Hero Dice Upgrade question clarification please

By weebaldy, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hiya Guys

I am really enjoying running my 1st Descent RtL campaign and due to the help of the posters on this forum I think I am getting to grips with the rules. I just have one question regarding heros spending fatique to upgrade power dice and here it is,

Can a Hero playing in say a "copper" level game upgrade black power dice all the way to Gold as long as he follows the rules on Page 24 of the rulebook. OR do the limits of the levels do the limits placed on each level on page 9 of the rulebook come into play.

i.e At a copper level campaign page 9 states " No hero may upgrade more than 3 of his trait dice to silver power dice". I read this to mean as it says and that at copper level he CANNOT upgrade to Gold. OR is the fact that I am talking about using Fatigue to upgarde is this limit overridden.

Thanks for any help and advice you can give.


Hi! Fellow new guy here, so take my input as it is. The way myself and our group has read this rule;

The trait limit is for purchased training only. A hero can spend to upgrade his fatigue to go for the gold from the get go.

I for one, who favour playing the Count Avatar, and enjoy the upgrade to the Razorwings that give them Leech and Ironskin, welcome the heroes to spend as much fatigue as they like on these things.

Mordaith said:

Hi! Fellow new guy here, so take my input as it is. The way myself and our group has read this rule;

The trait limit is for purchased training only. A hero can spend to upgrade his fatigue to go for the gold from the get go.

I for one, who favour playing the Count Avatar, and enjoy the upgrade to the Razorwings that give them Leech and Ironskin, welcome the heroes to spend as much fatigue as they like on these things.

Note the difference between Trait dice and Power dice. Trait dice are what the character has on his character sheet (including upgrades). Power dice are what you actually roll. Trait dice give you power dice when you are using that trait.

the section on upgrading dice with fatigue says "A hero can do this as often as he likes."

Cheers Guys, thats cleared this up very nicely
