Classic Luke/Wedge/Biggs on patrol.

By Clancampbell, in X-Wing Battle Reports

So I played around with the classic Luke, Wedge, Biggs list. Wedge got crack shot, torps, integrated astro, and an r2, Biggs got the same with the exception of crack shot. Luke had crack shot, torps, and r5-k6 (I think, whichever one that let's you roll a green to reestablish target lock)

I ran into a buddy playing a Duel Decimated list. He had patrol leader with Vader on board, and Admiral Chiraneau with a few things that I don't remember.

Fantastic game. My team got out to a great start launching two torpedoes at the lower skill deci for 7 damage with a couple crits. Biggs absorbed the brunt of the damage as Luke hit the other deci with his torps for 4 damage. Biggs got taken out but Wedge sent the lower deci out that same turn. Luke and Wedge combined to beat up the other, but took lots of damage in return. In the end I won with only 1 hull left for both Luke and Wedge.

We had time for a second game. This one was not so kind. My torpedoes didn't hit nearly as hard as they did the first game. Biggs got dusted early and while I was able to take out one decimater, the other was at Praticly full health. It one shotted Luke, who had lost his shields earlier, and then won the war of attrition against Wedge.

Fun time!

Nice to hear about the classic X-wing on the board :)