Some info needed about resource cards and victory points

By Daemon1978, in StarCraft

Let's try to describe the situation:

Scenario A

1 Planet with 4 areas, 2 Factions.

Faction A has one base on one area of planet 1 (Gas)

Faction B has one base on one area of planet 1.(Crystals)

Every faction has some units on it's base's area.

There are 2 more areas with gas and victory points. Who take this?

Usually if you have a base on a planet you can take every free area's card of that planet.

Now there are 2 bases. Who takes cards for those resources?

Scenario B

1 Planet, four areas, 1 faction.

Faction A has one base and few units in 1 area. The rest of the planet is free from enemy units, then during regroup phase, it takes all the card about that planet.

Faction B arrives and takes control of 1 area. and builds 1 base.

During regroup phase Faction A lose resource card just for the area where enemy built his base, right?

And Faction B takes just the resource card where it built his base, right?

Victory point

Who takes point from victory point's areas?

If I have a base and the planet is free i take those points.

If there is an enemy on that area it takes those points.

Does he needs a base to take those points or just unit are enough?

What if on a planet there are 2 bases and no unit on the victory point area?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,


if both base was build this turn or in same turn

none get it

During regroup phase Faction A lose resource card just for the area where enemy built his base, right?

And Faction B takes just the resource card where it built his base, right?

Yes and Yes

Victory point

Who takes point from victory point's areas?

If I have a base and the planet is free i take those points. No you must have base/unit standing on V point

If there is an enemy on that area it takes those points. Yes

Does he needs a base to take those points or just unit are enough? just unit is enough

What if on a planet there are 2 bases and no unit on the victory point area? Who stand on that poiint get it

About Victory points, I've read this:

The Regrouping Phase

5. Gain Conquest Points

During this step, each player gains a number of conquest points equal to the sum of conquest points in areas he controls.

So, if I control an Conquest point's area, I take those points.

Then I've read:

Friendly Area: An area that contains one or more of a player's own units or bases, and no enemy units or bases. Players always control areas friendly to them.

So, now it's clear:

If I build a base on a empty planet I take every resource card of that planet, but just points of the areas where i do have units or bases.

Because an empty area is not an area under my control.

Thank you!

Page 15 "TIP":

"If an enemy builds a base on a planet where you previously
gained Resource cards from empty areas, you
retain control of those resources until the enemy takes
control of those areas."

Another sweet tip is this: When building a base, always build it on a VP area.

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