Some help please with a Hero deck.

By silverthorn, in Star Wars: Destiny

I decided what characters to use for my Vilain deck but I can't settle on a Hero deck.

At the moment I have 2 Rey's and 1 dice of Finn, Hired Gun, Luke Skywalker, Padawan, Padme Amidala, Poe Dameron and Rebel Trooper. I'm not completely sure about what combo to go with so any help would be welcome.

I'm running 2 dice Rey and 2 dice Qui-Gon . It does pretty well.

I don't have Luke or I Would run him.

I've gotten beat down by a Luke, Padawan deck and it seems to be top dog at the moment.

Well if you are trying to build a deck from what you have rather than buying more characters then the best bet is probably 1 die Poe, Hired Gun & Rebel Trooper. Maxing out your character points is nice, they are all ranged character which means you're not clashing on damage types.

Then it depends entirely on what else you have to put in the deck but that’s probably your best bet for a character makeup.

The Hired Gun option is nice (since it means I can use the Falcon I just got today). I'll definitely be making changes as I get new cards but it sounds like a good start

From what it seems, yeah...Poe/Hired Gun/Rebel Trooper is where it's at.

Drop Millennium ASAP and go crazy. If you have Thermals, go boom as well.

You could try to get a second Poe or a second Padawand an play either eRey/ePoe (my favorit deck) or eRey/2Padawan.

On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 0:25 PM, silverthorn said:

I decided what characters to use for my Vilain deck but I can't settle on a Hero deck.

At the moment I have 2 Rey's and 1 dice of Finn, Hired Gun, Luke Skywalker, Padawan, Padme Amidala, Poe Dameron and Rebel Trooper. I'm not completely sure about what combo to go with so any help would be welcome.


I was also able to get some rare characters for less than five dollars per card. Ackbar/Leia/QGJ are usually on the cheap and are great characters.

Would do a Erey/EJin. Very fun deck. Tier 2?

Edited by Keigi

Thanks for the information (I tried a Poe/Trooper/Hired Gun deck at the weekend and it did well against a eKylo/Jango Fett deck but I'm not mad keen on the deck as is, I might give the ERey/Padawan/Trooper deck next).

eRey/Padawan/Ackbar (if you have it) is very efficient and cheap hero deck. It will work without legendary cards but of course One with The Force would be very nice to have in it as well as Luke's lightsabre.

That deck relays on melee damage and focus (great with All in). Use lightsabers and Rey Stuff for damage and Jedi Robes, Promotion (for Ackbar) for focus and force throw/ protection for defense.

Edited by NetCop