I remember reading somewhere an official version of Darth Vader that went something like 'Darth Vader has Two maneuvers, if at the end of his second maneuver he is engaged with a player character, that player is captured. If they Resist, they die.'
This honestly interested me as it felt thematic and true to Vader as he is seen in the movies. Though I liked this I felt that it could be more interesting, so I modified it for my game.
In my game what Darth Vader does is based on how many light side or dark side destiny is currently in the pool, and works like this.
- Darth Vader has two maneuvers, if at the end of his second maneuver he is engaged with a player character and there is more light side destiny in the destiny pool then dark side, that player is captured unless they resist.
If that player resists, they flip one light side destiny to the dark side and sustain a critical injury. The resisting player then rolls Two Proficiency die and one Challenge die.
- If the player rolls a Triumph Vader is distracted for a sort time (a few seconds) allowing the players an attempt to flee.
- If the player rolls two triumphs, Vader is distracted for longer (a minute at most) and one dark side destiny is flipped to the light side, also all the player characters receive a boost die on all actions taken during the scene that Vader is involved.
- If the player rolls a Despair, something happens that makes fleeing from the scene harder (stormtroopers show up or some-such) and the resisting player sustains a second Critical Injury (1d100+10).
- Darth Vader has two maneuvers, if at the end of his second maneuver he is engaged with a player character and there is more dark side destiny in the destiny pool then light side, that player is killed unless they resist.
If that player resists, they flip one light side destiny to the dark side and sustain a two critical injury's (one at 1d100 and another at 1d100+55) . The resisting player then rolls one Proficiency die and two Challenge die.
- If the player rolls a Triumph Vader is distracted for a sort time (a few seconds) allowing the players an attempt to flee.
- If the player rolls a Despair, something happens that makes fleeing from the scene harder (stormtroopers show up or some-such) and the resisting player sustains a third Critical Injury (1d100+20).
- If the player rolls two Despairs, something really bad happens to make it hard to flee the scene, the resisting player sustains a fourth Critical Injury (1d100+30), and a light side destiny is flipped to the dark side.
- If at any point all destiny are flipped to the dark side during a scene where Vader is involved something really tragic happens (friend encased in carbonite, loss a hand, fleet destroys your base and so on).
It has worked well so far and it has really made encounters with Vader interesting.
Any ideas on other Iconic characters?
Edited by Azeraphin