some questions about SOB rules?

By wblackthorn, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

ok we have just finished our first game of SOB and have come up with some questions

the party lucked out and got mata and kata.and with the new rules mata and kata are very usefull,

1/ with mata and kata if you leave the lvl and they are still on where do they appear?

we guess they just appear at the start of the new lvl or back in town.

2/ breath weapons: can they by dodged by the OL with his dodge cards as the party got the treasure card that gived them a breath weapon?

3/the OL has the fury of the sun as his goal.

this is the card that places a lighthouse marker at least 3 trails from the overlords keep.

the is another card in the chain of OL goals called THE KEYS APPEAR

this one places 3 weapon keys one on each of 3 islands of the players choice,at least 2 trails apart.

this has a cost of zero and can be played on turn one.

but the second part of the text reads as if it should be only played after some time as it says.

any explored island that has a weapon key placed on it is marked as unexplored again.

so any idea how/when this card should be played ?


1) Familiar never go to town, so at the start of a new level is the same as a start of a dungeon, i.e. the familiars are placed in the same space as the owner.

2) Yes, AOE weapons can be dodged. It's in the base rules, and basically if any figure dodges the AOE, then it's dodged for the whole group. In other words, after the dice are rerolled because of a dodge, the new result is applied to all figures (not just the dodged figure). If the figure is Invisible though, the Stealth die is only applied to those that are invisible (i.e. if a Stealth Die rolls a miss, the attack hits everyone who is not Invisible).


I was thinking about the lighthouse key thing as well when I first saw it, the way I interpret it is that the Overlord might want to wait with having the keys appear. He can play the card in turn one, but doesn't have to - maybe he wants to wait until the heroes are in a corner of the map or something, to have a head start for going after them.

If I were to play the Overlord, I'd definitely wait with playing that one until I have at least one Lieutenant on the field.

The card with zero cost that is played at the start is An Ancient Weapon.

I had the same question and came to the same conclusion.

I waited until turn 3 before I played the card to have the weapon keys put on the board. I should have waited longer since The Siren is on her way to Shellport to ensure that Alex the Wise can't be bought. Since I'm The Count I won't be getting any other LTs for some time so I've left myself somewhat vulnerable to the hero's getting the keys first.

Fortunately they're more interested in plunder than plot.

well our OL spawned it early and it was our first time playing SoB so we started by doing an overland dungeon,also if you look the isn't may places to spawn the keys that aren't close to the OLs they all spawn at locations around the map and not at there OLs if the OL spawn the weapons early the players don't get to do a close dungeon again.


also thank you everyone for your replys

have fun all and see you here soon
