Community Realm work build

By Salcor, in Game Masters

So myself, JT Dinimo and Bradshaw are working on creating some FFG Star wars specific structures for Realm Works by Line Wolf Development. If you are familiar with the software and would like to join in the process look for FFG Star Wars for Realm Works. As with OggDude's software, the intent is to create basic structures for users to work with, not to input FFG copyrighted material.


Realm Works by Line Wolf? Got any links that we can check out?

Ahh. PC/Windows only.

Is there a Mac version in development, or at least a web accessible version that would be cross-platform?

Eventually they will move to webbased but that is a ways down the road.


Awesome :) I am using Realm Works myself (just started, newly GM).

The only thing i did was changing / making some templates for character creation. But i am unhappy with all the skills and talents :/ How did you structure your templates?

Also, how do you use the storyboard? I have troubles putting in my narrative "wall-of-text" due to the restricted character size. :/

I am very interested in hearing how other players uses this awesome piece of software :)

- D -


Realmworks is a really powerful tool, but it does feel like it has a pretty steep learning curve initially. If you haven't done it yet go over to the Lone Wold Development forums, specifically RW in action. There are a ton of great tutorial videos to help out with just about every aspect of Realmworks. Right now the group of us are just starting to talk about how we want to set up the templates for the FFG stuff. The RW forums have a bunch of differing opinions about how much information should be in RW.

As to the Story board specifically. It is general more of a navigation tool as opposed to a specific way of running the adventure. If you right click on each "bubble" in the Storyboard you see an option to associate content with the item. The general way to use the Storyboard is to lay out the flow of your adventure only inputing the title and a little blurb of information in each item, then associate an item from the World/Story Almanac. Then when you are running the adventure, have the storyboard view up as your navigation panel on the left and the primary adventure information in the primary panel. It took me a while to figure that one out, but it works pretty well.


4 hours ago, Salcor said:


Realmworks is a really powerful tool, but it does feel like it has a pretty steep learning curve initially. If you haven't done it yet go over to the Lone Wold Development forums, specifically RW in action. There are a ton of great tutorial videos to help out with just about every aspect of Realmworks. Right now the group of us are just starting to talk about how we want to set up the templates for the FFG stuff. The RW forums have a bunch of differing opinions about how much information should be in RW.

As to the Story board specifically. It is general more of a navigation tool as opposed to a specific way of running the adventure. If you right click on each "bubble" in the Storyboard you see an option to associate content with the item. The general way to use the Storyboard is to lay out the flow of your adventure only inputing the title and a little blurb of information in each item, then associate an item from the World/Story Almanac. Then when you are running the adventure, have the storyboard view up as your navigation panel on the left and the primary adventure information in the primary panel. It took me a while to figure that one out, but it works pretty well.


Oh don't get me wrong :D I already ran a few adventures and knew all those things you described :D Just wondering how other players deal with that little space. A friend of mine is playing DnD 3.5 and had the same issues. We like to write down our narrative in advance and therefore we had problems with the character size. Maybe we are missing a feature to display it properly. And for the template issue, i am very interested how you set up the templates and other stuff i am missing ;)

Which templates did you adjust for FFG so far? And what did you change :) ?

Sorry I have been a little bogged down with work. The group is still talking about it. Probably the equipment, vehicles, and world templates to start out.

On 3.3.2017 at 0:28 PM, Salcor said:

Sorry I have been a little bogged down with work. The group is still talking about it. Probably the equipment, vehicles, and world templates to start out.

I really love to see your results when finished or even when in progress as i did some research for gathering informations how other Systems designed their templates :)

At the moment i try to find a way to display skills and talents properly. :)

Since now you can export realm structure in realmworks.

it would be great if you can share what you've got so far :) ?