Acquiring Stuff

By anglon, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hi. I am new to stuff and I wanted to start playing Destiny but it seems it is incredibly out of stock.

Any ideas when stuff will start coming back into stock again? I wanted to buy sealed stuff.
Like both starters and boosters. And I don't want to overpay. I checked ebay and it's pretty nasty atm.
I am a bit worried I missed out on the game and wondering if I should just move on to something else or if it's going to be possible to get Awakenings stuff.

Does anyone have any ideas or direction? I am a bit in the dark with it.

thanks :D

Right now, Pure luck, the kindness of strangers, and those ebay prices. If you can manage a trade, then that may help. The shortage is driving everyone nuts right now, except for those that are in the "Haves" category.

3 minutes ago, GrandMoffMatt said:

Right now, Pure luck, the kindness of strangers, and those ebay prices. If you can manage a trade, then that may help. The shortage is driving everyone nuts right now, except for those that are in the "Haves" category.

Yeah, and us 'haves' are a little bored because we have very few people to play with. I'm a couple of cards away from a full play set and everything is sitting on a shelf waiting for other players to appear. It's a great game, but the momentum took a nose dive when product became super scarce.

It doesn't help that the tourney scene is essentially the same few people in the top slots until folks can acquire more cards. I got to imagine that sucks.

My issue is that it really seems like you can't save up and get a box eventually. If you didn't pounce on the pre-order the second it was announced, you're probably going without. I don't mind spending money on a game, but on my terms. Not having the $115-$120 readily at hand when pre-orders started likely means I'm missing out on SoR.

5 minutes ago, DailyRich said:

My issue is that it really seems like you can't save up and get a box eventually. If you didn't pounce on the pre-order the second it was announced, you're probably going without. I don't mind spending money on a game, but on my terms. Not having the $115-$120 readily at hand when pre-orders started likely means I'm missing out on SoR.

Yeah, the game feels like it has a high unit price point (not high relative to what you get, just high) such that there is no room for it as an "impulse buy" because of this. It's only an impulse buy if I can buy boosters a week after the set releases and again 3 months after the set releases while I'm waiting for the next quarter and new set to roll around.

I cannot express enough how amazing team covenant saga sets are. (Getting my awakenings set in the mail today). If there is anything to pre-order, why not skip the booster BS, and get a SoR saga while they still have pre-orders open?

Logically, it just seems like the biggest bang for your buck.

And how many boxes that could have gone to gamers did Team Covenant crack open to build those sets?

2 minutes ago, DailyRich said:

And how many boxes that could have gone to gamers did Team Covenant crack open to build those sets?

It's likely TC got the sets directly from FFG to sell in this manner.

The mathematical answer to how many boxes they would need to open to get a full set would be staggering. Even at best case scenario, where each box had different Legendaries, they would still need to open three boxes to form a complete set of Legendaries. And there's no way they would get that lucky each time. Plus all the extras would leave a huge influx on the secondary market.

Good point. Kinda surprised FFG let Team Covenant have that market if that's the case.

Me too. Assuming I'm right. I would have pegged a larger online retailer to have some exclusive like that, maybe Miniature Market or something.

9 minutes ago, Hawkman2000 said:

Me too. Assuming I'm right. I would have pegged a larger online retailer to have some exclusive like that, maybe Miniature Market or something.

TC loves FFG and FFG loves TC.

Also, the larger online retailer would probably rather sell singles and make a lot more money.

Edited by netherspirit1982

Does the saga set turn out to be a good cost if you look at what the current individual prices are?

I mean Vader alone is $40, Han $30, etc.

Edited by Hawkman2000
20 minutes ago, Hawkman2000 said:

Does the saga set turn out to be a good cost if you look at what the current individual prices are?

I mean Vader alone is $40, Han $30, etc.

Right now it would cost over $300 just to get 1 of each legendary.

Looking at miniature market pricing, they have 7 legendaries in stock, total would be $226

Looking at CSI it's about $391 for all of them.

That's just the yeah I'd say for Awakenings it was worth it.

Will the same hold true for the next set? Who knows, but the legendaries only need to hold an average value of $18 each for it to be worth it, just for them, then the rares, uncommons and commons are free.

Edited by netherspirit1982