Ship stats: Fractalsponge's Imperial Capital Ships

By Winchester3, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Yeah, but as has been mentioned before, the game has a habit of mentioning a rule in one place and not another and the dev response is still "all valid."

Blowing off starfighter defense is understandable, but by the same note the barrage system isn't that much of a replacement. The barrage requires the Starfighters be attacking the ship in question, which makes a lot of sense for some cases, and not much sense in others.

As usual, GM will have to make the final call on which rules to use and which not to...

True enough. The entire optional rules section from Edge doesn't seem to appear again in the other lines.

On ‎2‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 1:39 PM, Winchester3 said:

I actually got it a little bit wrong, it carries a full squadron plus a stomtrooper transport - this thing:

Delta-class DX-9 Stormtrooper Transport


Artist's gallery

The Delta-class DX-9 Stormtrooper transport is a heavily armed boarding craft that was first seen in the early 1990s Star Wars: X-Wing space combat simulator, where it was used heavily by both sides (by virtue of being the only ship of it's type in the game). The gunnery armament on Fractalsponge's version is the same as on the canon version outlined on Wookieepedia, but the missile/torpedo launchers in the text don't match the textures on the latest version of the in-game ship (from X-Wing: Alliance). Also, the room available for the missiles is absolutely huge, so Fractalsponge opted to give it more missiles... The transport has cutting apparatus on the underside allowing it to create its own docking port if necessary - this will of course vent the atmosphere of the compartment it's docked to after it undocks, which is too bad for the occupants.

Silhouette 4, Speed 3, Handling -2

Defense 2/-/-/1, Armor 4

HTT 30, SST 18

Hull Type/Class: Transport/Delta-class

Manufacturer: Telegorn Corporation

Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 1, Backup: None

Navicomputer: Yes

Sensor Range: Medium

Crew: 3

Encumbrance Capacity: 100 (no idea how to calculate this)

Passenger Capacity: 30 stormtroopers or 10 Spacetroopers

Consumables: Two weeks

Cost/Rarity: Not in your pricerange (R)/8

Customization Hardpoints: 0


4 twin forward-mounted light laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

4 forward-mounted medium ion cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Ion, Linked 3)

2 forward-mounted proton torpedo launchers (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range [Short]; Blast 6, Breach 6, Guided 2, Limited Ammo 30, Slow-Firing 1)

The proton torpedo launchers may instead carry 45 concussion missiles (Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Short]; Blast 4, Breach 4, Guided 3, Slow-Firing 1), 15 heavy rockets, or various other specialized ordnance.

(Note: I'm not sure how to make a craft with eight linked guns work properly under the rules, so I made four twins instead. They're mounted together in pairs on the model, after all).

If I wanted, could I have the Vigil Carry a Sentinel-Class Landing Craft? That seems to be almost a better option for the Vigils if not for the DX-9's Copious amounts of missiles.

7 hours ago, DragonDust101 said:

If I wanted, could I have the Vigil Carry a Sentinel-Class Landing Craft? That seems to be almost a better option for the Vigils if not for the DX-9's Copious amounts of missiles.

Well all respect to Winchester, but his stats indicate he probably wasn't a stick jockey in the 90s when the DX-1 was THE transport of galactic choice for those not wanting a Lambda shuttle. (The fact the entire game had to fit on a dozen floppy disks I'm sure had nothing to do with the galaxy only having about 8 starships models total). So he probably doesn't had the first hand experience of dealing with these things. Over the years the artwork added extra bits and doodads that were interpreted as more weapons that were never actually added.

If you want something more in line with the original, increase the handling (they are stupid maneuverable), reduce the weapons to linked 1 light lasers and ion cannons, and drop the torpedo count to like limited ammo 10, linked 1.

I'd also add a price range around 140k with a rarity around 6. If it's restricted or not is up to you (I'd go with yes).

That would tone down that the torpedo count to make it more reasonable to piggyback on a Corvette/light frigate.

Edited by Ghostofman
9 hours ago, Ghostofman said:

Well all respect to Winchester, but his stats indicate he probably wasn't a stick jockey in the 90s when the DX-1 was THE transport of galactic choice for those not wanting a Lambda shuttle. (The fact the entire game had to fit on a dozen floppy disks I'm sure had nothing to do with the galaxy only having about 8 starships models total). So he probably doesn't had the first hand experience of dealing with these things. Over the years the artwork added extra bits and doodads that were interpreted as more weapons that were never actually added.

If you want something more in line with the original, increase the handling (they are stupid maneuverable), reduce the weapons to linked 1 light lasers and ion cannons, and drop the torpedo count to like limited ammo 10, linked 1.

I'd also add a price range around 140k with a rarity around 6. If it's restricted or not is up to you (I'd go with yes).

That would tone down that the torpedo count to make it more reasonable to piggyback on a Corvette/light frigate.

I *was* actually a stick jockey as you put it during the 1990s, and I've played X-wing and TIE fighter on a 386 with no CD-ROM. The reason why TRNs feel so maneuverable in the game is because you're overshooting them, if you match speeds you can stick on them like glue (until you're shot down by something else for being so slow...)

Note that pretty much every craft in the games other than the fighters were nerfed for gameplay or game engine reasons, and that the official statistics for them are different from what you see in game. For example, the DX-9 has four ion cannons and four laser cannons according to Wookieepedia (and so does Fractalsponge's model, I just screwed up while making the writeup). The missile count is thorny though. IIRC, the games themselves don't actually give the transports limited ammo, anything bigger than a fighter has unlimited ammo and the reasons why the ships don't spam missiles all over the place is because NPCs can only shoot warheads at specifically flagged targets, which tend to die rather quickly. I may be wrong on this though. The official Wookieepedia warhead count is five per side, but the screenshot from X-Wing Alliance that accompanies the article shows six warhead tubes per side.

I may just remove the "limited ammo" flag on the launchers to reflect both how it was used in game, and how the transport is unlikely to run out of missiles in any single combat engagement...

14 hours ago, DragonDust101 said:

If I wanted, could I have the Vigil Carry a Sentinel-Class Landing Craft? That seems to be almost a better option for the Vigils if not for the DX-9's Copious amounts of missiles.

The Sentinel, due to the wings and the fin, is a much, much bigger craft (especially in height) than the DX-9 and wouldn't fit in the hangar space provided. You could possibly dock one on the outside, but it would look really clunky. Note how the Sentinel docks to the light cruisers in the Rebels show, there's no similar opportunities on the Vigil. (I build 3D models of my own on occasion, and I rather quickly discovered that the reason Imperial ships are so huge is because you can't stick the 25 meter tall hangars required to land a Lambda-class shuttle on anything much smaller than a Star Destroyer without turning the whole ship into a hangar with engines...)

To keep this from being just a content-less double post...

Mu-class Light Shuttle


Artist's Gallery

Lambda-class shuttles are seriously huge pieces of hardware, and not all Imperial warships are big enough to land one even if you're really generous with the amount of hangar space. For those ships, there's the Mu-class shuttle, which was designed as a compact alternative to the Lambda with many of the same features. It is not as well armed (its main armament is similar to the Lambda's secondary armament), and it doesn't go as fast or as far in hyperspace, but it takes up less than a third of the vertical space and is smaller in both width and length. The wings of the Mu-class fold in the middle giving it an M-shaped cross section when landed, further reducing the amount of vertical space it takes up.

Silhouette 3, Speed 3, Handling +0

Defense 2/-/-/1, Armor 3

HTT 22, SST 12

Hull Type/Class: Shuttle/Mu-class

Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems/Cygnus Spaceworks

Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 16

Navicomputer: Yes

Sensor Range: Short

Crew: 2

Encumbrance Capacity: 150 (without passengers)

Passenger Capacity: 16

Consumables: Two weeks

Cost/Rarity: 100,000 (R)/7

Customization Hardpoints: 2


Two forward and one aft light blaster cannons (Fire Arc Forward or Aft; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

Edited by Winchester3

I'd like to see you stat out the Legator-class Star Dreadnought , since it is an Old Republic ship and my campaign happens to be set during the Old Republic. I'd also like to see you're take on the Praetor Mk I, even though fractalsponge has only done the MK II to my knowledge.

Edited by Lord Zack

This is a interesting intermediate design as well. A Star Cruiser. Might make a for a interesting command vessels for smaller fleets

Man I was looking all over for this after I found it the first time but on Armada boards....and then I see I already I had it bookmarked XD

On 3/4/2017 at 11:38 PM, Winchester3 said:

The Fulgor is supposed to be equivalent to the Vindicator

So that explain why the Fulgor model has Ion Cannon style turrets? (ball shaped mounts)

Maybe this is the right place to ask, since I did a search for the Imperial Raider and it came up empty. Is there any rpg stat write-ups for this thing? Official or fan.

5 hours ago, Kazimir said:

Maybe this is the right place to ask, since I did a search for the Imperial Raider and it came up empty. Is there any rpg stat write-ups for this thing? Official or fan.

Its in the Friends Like These adventure.

1 hour ago, fist said:

Its in the Friends Like These adventure.

Thanks a lot :)

I checked that adventure, there's an error. Stat block list it as a Raider I which it obviously is not, everything else in the entry and stat block point to it being an II including the entry title :lol:

Yeah they seemed to have confused themselves with which version they were putting in there lol

4 hours ago, Alexhurlbut said:

I checked that adventure, there's an error. Stat block list it as a Raider I which it obviously is not, everything else in the entry and stat block point to it being an II including the entry title :lol:

I'm starting some early work on the Compellor Class Star Cruiser But I'm kinda vague on how size class is determined. Fractalsponge is stating that the design is about 4.3 KM in length. any suggestions?

On 4/27/2017 at 8:11 PM, TheWanderingJewels said:

I'm starting some early work on the Compellor Class Star Cruiser But I'm kinda vague on how size class is determined. Fractalsponge is stating that the design is about 4.3 KM in length. any suggestions?

Praetor is bigger and has been statted in Core book. Praetor II is S9 while ISD is S8.

13 hours ago, Alexhurlbut said:

Praetor is bigger and has been statted in Core book. Praetor II is S9 while ISD is S8.

thank you

Any chance to get more stuff? Or some official stats corrected because some official ships values and stats are really strange.

plus a bump for this excellent thread

Looking at some of these, I feel that the silhouette seems a bit small. Something thats more than twice the size of an ISD, closer to 5km long, being a sil 9, but something closer to 10km, or even 16 or 17 in the case for the Executor, shouldn't it be more of a sil 10, or even higher?

Isn't sil 10 Death Star size?

9 hours ago, RogueCorona said:

Isn't sil 10 Death Star size?

I would think that would sil sizeofsmallmoon.

I think the death star would be more of an environmental set piece rather than a ship. I would think a sil 10 would be anything between 3 and 7 km long, sil 11 being 7 to 11 km, and 12 being 11 to 15 km. Anything bigger than that I'm not aware if outside of the Vong Worldships and the Eclipse if I'm not mistaken.

I honestly thought either one of the books or the developers mentioned that the Death Star would be sil 10 but I could be remembering wrong.

I went and statted out the Intersector in my vehicles thread .

Edited by Lord Zack