Hi all,
On the off chance there are any old hands from the original FFG DOOM board game forum floating around here, a big hello and merry 2017 to you all.
Now, on topic.
Somewhere I'm sure I came across a note, either in this forum or one of the manuals, in relation to the use of multiple copies of the same card for a character's activation. Is this acceptable?
I'm thinking both in terms of Marine cards (e.g. using 2x up close and personal in a 1 or 2 player game where multiple main actions are permitted) or in terms of event cards which buff a particular invader (such as 2x uses of Hellish Power adding an extra black dice pre attack for a single imp). I'm positive I've read something and it's driving me nuts. The invader side example seems a little OP, but equally, limiting the marine to unique cards can be pretty restrictive on a smaller game.
If multiple uses are permissible, would I be right in saying that Shotgun Maneuver ("After you resolve this card you may play another Combat Shotgun card, treating its speed as "0") thus indicates a possibility to use all three copies of itself in the same turn?
Have I imagined this? I've scoured the forum since and can't find anything. My group is getting together tomorrow for our first 3-4 marine game, having done 2 two-marine play throughs of the tutorial mission. As with most board game fans, I'm a big fan of being right. But I'm genuinely stumped.
Answers on a data-slate.
Edited by SquibbleOmission of info