Tyrell opening strategies and mid-game goals

By Saramund, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (1st Edition)

Orders: option 1: aggressive attack of Baratheon:

march+1 Dornish Marches, march Highgarden, march-1 on your ship.

Move the footman from Highgarden to the Reach, the Knight to dornish Marches. Move footman from Dornish Marches to Oldtown, Knight attacks either Kingswood or (preferably) Storm's End. You then hold the line across the bottom of the map, and try to muster a ship into the sea of Dome, while moving your ship around to the Summer Sea, and then mustering another into the Redwyne Straights at your first opportunity.

If you ever fight Baratheon and they have 1 footman, you can win with Loras Tyrell, but hopefully you wont need to use this until a battle you could not otherwise have won. You win ties vs Baratheon early on, so attacks that give you a big atvantage let you play lower value characters to get rid of them, and sitll win battles.

Other options : move footman to oldtown, knight to reach, or many other ways (there are many ways to do this). You can move your ship to the summer sea or keep it where it is, but moving to sunset sea will likely prompt an attack by Greyjoy (or help them kill lannister's fleet when it cant retreat), so this isnt so great early. Greyjoy attacking you in highgarden if they move a fleet to the sunset sea is a worry. After a muster, its probably good to keep someone in Highgarden (gathering power?), and a supporter in Dornish marches (which supports MANY of your territories). Note that a ship in Sea of Dome can raid this support, which is part of why you dont want any enemy ships there.

As Tyrell, you have a severe lack of power gathering ability. Moving a footman unit to Yronwood turn 1 is a good possibility (i.e. move to The Reach, Oldtown, Yronwood...or even Storm's End, Reach, Yronwood or Storm's End, Oldtown, Yronwood). This helps gather power. I prefer the Yronwood footman to having him on the Arbor, as it lets you support a Sunspear assault later on. (Again, ship in Sea of Dome can raid your Yronwood gather support).

One way to get power is to raid against baratehon from the reach (this is recommended, if you suspect they are gathering power in Kingswood or Kings Landing, and not attacking you there).

I might recommend not bidding much at all during Clash of Kings #1, and hoping to save up for the second one. If oyu do this, expect to be late in the order in fiefdoms, but bid at least 1-2 on the raven track, so as to get a couple star orders. Last on the raven track SUCKS.

Future goals :

Take Sunspear, and assault the Bartheon ciites in the east, and try to gain control of sea zones there. (popping a ship out from Storms End into the Sea of Dome is great).

Alternately, try to get some control in the western seazones, esp. Sunset Sea, and make a stab at Flint's Finger.

Try to get some power producing areas. Just a footman on Arbor and Yronwood in the midgame, gathering power, is very helpful.

Expect a raid against Highgarden from the Sunset sea at some point, and try to prevent this possibility.

Excerpt from a BoardGameGeek post .