Sensor Net Activation

By wombat929, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

In conversations elsewhere, the community seems to have decided that Sensor Net Activation fulfills both parts of its ability regardless of if it gets trashed in between the two conditional statements. I would like to know a little more about if/why Sensor Net Activation functions like Joshua B and not like Breaking News. Here's my thinking:

The problem is that there are two competing precedents, with different outcomes.

Precedent 1: Joshua B, which says "When your turn begins, you may gain . If you do, take 1 tag when this turn ends." The argument is that the conditional ability is optional (sort of like a paid ability) and that the whole thing starts when it's triggered, and the second sentence resolves even if the card is trashed in between. Note that the second sentence begins with "If you do," (In fact, FFG's official answer calls out the phrase "if you do" as the thing that makes the second sentence part of the first conditional ability.)

Precedent 2: Breaking News, which says "When you score Breaking News, give the Runner 2 tags. /
When the turn on which you scored Breaking News ends, the Runner loses 2 tags." This is also a conditional ability, but you don't have a choice about whether to do it or not. But the second sentence, which has a new evaluation and a new condition, "when the turn ... ends" has been ruled a separate ability that is evaluated and resolved at a different time than the first ability.

Sensor Net Activation lands right between these two. It's optional, and its two sentences are not separated by a line break. But the second sentence has a new conditional trigger, and is worded with the same "When the turn ends" format as Breaking News (Implying it is evaluated and resolved at that time). Also, agendas have the added rule that their text box is blank when they're in the runner's score area. So the Joshua B ruling, which applies to a resource that has been trashed, may in fact be different than Sensor Net's effect if it is swapped or forfeited.

Can anyone help me understand this better? How does one pursue an "official ruling"?

I don't understand the objection. You have a scored SNA with a token. Runner approaches a Bioroid ice, you rez it with the token. You opened up with the phrase " regardless of if it gets trashed in between the two conditional statements." What is "it?" The ice or the agenda?

If it's the ice, then how is it relevant? You can't derez an ice that's no longer installed, so it's irrelevant.

If if's the agenda, then what? You rez a bioroid in front of an Archer and then sacrifice the agenda? Scored agendas are never trashed.

Assuming you mean the latter, then I would say the reason is it says "that bioroid," creating a referent to the prior sentence, and there is no line break indicating the two effects are separate. And even if there were, it's a peculiarity that is specific to Breaking News that its effects are severable. For example, you could switch the two effects on BN and it would be unchanged.

But if you want an "official ruling" then this forum is not the place for it because FFG doesn't monitor these forums. Email

Sorry for my slow reply. Thanks, Grimwalker. I have come around to the idea that the second sentence occurs even if the agenda is removed from game.

I was particularly keen to use exchange of information or agenda forfeiting to make a janky free permanent rez. Otherwise, I think this isn't a very good card.

Whether the card is good or not remains to be seen, but I'd think that being able to get a temporary free rez is an appropriately strong ability for a 3/1. It's on par with Unorthodox Predictions.

The best use for Sna is with Surat City Grid... Amazing combo!!! Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk... One Ice for Free to Rez a Ice in other server paying -2 credits??? And, If you have a Second copy of Surat razed, anote Ice in another server paying -2 credits??? Uhaauuu!!!!! Kkkkkkk