Let's try to describe the situation:
Scenario A
1 Planet with 4 areas, 2 Factions.
Faction A has one base on one area of planet 1 (Gas)
Faction B has one base on one area of planet 1.(Crystals)
Every faction has some units on it's base's area.
There are 2 more areas with gas and victory points. Who take this?
Usually if you have a base on a planet you can take every free area's card of that planet.
Now there are 2 bases. Who takes cards for those resources?
Scenario B
1 Planet, four areas, 1 faction.
Faction A has one base and few units in 1 area. The rest of the planet is free from enemy units, then during regroup phase, it takes all the card about that planet.
Faction B arrives and takes control of 1 area. and builds 1 base.
During regroup phase Faction A lose resource card just for the area where enemy built his base, right?
And Faction B takes just the resource card where it built his base, right?
Victory point
Who takes point from victory point's areas?
If I have a base and the planet is free i take those points.
If there is an enemy on that area it takes those points.
Does he needs a base to take those points or just unit are enough?
What if on a planet there are 2 bases and no unit on the victory point area?
Thank you in advance!
Best regards,