All my players LOVE playing EOE and tweeking their characters. As such, when it comes time to make dice rolls, some of the pools are just off the charts. Inevitably, there is at least once, maybe twice in a session when I get rolls like:
" I got a success with 5 disadvantage."
"I got a failure with 4 advantage." and so on.
How do you interpret those? I have basically looked at those wild extremes of dice rolls as essentially "plucking victory from the jaws of defeat and vice versa." Essentially, for the first one, the player completes the task but it take them an ungodly amount of time- like 2 hours to reload a blaster- to the point of well, you succeed but it took so long that you might have well just as failed as we cannot wait that long. Generally with the other extreme (fail with 4 advantage), the character whips through the task way too quickly or trips or something and there is enough time remaining to try another roll.
Curious how some of you interpret these types of results- has anyone ever "failed" someone on a "success with 5 disadvantage" or given them a "succeed" result going the other way?
Keep it silly