I could only get to this forum through Google. But through FFG's main webpage, I couldn't find any links to the product page or this forum.
Has this game been discontinued?
I noticed the same thing. I'm hoping it doesn't get discontinued. I finally picked up Exodus and Daybreak recently.
Yeah, what's going on, FFG? I'm still waiting for a Exodus reprint. I've sold my whole BSG collection in english two years ago, so I could switch to polish edition and play with my parents, but retailers have run out of Exodus before I could buy it, and they won't reprint it in polish without a reprint in english first.
EDIT It was on a FFG reprint list last time that I've checked.
Edited by NaugdilI'm also very interested in this. I bought the core game one week ago and consider to go for expansions. Anyway if it's discontinued I'd like to ask if FFG is going to release the second edition...
I don't want to dissapoint anyone but FFG statments is if a product is on their products list its not dead and supported. BSG is ended, no more reprint no more expansions. The only thing what can happen is a second edition may be on gencon in august.
Well, I hope you are correct, Farkaskoma. I would hate to see the death of one of the best games ever made.
Well, Gencon came and went. Looks like FFG is pulling a "fight club" motto on this one. "First rule of BSG: We don't talk about BSG".
I'm actually starting to grow a little disenchanted. Their corporate attitude to such things is probably technically "correct", but it lacks the heart and community engagement that many of their rivals are open to adopting. FFG seems to be moving in the direction of Asmodee's policies, which can be summarized as "the only time we talk to the public about games is via authorized upcoming product previews".
That's unfortunate. I really hope that they change their minds and start reprinting it. I still need all of the expansions.
Somehow, I hadn't heard of the T.V. show, before discovering the board game in 2011, or so, when Borders was going out of business. I like the game a lot, and have been wanting to get the expansions, but I had been deliberately avoiding doing so, until I had time to watch the series, as I wanted to avoid spoilers. Unfortunately, for several years, I was too busy to binge-watch anything, and during that time I joined a board game group, where one of the players already had all of the expansions, which further decreased my need to buy them, myself. A few years ago, I finally found some time to start binge-watching old T.V. shows, but decided to watch the entirety of Doctor Who, Star Trek, and the original Battlestar Galactica show(s) before watching the new Battlestar Galactica, which I only just finished. By then, of course, I had discovered that the three expansions I'd like to buy had disappeared less than a year ago. I had assumed that the Battlestar Galactica game and expansions would just keep sticking around at Fantasy Flight Games, considering how long it had done so, and how popular it was. If not, I had hoped that they would warn us ahead of time, with final print runs still on the way, like they had done with (most of?) the Games Workshop stuff. That was nice, as I was able to buy every single Talisman expansion that I was missing. I wish Fantasy Flight Games would get permission to do one final print run of Battlestar Galactica, as I intend to buy all three expansions as soon as I can find them (at a reasonable price
Sorry to list my whole story, but I just wanted to throw my voice in as another person looking for the expansions, as well as an explanation of why I, and perhaps others, might not have bought the expansions while they were available, but want to find them now that they're not. I can't afford to buy all of the games and expansions I want, when they're released, so I end up putting most things off until the announcement of something like a final expansion, or new edition, before buying the entirety of a product line. I've found that with most games I care about, there's some kind of a warning sign, before it goes out of print, and/or enough excess supply in online stores combined with lack of demand, that something being out of print doesn't matter much. Unfortunately, with Battlestar Galactica, neither of those situations is the case.