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Sequence as thus - have a TIE Bomber with two Gozers behind it in BCC range.

Shoots a CR90 at medium range (thanks, Rhymer!) and gets a blank. Nuts! Re-rolls via BCC #1...gets a hit+crit. CR90 spends an evade to force a reroll. I reroll that die again, get another blank. Bummer! Re-roll it again via BCC #2...get a hit+crit once more.

My gut feeling is that the CR90 cannot now spend its second evade defense token to force another reroll, as "The defender cannot spend more than one defense token of each type per attack" (RRG, page 4), and this is all still part of 'the same attack' that the CR90 already used its first evade defense token in (although that poor die has now been rolled four times, it is still 'the same attack', right?)

Am I reading that right?

The attacker can only modify (ie, Reroll) his Dice during the Step where he is allowed to... Which is "Roll Attack Dice" step.

Once that's finished, then you mjove on to the Enemy's Spend Defence Tokens step.

you do not go back to the step.

Same reason as to why if you use an Evade and make the enemy "Reroll" a blue or a Red and they get an ACC, they cannot spend it to lock down further defence tokens .

The opportunity has passed.

So in fact, the Sequence goes:

Attacker Rolls Attack Dice.

(Which is Rhymer Bomber Black Die.)

- Gets a Blank

- Uses BCC Reroll

- Gets Whatever

- As there is a second BCC nearby, can decide now wether he's going to Reroll again or not.

- Ends up with Result.


Defender Spends Defence Tokens

- Evade makes that Result Reroll.

- That result will stand, unless the enemy has another thing to do at the appropriate time (now) , such as Targeting Scrambler, or Lando...

because the opportunity to use Bomber Command, or other "Attacker Modifies Dice Effects" is over the moment the Defender gets an opportunity to spend a Defence Token.

Ah, okay, that makes sense. Can't go back in the sequence, then, right.