I am new to Rogue Trader and was wondering if there were any good ideas and helpful hints for a person just starting out like myself.
Idea's for first timer
Good idea for adventure or purchase?
Purchase-wise Dark Heresy: Creatures anathema is a great buy with lots of potential and it crosses over quite easily.
Adventure wise, it's a bit tougher since it might depend on what your players wand and what your crew is composed of. A good way to start IMO, is to have them perform some kind of errant for the Ruling Power in the Calixis sector in the Koronus sector to get a fell for your crew and then let them loose on their own.
I'm also, looking inot converting the Haarlock trilogy for a RT team.
The sword class frigate is always a good starting ship, add two sunsear battery and you will out range most ships. skill wise gear toward improving your fellowship charactaristic and related skills. equipment wise, what ever suits the mission or personal style. and remember to leave some room on your starting ship, GM might send you to retake a planet, and the ability to build a guard regiment will always be nice.