XP is hard... my bad please help me

By bouncy69, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

HELP ME ! My wife has been making fun of me now for over an hour and I seem to not understand a few things about the xp system for SoB. ( I do not have RtL) I understand that a dm gains xp per char that he kills. On the record sheet it has a xp slot beside each char and has total party xp at the top am I to assume that if person A opens glyph he recieves the 3XP not any one else? Is xp to each player? How does it all work? Does each person spend it seperate and only show on the space how much they each have spent? Are there any other ways to get xp that I have missed. Please help me make er stop laughing at me....

Whenever the heroes gain any conquest tokens (XP) ALL heroes gain the same amount. The "Total" at the top is how much the Heroes have gained so far in the campaign. The spot beside each hero shows how much that hero can spend on skills, dice, or other things.

Heroes gain conquest Tokens from killing leaders, LT's, activating a glyph, getting ZERO treasure items from a chest, exploring a dungeon for the first time. I think thats it. lol

Hope that helps you.

Jonny WS said:

Whenever the heroes gain any conquest tokens (XP) ALL heroes gain the same amount. The "Total" at the top is how much the Heroes have gained so far in the campaign. The spot beside each hero shows how much that hero can spend on skills, dice, or other things.

Heroes gain conquest Tokens from killing leaders, LT's, activating a glyph, getting ZERO treasure items from a chest, exploring a dungeon for the first time. I think thats it. lol

Hope that helps you.

More accurately, nobody ever gains 'XP'. They gain conquest (conquest tokens or CT) - the OL on one side and the hero party on the other (not individual heroes.

See SoB pg8.
Conquest totals are converted into 'XP' which is spent individually by each player. Therefore the total XP (= CT earned) is always identical for each hero, since they earn CT collectively which is then converted into XP. But 'current' (unspent) totals may differ as some heroes purchase upgrades etc.

TY! TY! Knew itr was jsut one little thing i had over looked. thank you for taking the time to help me... now maybe she will stop harrassing me about it. gran_risa.gif

bouncy69 said:

TY! TY! Knew itr was jsut one little thing i had over looked. thank you for taking the time to help me... now maybe she will stop harrassing me about it. gran_risa.gif

In my experience wives don't stop harrassing you, they just find something new. =P