Tactician and Ambush interplay

By Grimnak Gaming, in DOOM: The Board Game

Hi guys,

We had an interesting situation last night where one of the Marines had the Tactician class card (allowing him to look at the top two cards of the initiative deck and replace them or move one to the bottom) and I had Ambush in my Invader Event deck (allowing me to look at the top three and reorder them as I see fit). I had a look through the rules when this came up but couldn't seem to find an answer to which one occurs first? If I do Ambush first then the Marine gets to move any Invaders I put on top fo the initiative deck to the bottom so it seems pretty powerful...

Appreciate your help resolving this.

Tactician trumps Ambush. From page 19 of the Rules Reference, under "Timing"


(from pg. 19 of the Rules Reference under Timing ):

If multiple game effects are resolved at the same time, the player resolving his activation chooses the order in which they are resolved.

If multiple game effects are resolved at the same time between player activations, the invader resolves his effects first followed by any marine effects.

So, since this happens "in between activations" the Invader resolves Ambush first, which can then be overridden by the Marine's Tactician card.

Keep in mind, as the Invader you don't have to select which three Event decks you're going to use until after the Marine's have chosen their Weapons and Class cards (so if you know one of 'em is has Tactician, you may want to avoid using the Blood Rush deck) - OR, you can always just discard the Ambush cards for Argent since they're essentially useless in this scenario.

I would point out, however, that Ambush trumps whichever Class card it is that allows one Marine to go first every time (because those cards are not resolved at the same time - the Marine's is resolved first in that case, due to the very specific wording on that card - which, for the life of me, I cannot remember the name of).

Edited by Demax51

Thanks for that, I figured there would be an answer in the rules, but it eluded me. Definitely not going to make the same mistake again with Blood Rush when there's other effects that impact the initiative deck!