Poe Dameron, his special + blue/yellow character only

By Durokanji, in Star Wars: Destiny

Poe's special ability makes you able to discard a card and resolve one side of its die. Let's suppose I play him with a blue character (ex: Rey...) can I use Poe's special to resolve a blue character only card , like Mind probe?

The rules say (p.16) "A player cannot play the card unless the play restriction is met". But as you discard the card, you don't really "play it"...

Wisdom tells me no you can't, but if you start being picky with the rules, I must admit that's ok.

Discard is not playing. You can discard mind probe with Poe.

Alright, clear as clear! Thanks!

Yep. Even great for Lukes Lightsaber/OwtF.
