Two questions, just starting

By prince87x, in CoC Rules Discussion

I just purchased the game and have been playing it a little bit with a friend. We have come across two different things that we are unsure of.

1. Let's say I commit 1 creature to a story and he doesn't have any creatures to commit. It resolves and my creature has no arcane symbols so it does not ready and stays exhausted. Now on his turn he plays a creature and then commits it to the same story as my exhausted creature. Now does my creature and his clash like normal or is my creature, being exhausted still, unable to do anything. Does the story then resolve as if there was no resistance because my creature was exhausted or does my creature still fight his as normal? This then leads us to wonder about the arcane struggle. If my creature had an arcane symbol and then actually readied and then he attacked, how would that work? Does my creature have to be readied before it can defend that story? If so, when he commits his creature do I need to re-exhaust my creature to show that I am defending or committing to the story? That wouldn't make much sense though since he is already committed to that story anyway. So what is the point of the arcane struggle readying your creature?

2. My friend has this support card that gives his creature the ability to pay 1 and wound an enemy creature that is committed to the same story. It doesn't say anything about having to exhaust the creature to do so. Does this mean he can keep using that action 2 or 3 times to kill off all of my creatures committed to that story that do not have toughness? If so that seems quite a bit overpowered. Even though it doesn't mention anything about having to exhaust the creature to do that action, does he need to exhaust his creature to use that ability or can he just keep doing it however many times he can pay for?

1. Once YOUR story phase ends, any characters that were committed are effectively out of combat usage til they become refreshed again. So, you wont be able to use any exhausted characters on YOUR OPPONENTS story phase. Now, if the character you will commit to the story has arcane, then you can use him to block on your opponents story phase.

2.Pretty much yes, UNLESS it says that it's limited one per story phase.

Thanks for the response. That clears up a lot.