Hyperlane Raid (Bulk Freighter Edition)

By Drasnighta, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

So, here's my thoughts - and potential solution - to the potential disparity of the missions between Hyperlane Raid and Show of Force, for the Corellian Conflict.

After playing a campaign for both sides, I do believe they are imbalanced, having experienced them both as attacker and defender. So, here is my idea to balance them out.

The biggest issue, to me, is that the Imperials, in order to score resources beyond "just win the game", have to deal a total of 10 damage cards to something that does not fire back, does not have shields or defense tokens, and cannot be defender or blocked more than the usual obstruction. Whereas the Rebellion must take down, potentially, the enemy pick of their Fleets, Defense Tokens and Shields and Repair Commands included. Yes, the "Points for winning the game" reward are higher when they DO it, but its an imbalance between the ease of gaining additional resources ... Besides, it doesn't feel much like a Cargo Raid.

So here we go:

2363h.jpg 2364h.jpg

Now, this is going to be subject to some testing, but here's how I feel it works. (Yes, the rules will need some actual, specific tweaking - like adding "Hull Zone" definition to fit a bsae that has no cardboard and such, I'll get to that later. Right now, this is just an overall FEEL sort of Situation.)

So that's the gist of it. The Empire now has to protect 4 fragile things... They share the same overall Hull Value as the Stations, have the same rules on Critical effects and such, can be obstructed and such... And they give out the same amount of Total resources when Destroyed.

Yes, they don't provide the healing benefit to the Empire that the Stations do to the Rebels - but they themselves can be healed by a station if they overlap it... So that is a trade off.

Most importantly, I wanted to feel like there's the same "Chance" of scoring some things between them. The Empire can very well do a jump in, quick strike, jump out turn 4 and take the Win and Resources in the Show of Force... This allows the Rebellion to potentially do the Same, as they're not having to grind an enemy for 4 turns to do so...

I don't know - is this interesting - at least something worth attempting with my Local Group? Should I make it 2 Bulk Freighters and make them worth 40 to completely Mirror the Show of Force mission, or is a little bit of asymmetry (and yet, not imbalance) useful to keeping both Fun and Flavour?

I originally intended them to be a Speed 2 Maneuver, but it provides very little chance to duck and weave - so there's now the speed variable option.

If you want to try it yourself - Add a little Sub-line somehwere that tells you that they count as Ships with a single Hull Zone, their LOS Dot is the closest point of the Plastic Base to the enemy, and you ignore Shield Dials and the plastic that frames shield dials while checking for Range and LOS as per usual.

I also rarely delve into actual creativity... I can rules-proof other people's stuff, but coming up for interesting things on my own - not so great.

I dig it Dras.

I think one other thing is that these can be blocked and rammed while the station cannot. Maybe have these react similar to squadrons when rammed? They take no damage and they just get replaced by second player so the bases are adjacent. That at least takes away any benefit for first player to ram, or set up a forced ram.

Otherwise, this is a more complex but much more thematic answer to the balance of this objective.

They can also Run and Hide, and the Stations don't have a movement choice when it comes to Grav Shift Rerouting :D

Well, I did give them a Speed 3 Option, with Small base. So it takes a bit of work to block them all told - as they're going ot be pretty good at Leapfrogging... And they don't need nav commands to choose their speed - they just go.

But some thoughts indeed. Thanks. Perhaps a click at First-and-Last so they can potentially jump around a blocker ?

Edited by Drasnighta

That probably solves it! Gives them a much more dodgy chart. Like I said, I think thematically and balance wise this is probably the best solution. I was attempting to keep as few variations from the card as written in my attempts at "patching" this objective, but scrapping the whole crap heap and starting over certainly ends up producing a much more polished overall finished product.

Just needs some playtesting now!