Ship stats: Fractalsponge's Imperial Capital Ships

By Winchester3, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

As some of you may be aware, several of the ships in the printed Age of Rebellion books were originally designed and named by 3D artist Fractalsponge, aka Ansel Hsiao, based on various more or less indistinct blobs from the background in the early 1990s Dark Horse comics. This includes both of the Imperial Silhouette 9 ships, the Praetor II and the Assertor. The models made by Fractalsponge were featured in The Essential Guide to Warfare, and the names and the sizes he'd chosen for them were added to the Databank, but the weapons fit was not written up in detail (IIRC), and when FFG wrote the ships up for the AoR game, they made up their own numbers. So I'll endeavor to make some corrected stats just for fun here, based on what Fractalsponge wrote himself about the number of weapons on the ships as he was making the model.

First of all, let me just note that most of these ships carry much bigger guns than anything actually shown in the Star Wars movies, outside of the Death Star's main armament. One of the thoughts going into this was explicitly volume scales up with the cube of the length for equal proportions; power generation scales up with volume; and what looks like piddly armament on a 1600 meter long ship will be mostly useless as offensive weapons on a ship hundreds of times its mass and volume, built to fight other ships just as big. The Assertor-class Star Dreadnought, Praetor II-class and Bellator-class Star Battlecruisers, Impellor-class Fleet Carrier, and Compellor-class Star Cruisers are all Silhouette 9 warships with the stats to actually match - the smallest of the above is 3.5 kilometers, and that's the fleet carrier with literally thousands of fighter berths.


Assertor-class Star Dreadnought


Artist's Gallery

Let's start with the Assertor-class Star Dreadnought, as it's both the most extreme ship Fractalsponge has made to date, and the one that FFG nerfed the hardest. The ship itself is designed to be an "Executor done *right*", with proper weapons and hangar bay capacity for a 15 kilometers long warship that's around five hundred times the volume of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer. The creator himself intended the ship to have a crew of half a million or so, which would still only take up less than 1% of the ship's volume - it could easily take a crew of five million. The hangar bays were modeled to accommodate 24 fighter *wings* - that's 72 fighters in each wing, or 1728 fighters total.

Silhouette 9, Speed 2, Handling -4

Defense 4/3/3/2, Armor 13

HTT 750, SST 150

Hull Type/Class: Dreadnought/ Assertor -class

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards

Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 12

Navicomputer: Yes

Sensor Range: Long

Crew: Around 500,000 officers, pilots and enlisted crew

Starfighter Complement: 1,728 starfighters

Vehicle Complement: Numerous shuttles, landing craft, gunboats, assault craft, landing barges, ground combat vehicles, and AT-series walkers.

Encumbrance Capacity: 145,000 (no idea how to calculate this)

Passenger Capacity: 33,000 troops ("One full corps")

Consumables: Three years

Cost/Rarity: Not in your pricerange (R)/10

Customization Hardpoints: 2


1 axial superlaser (Fire Arc Forward; Damage ???; Crit ???; Range [Extreme]; Breach ???, Slow-Firing 11) (Basically this weapon is a one-hit, one kill anti-ship weapon or planetary shield buster. You sit in front of this thing, you get atomized)

27 forward and 8 aft turret-mounted twin ultra-heavy turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Starboard or Aft, Port and Starboard; Damage 13; Critical 3; Range [Extreme]; Breach 6, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 4)

82 port and 82 starboard turret-mounted twin ultra-heavy turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Port Forward, and Aft or Port, Starboard and Aft; Damage 13; Critical 3; Range [Extreme]; Breach 6, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 4)

152 port dorsal and 99 port ventral turret-mounted quad super-heavy turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Port, Forward and Aft; Damage 12; Critical 3; Range [Extreme]; Breach 5, Linked 3, Slow-Firing 3)

152 starboard dorsal and 99 starboard ventral turret-mounted quad super-heavy turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Starboard, Forward and Aft; Damage 12; Critical 3; Range [Extreme]; Breach 5, Linked 3, Slow-Firing 3)

42 forward, and 32 aft turret-mounted quad super-heavy turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Forward and Port, Forward and Starboard, Aft and Starboard or Aft and Port; Damage 12; Critical 3; Range [Extreme]; Breach 5; Linked 3; Slow-Firing 3)

16 port dorsal, 9 port ventral, and 5 port trench-mounted turret-mounted quad super-heavy ion cannon (Fire Arc Port, Forward and Aft or Port and Forward; Damage 10; Critical 4; Range [Long]; Breach 4, Ion, Linked 3, Slow-Firing 3)

16 starboard dorsal, 9 starboard ventral, and 5 starboard trench-mounted turret-mounted quad super-heavy ion cannon (Fire Arc Starboard, Forward and Aft or Starboard and Forward; Damage 10; Critical 4; Range [Long]; Breach 4, Ion, Linked 3, Slow-Firing 3)

76 port dorsal and 56 port ventral turret-mounted octuple heavy turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Port, Forward and Aft; Damage 11; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Breach 4, Linked 3, Slow-Firing 1)

76 starboard dorsal and 56 starboard ventral turret-mounted octuple heavy turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Starboard, Forward and Aft; Damage 11; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Breach 4, Linked 3, Slow-Firing 1)

Hundreds of turret-mounted quad medium turbolasers (Fire Arc All; Damage 10; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Linked 3)

Hundreds of concussion missile launchers (Fire Arc All; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Short]; Blast 4, Breach 4, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 4, Slow-Firing 1)

Thousands of turret-mounted light weapons (Fire Arc All; Damage >6; Critical 3; Range >[Medium]; Linked 1-3)

Five gravity well generators (Fire Arc All; Damage --; Critical --; Range [Long]; Grav Well)

(Even Fractalsponge gave up on counting all the minor turrets, given that the smallest ones are modeled in strips of eight to ten that are plastered all over the entire ship. There are hundreds of them visible in just a single closeup of the engine quarter, I couldn't begin to count them without losing track almost immediately. As a comparison, the official LBE count is 40 quad and 10 twin heavy turbolasers, 30 quad and 20 single ion cannon batteries, 30 quad light turbolaser batteries, 60 quad laser cannons, 90 concussion missile launchers, and 20 tractor beam emitters.)

I changed the HTT and SST to reflect how ridiculously enormous this ship is - it has twice the mass of the Executor, five hundred or so times the mass of an Imperial-class, and the piddly 205 HTT just weren't enough despite the 13 armor, at least not when Damage 13, Breach 6 ultra-heavy turbolasers are in play. This is the kind of ship at another ship of the same class would have to pound away at for a couple of hours at least in order to make a dent... The rest of the stat block looked pretty good though.


Praetor II-class Star Battlecruiser


Artist's Gallery

The Praetor II is a very strange design to start with, being originally from a very very old Marvel comic that predates the release of Return of the Jedi(!). The model maker scaled it to 6,500 meters, which makes the listed crew of 109,000 a little thin (not as thin as the 125,000 for the 15 km Assertor though!), and even at the 4,800 meter length the editors who wrote the original article about it in The Essential Guide to Warfare it's kind of small, especially since it has a hull depth similar in proportion to an Imperial I class. Then again, the Imperial I's crew was always very high. Given that all of the big guns are in ball turrets, and the orthos aren't that large, the armament was kind of tricky to identify, but here's what I *think* is on the ship.

Silhouette 9, Speed 2, Handling -3

Defense 3/3/3/3, Armor 11

HTT 500, SST 125

Hull Type/Class: Star Battlecruiser/ Praetor II -class

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards

Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 16

Navicomputer: Yes

Sensor Range: Long

Crew: Around 200,000 officers, pilots and enlisted crew

Starfighter Complement: 120 starfighters

Vehicle Complement: Numerous shuttles, landing craft, utility vehicles, landing barges, ground combat vehicles, and AT-series walkers.

Encumbrance Capacity: 78,000 (no idea how to calculate this)

Passenger Capacity: 14,000 troops (probably a lot more)

Consumables: Three years

Cost/Rarity: Not in your pricerange (R)/10

Customization Hardpoints: 1


13 port and 13 starboard turret-mounted ultra-heavy turbolaser cannons (Fire Arc Forward and Port or Forward and Starboard; Damage 13; Range [Extreme]; Breach 6, Slow-Firing 4)

60 port and 60 starboard turret-mounted quad super-heavy turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Forward and Port or Forward and Starboard; Damage 12; Range [Extreme]; Breach 5, Linked 3, Slow-Firing 3)

5 port and 5 starboard turret-mounted quad super-heavy ion cannon batteries (Fire Arc Forward and Port or Forward and Starboard; Damage 10; Critical 4; Range [Long]; Breach 4, Ion, Linked 3, Slow-Firing 3)

16 port and 16 starboard turret-mounted quad medium turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Forward and Port or Forward and Starboard; Damage 10; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Breach 3, Linked 3, Slow Firing 1)

>384 port and >384 starboard turret-mounted point defense weapons (Fire Arc All; Damage >6; Critical 3; Range >[Medium]; Linked 1-3)

(There are 192 of the polygon groups that Fractalsponge uses to represent light weapons along each edge of the brim trench, plus an unknown number within the trench itself that are visible in closeups of sections of the trench. I have no idea how many of those sections there are, it was difficult enough to see the medium turbolasers and I'm not sure I caught all of those).

Given that the ship is designed to be 6,500 meters long, I think it too has a suspiciously low HTT. I'd put it in the 400-500 range or thereabouts - as noted it is a very strange design. I'm also not sure I have identified all the turrets completely correctly, they are very hard to make out in the renders.


Secutor-class Battlecarrier


Artist's Gallery

The Secutor-class carrier is another oddball. It's 2.2 kilometers long and kind of thin in profile, but very wide in planform. The listed crew is in line with the size of the ship, seeing as it's roughly the same volume as an Imperial I-class. The weapons fit is once again all wrong though, as the actual model has fewer big weapons than the book authors gave it:

Silhouette 8, Speed 2, Handling -4

Defense 3/3/3/2, Armor 8

HTT 130, SST 55

Hull Type/Class: Battlecruiser/Carrier/ Secutor -class

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards

Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 14

Navicomputer: Yes

Sensor Range: Long

Crew: Around 40,000 officers, pilots and enlisted crew

Starfighter Complement: 576 starfighters (8 wings, 48 squadrons)

Vehicle Complement: Numerous shuttles, landing craft, gunboats, assault craft, landing barges, ground combat vehicles, and AT-series walkers.

Encumbrance Capacity: 28,000 (no idea how to calculate this)

Passenger Capacity: 14,000 troops (probably a lot more)

Consumables: Three years

Cost/Rarity: Not in your pricerange (R)/10

Customization Hardpoints: 2


6 forward, 10 port and 10 starboard turret-mounted quad heavy turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Starboard or Forward and Port or Forward and Starboard; Damage 11; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Breach 4, Linked 3, Slow-Firing 2)

6 forward turret-mounted super-heavy turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Starboard, Damage 12; Critical 3; Range [Extreme]; Breach 5, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 3).

3 forward, 4 port, and 4 starboard turret-mounted quad medium turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Starboard or Forward, Port and Aft or Forward, Starboard and Aft; Damage 10; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Breach 3, Linked 3, Slow-Firing 1)

1 forward, 1 starboard and 1 port twin battleship ion cannons? (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Starboard, or Forward and Port, or Forward and Starboard; Damage 9; Critical 4; Range [Medium]; Breach 4, Ion, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 2)

224 point defense guns (88 front/left, 88 front/right, 24 left, 24 right)

It also has hangar bays for what appears to between 8 and 12 wings of TIE fighters (576 to 864 fighters), rather than the two wings (144 fighters) given in Stay on Target.

As for the rest of the stats, I think they're serviceable.


Vigil-class Corvette


Artist's Gallery

The last of Fractalsponge's ship designs that I remember being in the books is the Vigil-class corvette, where the book has two main errors: The first is that the Vigil has an additional pair of turret-mounted twin heavy laser cannons under the nose, and that it's designed to carry (edit) twelve starfighters and a stormtrooper transport; with launch- and recovery hatches on the ventral spine forward.

Silhouette 5, Speed 3, Handling -1

Defense 2/2/2/1, Armor 5

HTT 55, SST 35

Hull Type/Class: Corvette/Vigil

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards

Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 10

Navicomputer: Yes

Sensor Range: Long

Crew: 200 officers, pilots and enlisted crew

Starfighter Complement: 12 starfighters

Vehicle Complement: One stormtrooper transport.

Encumbrance Capacity: 1,800

Passenger Capacity: 20 troops

Consumables: One year

Cost/Rarity: 3,500,000 credits (R)/5

Customization Hardpoints: 0


Three dorsal turret-mounted twin light turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc All; Damage 9; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Breach 2, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1)

Three dorsal and two ventral twin heavy laser cannon turrets (Fire Arc All; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Short]; Linked 1)

Forward-mounted medium tractor-beam emitters (Fire Arc Forward; Damage --; Critical --; Range [Close[; Tractor 4


That's about it for the ships that are in the books. There are *several* more ships where these come from, I just wanted to tackle the ones with book stats first. If anyone has further refinements to make or disagrees with my stats, tell me about it, and I'll see if I can work out a fix. I'd especially like help adjusting the HTT and SST of these things if necessary in order to reflect how ridiculously huge some of these ships are.

Edit: included the full stats for the Vigil-class corvette.

Edited by Winchester3

Now for the ships that *haven't* been written up yet. Let's start with something that'll be useful for your average campaign first.


Fulgor-class Pursuit Frigate


Artist's Gallery

The Fulgor-class Pursuit Frigate is a 620 meter long warship designed as an escort or fast picket, able to chase down and catch other frigates and maul them. It is supposed to have a very fast sublight speed, and really good sensors (those are the same globes as on the star destroyers...) so I stat it out thusly:

Silhouette 6, Speed 4, Handling -1

Defense 3/2/2/1, Armor 6

HTT 75, SST 40

Hull Type/Class: Frigate/Fulgor

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards

Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 1, Backup: Class 12

Navicomputer: Yes

Sensor Range: Long

Crew: Around 1,000 officers, pilots and enlisted crew

Starfighter Complement: 24 to 36 starfighters ("2-3 squadrons" - Fractalsponge)

Encumbrance Capacity: 5,000 (no idea how to calculate this)

Passenger Capacity: 100 troops

Consumables: One year

Cost/Rarity: Not in your pricerange (R)/8

Customization Hardpoints: 2


Two forward, one port and one starboard turret-mounted quad heavy turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Starboard or Forward and Port or Forward and Starboard; Damage 11; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Breach 4, Linked 3, Slow-Firing 2)

Five forward, two port, two starboard, and one aft turret-mounted twin light turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Starboard or Forward, Port and Aft or Forward, Starboard and Aft or Aft, Port and Starboard; Damage 9; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Breach 2, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1)

Twelve port and twelve starboard assault concussion missile tubes (Fire Arc Port or Starboard; Damage 7; Critical 3; Range [Short]; Blast 4, Breach 5, Guided 2, Inaccurate 1, Slow-Firing 1)

Kontos-class Star Frigate


Artist's Gallery

The Kontos-class Star Frigate is a 450 meter long warship that fits in between the Vigil-class and the Fulgor-class. It's slower than the Fulgor, but well armed for its size and has an internal hangar. As is typical for KDY product, it re-uses the bridge module of a previous design, in this case the Vigil-class, as well as the sensor dome, albeit in this case it's partially embedded in the central hull. Like its bigger brother the Fulgor, it carries twelve broadside missile tubes.

Silhouette 5, Speed 3, Handling -1

Defense 2/2/2/1, Armor 5

HTT 65, SST 35

Hull Type/Class: Frigate/Kontos

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards

Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 15

Navicomputer: Yes

Sensor Range: Long

Crew: Around 600 officers, pilots and enlisted crew

Starfighter Complement: 12 starfighters

Encumbrance Capacity: 1,500 (no idea how to calculate this)

Passenger Capacity: 300 troops ("1 mechanized battalion")

Consumables: One year

Cost/Rarity: Not in your pricerange (R)/8

Customization Hardpoints: 2


One forward, four port and four starboard turret-mounted quad medium turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Starboard or Forward and Port or Forward and Starboard; Damage 10; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Breach 3, Linked 3, Slow-Firing 1)

Two aft turret-mounted twin medium turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Aft, Port and Starboard; Damage 10; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Breach 3, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1)

Three forward, four port and four starboard turret-mounted twin light turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Starboard or Port, Forward and Aft or Starboard, Forward and Aft; Damage 9; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Breach 2, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1)

Twelve port and twelve starboard assault concussion missile tubes (Fire Arc Port or Starboard; Damage 7; Critical 3; Range [Short]; Blast 4, Breach 5, Guided 2, Inaccurate 1, Slow-Firing 1)


Imperial Customs Corvette (Militarized)


Artist's Gallery

This is a militarized version of the Rendili Stardrive Light Corvette (AKA the Imperial Customs Corvette), an old Legends design that Fractalsponge made a model of at some point and then decided to revisit. The original an empty space between the bow prongs, where ships to be boarded could be caught between; this ship trades that space for a large hangar capable of carrying three to four squadrons of TIE craft.

Silhouette 5, Speed 3, Handling -2

Defense 2/2/2/1, Armor 5

HTT 50, SST 25

Hull Type/Class: Corvette/ICM

Manufacturer: Rendili StarDrive

Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 8

Navicomputer: Yes

Sensor Range: Medium

Crew: Around 100 officers, pilots and enlisted crew

Starfighter Complement: 36-48 starfighters

Encumbrance Capacity: 1,500 (no idea how to calculate this)

Passenger Capacity: 20 troops

Consumables: Two months

Cost/Rarity: Not in your pricerange (R)/8

Customization Hardpoints: 2


Four forward turret-mounted quad heavy laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Starboard; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Linked 3)

One forward, four port and four starboard turret-mounted twin light turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Starboard or Port, Forward and Aft or Starboard, Forward and Aft; Damage 9; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Breach 2, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1)

Edited by Winchester3

Allegiance-class Heavy Star Destroyer


Artist's Gallery

The 2,250 meter long Allegiance-class Heavy Star Destroyer is based, once again, on a comic book (indeed, pretty much all of these designs were from comic books originally). Whereas the Imperial I and II are Jack-of-all-trades type ships with both lots of fighters, lots of landing craft and a decent amount of guns, the Allegiance-class is a pure-bred gunboat and only retains the secondary hangar bay (the forward one) from its smaller cousins. It also has the main battery arranged en echelon, allowing nearly all the guns to fire forward or aft in addition to broadside. The true main guns are centerline mounted in single turrets - these are the same grade of ultra-heavy turbolasers as the biggest turrets on the Assertor-class.

Silhouette 8, Speed 3, Handling -2

Defense 3/3/3/2, Armor 10

HTT 150, SST 60

Hull Type/Class: Star Destroyer/Allegiance-class

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards

Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 8

Navicomputer: Yes

Sensor Range: Long

Crew: Around 50,000 officers, pilots and enlisted crew

Starfighter Complement: 12 starfighters

Vehicle Complement: Numerous shuttles and utility craft.

Encumbrance Capacity: 15,000 (no idea how to calculate this)

Passenger Capacity: 2,000 troops

Consumables: Two years

Cost/Rarity: Not in your pricerange (R)/8

Customization Hardpoints: 2


3 forward turret-mounted ultra-heavy turbolaser cannons (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Starboard; Damage 13; Critical 3; Range [Extreme]; Breach 6, Slow-Firing 4)

3 port and 3 starboard turret-mounted triple super-heavy ion cannons (Fire Arc Forward and Port or Forward and Starboard; Damage 10; Critical 4; Range [Long]; Breach 5, Ion, Linked 2, Slow-Firing 3)

6 port and 6 starboard turret-mounted quadruple super-heavy turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Aft or Forward, Starboard and Aft; Damage 12; Critical 3; Range [Extreme]; Breach 5; Linked 3; Slow-Firing 3)

4 forward, 23 port, 23 starboard and 12 aft turret-mounted quadruple medium turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Forward or Port or Starboard or Aft; Damage 10; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Breach 3; Linked 3; Slow-Firing 1)

68 forward, 168 port, 168 starboard and 48 aft turret-mounted twin heavy laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward or Port or Starboard or Aft; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Short]; Linked 1)

Procursator-class Light Star Destroyer


Artist's Gallery

At the other end of the spectrum is the 1,200 meter long Procursator-class Light Star Destroyer, which is a smaller, faster sibling of the Imperator armed with super-heavy turbolasers and heavy concussion missiles. Once again, the hangar has been mostly eliminated, along with the troop carrying capacity.

Silhouette 8, Speed 4, Handling -1

Defense 3/3/3/2, Armor 10

HTT 105, SST 50

Hull Type/Class: Star Destroyer/Procursator-class

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards

Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 8

Navicomputer: Yes

Sensor Range: Long

Crew: Around 20,000 officers, pilots and enlisted crew

Starfighter Complement: 12 starfighters

Vehicle Complement: Numerous shuttles and utility craft.

Encumbrance Capacity: 10,000 (no idea how to calculate this)

Passenger Capacity: 1,000 troops

Consumables: Two years

Cost/Rarity: Not in your pricerange (R)/8

Customization Hardpoints: 2


3 forward turret-mounted triple super-heavy turbolaser cannons (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Starboard; Damage 12; Critical 3; Range [Extreme]; Breach 5, Linked 2, Slow-Firing 3)

6 port and 6 starboard turret-mounted quad medium turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Forward and Port or Forward and Starboard; Damage 10; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Breach 2, Linked 3, Slow-Firing 1)

12 port and 12 starboard heavy concussion missile launchers

64 port and 64 starboard turret-mounted twin heavy laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Aft or Forward, Starboard and Aft; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Short]; Linked 1)

Edited by Winchester3

Awesome stuff Winchester3, I love this guys work! I plan to use the Vigil Class Corvette as a command ship for a Nemesis & had posted a question about it in the main EotE forum!

I knew this thing carried Tie Fighters :D

On 2/27/2017 at 4:28 PM, AceSolo5 said:

Awesome stuff Winchester3, I love this guys work! I plan to use the Vigil Class Corvette as a command ship for a Nemesis & had posted a question about it in the main EotE forum!

I knew this thing carried Tie Fighters :D

I actually got it a little bit wrong, it carries a full squadron plus a stomtrooper transport - this thing:

Delta-class DX-9 Stormtrooper Transport


Artist's gallery

The Delta-class DX-9 Stormtrooper transport is a heavily armed boarding craft that was first seen in the early 1990s Star Wars: X-Wing space combat simulator, where it was used heavily by both sides (by virtue of being the only ship of it's type in the game). The gunnery armament on Fractalsponge's version is the same as on the canon version outlined on Wookieepedia, but the missile/torpedo launchers in the text don't match the textures on the latest version of the in-game ship (from X-Wing: Alliance). Also, the room available for the missiles is absolutely huge, so Fractalsponge opted to give it more missiles... The transport has cutting apparatus on the underside allowing it to create its own docking port if necessary - this will of course vent the atmosphere of the compartment it's docked to after it undocks, which is too bad for the occupants.

Silhouette 4, Speed 3, Handling -2

Defense 2/-/-/1, Armor 4

HTT 30, SST 18

Hull Type/Class: Transport/Delta-class

Manufacturer: Telegorn Corporation

Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 1, Backup: None

Navicomputer: Yes

Sensor Range: Medium

Crew: 3

Encumbrance Capacity: 100 (no idea how to calculate this)

Passenger Capacity: 30 stormtroopers or 10 Spacetroopers

Consumables: Two weeks

Cost/Rarity: Not in your pricerange (R)/8

Customization Hardpoints: 0


4 forward-mounted light laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 3)

4 forward-mounted medium ion cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Ion, Linked 3)

2 forward-mounted proton torpedo launchers (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range [Short]; Blast 6, Breach 6, Guided 2, Limited Ammo 30, Slow-Firing 1)

The proton torpedo launchers may instead carry 45 concussion missiles (Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Short]; Blast 4, Breach 4, Guided 3, Slow-Firing 1), 15 heavy rockets, or various other specialized ordnance.

Edit: Fixed the laser cannon count. It's four linked cannons total, not four twins!

Edited by Winchester3

Huh, this got confusing, the thread I misposted in the Force and Destiny forum was moved so now there's two threads. Meh. I'll move my things here and get the other one closed. Here's the last ship I posted to the other thread:

Indictor-class Electronic Warfare Corvette


Artist's gallery

This one is, as far as I'm aware, a completely original Fractalsponge creation that he made for a tutorial. It's 262 meters long, and very lightly armed - it's primary defense is supposed to be to turn tail and run away if anything comes close enough to hurt it. The ship has three turrets, each with a light turbolaser and a heavy laser cannon, and can fire only one of them in a given round. It serves the fleet in the light scout and electronic warfare role.

Silhouette 5, Speed 5, Handling -1

Defense 2/1/1/1, Armor 5

HTT 45, SST 30

Hull Type/Class: Corvette/ Indictor -class

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards

Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 1, Backup: Class 16

Navicomputer: Yes

Sensor Range: Long

Crew: Around 50 officers and enlisted crew

Encumbrance Capacity: 500 (no idea how to calculate this)

Passenger Capacity: 10 troops

Consumables: Three months

Cost/Rarity: Not in your pricerange (R)/10

Customization Hardpoints: 2


1 forward, 1 port, 1 starboard turret-mounted light turbolaser cannon (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Starboard or Port and Forward or Starboard and Forward; Damage 8; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Breach 1, Slow-Firing 1)

1 forward, 1 port, 1 starboard turret-mounted heavy laser cannon (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Starboard or Port and Forward or Starboard and Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Medium])

Edited by Winchester3

Bellator-class Star Battlecruiser


Artist's Gallery

The 7,200 meter long Bellator-class was the first big non-movie ship that Fractalsponge made, and it's based on another of those tiny background ships from a panel in the Dark Empire comic. Many of the weapons used on the Assertor-class were originally made for this thing, and it's been revised a few times (but never released to the public).

Silhouette 9, Speed 3, Handling -3

Defense 3/3/3/2, Armor 10

HTT 150, SST 60

Hull Type/Class: Star Battlecruiser/Bellator-class

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards

Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 12

Navicomputer: Yes

Sensor Range: Long

Crew: Around 200,000 officers, pilots and enlisted crew

Starfighter Complement: 432 starfighters (six wings)

Vehicle Complement: Numerous shuttles and utility craft.

Encumbrance Capacity: 150,000 (no idea how to calculate this)

Passenger Capacity: 20,000 troops (two legions)

Consumables: Three years

Cost/Rarity: Not in your pricerange (R)/8

Customization Hardpoints: 2


8 forward 5 port and 5 starboard turret-mounted twin ultra-heavy turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Starboard or Port Forward, and Aft or Port, Starboard and Aft; Damage 13; Critical 3; Range [Extreme]; Breach 6, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 4)

25 port, 25 starboard and 4 aft turret-mounted quad super-heavy turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Port and Forward or Starboard and Forward or Aft, Port and Starboard; Damage 12; Critical 3; Range [Extreme]; Breach 5, Linked 3, Slow-Firing 3)

3 port and 3 starboard turret-mounted quad super-heavy ion cannon (Fire Arc Forward and Port or Forward and Starboard; Damage 10; Critical 4; Range [Long]; Breach 4, Ion, Linked 3, Slow-Firing 3)

2 forward, 19 port and 19 starboard octuple heavy turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Starboard or Forward, Port and Aft or Forward, Starboard and Aft; Damage 11; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Breach 4, Linked 3, Slow-Firing 1)

12 forward, 48 port and 48 starboard heavy missile tubes (Fire Arc Forward or Port or Starboard; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Short]; Blast 4, Breach 4, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 4, Slow-Firing 1)

54 port and 54 starboard quad medium turbolasers (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Aft or Forward, Starboard and Aft); Damage 10; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Breach 2, Linked 3)

600 port, 600 starboard and 16 aft turret-mounted twin heavy laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Aft or Forward, Starboard and Aft or Aft, Port and Starboard; Damage >6; Critical 3; Range >[Medium]; Linked 1-3)

Edited by Winchester3

Velox-class Star Frigate


Artist's Gallery

This is IIRC a completely original Fractalsponge design made as an alternative to the Carrack-class cruiser due to it's...unfortunate shape making it hard to take it seriously. So he came up with this thing instead. I think it's supposed to be the same length as the Carrack, which was 350 meters, and the comparison shots in the gallery (linked above) seem to bear this out. It's a bit smaller than the Kontos-class Frigate for sheer volume.

Silhouette 5, Speed 3, Handling -2

Defense 2/2/2/1, Armor 5

HTT 60, SST 30

Hull Type/Class: Frigate/Velox-class

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards (probably)

Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 8

Navicomputer: Yes

Sensor Range: Long

Crew: Around 400 officers, pilots and enlisted crew

Starfighter Complement: 12 starfighters

Encumbrance Capacity: 1,500 (no idea how to calculate this)

Passenger Capacity: 20 troops

Consumables: Two months

Cost/Rarity: Not in your pricerange (R)/8

Customization Hardpoints: 2


2 forward, 2 port and 2 starboard turret-mounted twin medium turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Starboard or Forward, Port and Aft or Forward, Starboard and Aft; Damage 10; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Breach 3, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1)

2 forward, 2 port and 2 starboard turret-mounted twin light turbolaser batteries (Fire Arc Front, Port and Starboard or Front, Port and Aft or Front, Starboard and Aft; Damage 9; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Breach 2; Linked 1; Slow-Firing 1)

5 port and 5 starboard turret-mounted twin heavy laser cannons (Fire Arc Front, Port and Aft or Front, Starboard and Aft; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Short]; Linked 1)

2 forward turret-mounted triple heavy ion cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 7; Critical 4; Range [Medium]; Ion, Linked 2, Slow-Firing 1)

Fractalsponge wrote:

Velox notes:
3900g acceleration, 2e22W, 12 200GT MTL, 6 medium ion cannon, 22 LTL, 10 heavy laser. Carriage 1 company troops, Mu class shuttle, stormtrooper transport, utility craft, 1 flight of recon fighter.


Edit: Comments are really welcome, the stats I'm posting aren't supposed to be final if people find them disagreeable.

Edited by Winchester3
4 hours ago, Winchester3 said:

I actually got it a little bit wrong, it carries a full squadron plus a stomtrooper transport - this thing:

Delta-class DX-9 Stormtrooper Transport


Artist's gallery

The Delta-class DX-9 Stormtrooper transport is a heavily armed boarding craft that was first seen in the early 1990s Star Wars: X-Wing space combat simulator, where it was used heavily by both sides (by virtue of being the only ship of it's type in the game). The gunnery armament on Fractalsponge's version is the same as on the canon version outlined on Wookieepedia, but the missile/torpedo launchers in the text don't match the textures on the latest version of the in-game ship (from X-Wing: Alliance). Also, the room available for the missiles is absolutely huge, so Fractalsponge opted to give it more missiles... The transport has cutting apparatus on the underside allowing it to create its own docking port if necessary - this will of course vent the atmosphere of the compartment it's docked to after it undocks, which is too bad for the occupants.

Silhouette 4, Speed 3, Handling -2

Defense 2/-/-/1, Armor 4

HTT 30, SST 18

Hull Type/Class: Transport/Delta-class

Manufacturer: Telegorn Corporation

Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 1, Backup: None

Navicomputer: Yes

Sensor Range: Medium

Crew: 3

Encumbrance Capacity: 100 (no idea how to calculate this)

Passenger Capacity: 30 stormtroopers or 10 Spacetroopers

Consumables: Two weeks

Cost/Rarity: Not in your pricerange (R)/8

Customization Hardpoints: 0


4 twin forward-mounted light laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

4 forward-mounted medium ion cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Ion, Linked 3)

2 forward-mounted proton torpedo launchers (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range [Short]; Blast 6, Breach 6, Guided 2, Limited Ammo 30, Slow-Firing 1)

The proton torpedo launchers may instead carry 45 concussion missiles (Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Short]; Blast 4, Breach 4, Guided 3, Slow-Firing 1), 15 heavy rockets, or various other specialized ordnance.

(Note: I'm not sure how to make a craft with eight linked guns work properly under the rules, so I made four twins instead. They're mounted together in pairs on the model, after all).

Man that's even better :D

So... How many Ties in a squadron?

My players are gonna freak  :D

2 minutes ago, AceSolo5 said:

So... How many Ties in a squadron?

My players are gonna freak  :D

Canonically it's 12 for any imperial fighter squadron type. I edited in a full writeup for the Vigil with the correct loadout in the first post, still working on finding out what Fractalsponge worked out for some of the other ships.

Consolidator-class Corps Assault Ship


Artist's Gallery

Once upon a time, in a book called Imperial Sourcebook for the WEG Star Wars game, there was a short description with no images and no actual specs for a ship designed to embark and land an entire Imperial Army Corps, consisting of around 33 to 38 thousand troops as well as all their vehicles outlined in the order of battle that made up a large portion of that book. About the only hard info on it beyond the troop carrying capacity was that it was made by Evakmar and KDY, and that it was bigger than a Star Destroyer. And with that tiny bit of info, as well as the designs of the Venator and Acclamator for inspiration, Fractalsponge created this whale of a ship. Now, there's an entire host of support craft that actually go with this thing, many of which he had already built so he'd know how big to make his other capital ship hangars, and using the measurements for those he actually modeled the ship so that everything would fit inside the hull. It is rather a lot of hardware. While the ship is not much longer than a regular star destroyer (it's in the ballpark of 1700 meters if I remember correctly), it is really bulky, and I'm debating whether it fits under Silhouette 8 or not.

Silhouette 8, Speed 2, Handling -4

Defense 3/3/3/2, Armor 8

HTT 130, SST 70

Hull Type/Class: Assault Ship/Consolidator-class

Manufacturer: Evakmar and Kuat Drive Yards

Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 1, Backup: Class 12

Navicomputer: Yes

Sensor Range: Medium

Crew: 20,000

Starfighter Complement: None

Vehicle Complement: 692 various landing craft, 800 various walkers, 4674 repulsorlift vehicles of all classes.

Encumbrance Capacity: 1,000,000

Passenger Capacity: 37,000 troops

Consumables: Two years

Cost/Rarity: Not in your pricerange (R)/8

Customization Hardpoints: 0


34 dorsal and 12 ventral turret-mounted quad medium turbolasers (Fire Arc All; Damage 10; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Breach 3, Linked 3, Slow-Firing 1)

80 port and 80 starboard turret-mounted twin heavy laser cannon (Fire Arc All; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Short]; Linked 1)


The Scimitar and Tie Defender wings are shown for scale only.

To populate the beast above:

(Edit 3/6 2017: changed the stats of the missile- and rocket launchers)

Light Atmospheric Assault Vehicle/infantry


Artist's Gallery

An Imperial-era development of the LAAT series that served in the Clone Wars, designed as an armed troop lander and ground support craft. The LAAV/i is space capable, but it is not intended as a space combat craft, similar to the LAAT series. It is lower, wider and somewhat sturdier than the LAAT/i that it's designed to replace, and features a slightly different weapons suite.

Silhouette 3, Speed 4, Handling -1

Defense 1/-/-/1, Armor 3

HTT 25, SST 17

Hull Type/Class: Heavy Assault Airspeeder/LAAV

Manufacturer: Rothana Heavy Engineering

Maximum Altitude: 100 kilometers

Sensor Range: Medium

Crew: One pilot, two gunners

Encumbrance Capacity: 30

Vehicle Complement: Four speeder bikes

Passenger Capacity: 30 troops

Cost/Rarity: 100,000 (R)/8

Customization Hardpoints: 2


2 turret-mounted twin anti-personnel blaster cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 3; Critical 4; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

4 wing-mounted light laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 5; Critical 3: Range [Close]; Linked 3)

Forward-mounted mini concussion missile launchers (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Blast 2, Breach 2, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 3, Linked 1, Salvo, Slow-Firing 1)

Additional rules:

Salvo: Add 2 Boost to all combat checks; each success adds 2 damage instead of one.


All Terrain Storm Walker (AT-SW)


Artist's Gallery

This fifteen-meter tall walker is based on another one-panel wonder from the comics, this time from the assault on Byss in Dark Empire II. It is a pure combat machine, with no troop carrying capacity and the same main armament as an AT-AT, with the addition of rocket launchers for extra punch.

Silhouette 3, Speed 2, Handling -2

Defense 0/-/-/0, Armor 4

HTT 25, SST 20

Vehicle Type/Model: Medium Assault Walker/AT-SW

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards.

Sensor Range: Short

Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot/gunner, one vehicle commander, one engineer

Encumbrance Capacity: 20

Passenger Capacity: None

Price/Rarity: 125,000 credits (R)/7

Customization Hardpoint: 2


Forward-mounted twin heavy laser cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Short]; Linked 1)

Forward-mounted twin heavy blaster cannons (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

Two forward-mounted mini rocket launchers (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 3; Critical 4; Range [Close]; Blast 3, Breach 3, Limited Ammo 4, Salvo, Slow-Firing 1, Unguided)

Turret-mounted twin light blaster cannon (Fire Arc Forward, Port and Starboard; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

Additional rules:

Salvo: Add 2 Boost to all combat checks; each success adds 2 damage instead of one.

Unguided: Add 1 Setback to Gunnery Skill checks.


MAVr A7 Broadsword-class Repulsorlift Tank


Artist's Gallery

Fractalsponge designed this thing as an infantry fighting vehicle, capable of carrying and supporting a squad into battle with integrated weaponry. The weapons are the same models used as the heavy guns and rockets on the AT-SW, and the turret-mounted weapons on the LAAV/i. He didn't give it an explicit size in the forum thread where it was first posted, but it is probably similar in size to a real-world IFV.

Silhouette 3, Speed 3, Handling -1

Defense 0/-/-/0, Armor 4

HTT 20, SST 17

Vehicle Type/Model: Medium Assault Vehicle/Broadsword

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards.

Sensor Range: Short

Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot/gunner, one vehicle commander

Encumbrance Capacity: 20

Passenger Capacity: 8 troops

Price/Rarity: 65,000 credits (R)/5

Customization Hardpoints: 2


Turret-mounted heavy laser cannon (Fire Arc All; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Short])

Turret-mounted twin anti-personnel blaster cannons (Fire Arc All; Damage 3; Critical 4; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

Turret-mounted mini rocket launcher (Fire Arc All; Damage 3; Critical 4; Range [Close]; Blast 3, Breach 3, Limited Ammo 4, Salvo, Slow-Firing 1, Unguided)

Additional rules:

Salvo: Add 2 Boost to all combat checks; each success adds 2 damage instead of one.

Unguided: Add 1 Setback to Gunnery Skill checks.

Edited by Winchester3

I love the Velox. The Kontos is nice as well but IMO is a little too big for its combination of firepower and fighter capacity. I would have chopped it to 400 or even 375 meters personally.

14 hours ago, RogueCorona said:

I love the Velox. The Kontos is nice as well but IMO is a little too big for its combination of firepower and fighter capacity. I would have chopped it to 400 or even 375 meters personally.

Add some more fighters and other small craft then. I've already been told by Fractalsponge that my crew estimates were way off, as I was thinking way too small.

The Fulgor is supposed to be equivalent to the Vindicator, the Kontos is equivalent to the Strike-class cruiser, and the Velox is equivalent to the Carrack-class.

The thing with these designs is that Fractalsponge doesn't come up with a nice shape and then just says "there are so and so many of these weapons" like most of the older EU designs. He comes up with a nice shape, places as many weapons as he thinks the design calls for, and then counts them and says "this is how many there are". Sometimes he counts them wrong though. :)

" Forward-mounted rocket launchers (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 4; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Blast 2, Breach 1, Limited Ammo 10, Linked 3) "

If it has Linked 3 then it fires four rockets each time it's used, so I'd recommend you change the Limited Ammo to a multiple of 4 (either 12 or 16 should be fine).

6 hours ago, HappyDaze said:

" Forward-mounted rocket launchers (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 4; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Blast 2, Breach 1, Limited Ammo 10, Linked 3) "

If it has Linked 3 then it fires four rockets each time it's used, so I'd recommend you change the Limited Ammo to a multiple of 4 (either 12 or 16 should be fine).

It's actually supposed to be 40 rockets total (20 in each launcher), as that's the number of launch tubes visible in the picture, with Linked 3 representing that it would fire four rockets at a time, and Limited Ammo 10 being that it could do this ten times, in order for the ammo to actually feel like it was limited.

Inventing random numbers without looking closely at the pictures is pretty much exactly what I've been complaining about FFG doing and why I started posted alternative stats in the first place.

Then go with Limited Ammo 40. Or, better yet, use those multiple rocket salvo launchers from Dangerous Covenants.

2 hours ago, HappyDaze said:

Then go with Limited Ammo 40. Or, better yet, use those multiple rocket salvo launchers from Dangerous Covenants.

Meh. 40 is not exactly limited ammo anyway, so how about I just remove the quality altogether and make them mini rockets/missiles?

Edit: Done, stat values adjusted

Edited by Winchester3

Excellent work !

According EotE page 267 "Starfighter Defense" some weapons on capital ships are fired using a silhouette one point under the ship silhouette. It is supposed to be blasters, autoblasters, laser canons and quad laser canons. But sometimes it's hard to know how to apply this rule as some capital ships are silouhette 5, but on the other hand some freighter are silhouette 5 as well, like the Wayfarer or the Ghost..

Could you state in your description wich weapons are considered as fighter defense?

For exemple, The quad laser canon from the ADZ Destroyer should be considered sil. 4 when firing as it is a capital ship of sil. 5, but on the other hand it is unfair for a Wayfarer sil. 5 firing his same quad laser canon, as it is not a capital ship.

The Starfighter Defense rule does not appear in AoR or FaD.

I know but the rule is there anyway, there is a lot of little rules that appear only in one rulebook. A really serious GM can't ignore this capital rule, changing the silhouette of a ship according what weapon he fires is primordial

4 minutes ago, Rosco74 said:

I know but the rule is there anyway, there is a lot of little rules that appear only in one rulebook. A really serious GM can't ignore this capital rule, changing the silhouette of a ship according what weapon he fires is primordial

I do not think that word means what you think it means...

Wich word? capital ? then read : "this major rule" :-)

No, primordial. There is nothing "fundamental" about the starfighter defense rule. It was removed and replaced with the advanced gunnery options in AoR for Sil 5+ vessels.