how does this card all?
i have no idea what it does or how it works in any of its' effects.....
can anybody explain it...because i was wondering how it can travel on worlds and stuff.... please help...
how does this card all?
i have no idea what it does or how it works in any of its' effects.....
can anybody explain it...because i was wondering how it can travel on worlds and stuff.... please help...
if im not mistaken it starts off on the bottom world card of your opponent. then each turn it moves to the next. it cant be destroyed until it is on the topmost card. also its power increases by the total level of the world cards it has been on or is currently on. so if it was on a TT lv 3 it would get +3 to its power
so even if your opponent has, lets say, 3 worlds out (TTLv3, TTLv2, and Halloween Lv2) you play it on the bottom most card and then each turn it moves up accumulating power until it reaches the top and then can be battled. But.... after it reaches the top, it is just like a regular dark card and cannot have a world card placed on it, right?
And, its power increase makes no since... Using the worlds listed above as if the were in increasing order left to right. it power would be 8 if you played it from your hand onto halloween, right? But, if you played it on TTlv3 and it worked its way up... then its power would be 1+3+5+7 = 16 because the world levels are increasing too. I believe i am correct on saying this... aren't I?
Let's put it this way:
Your opponent has a total of 9 points of worlds in this order: Traverse Town lvl 3, Halloween Town lvl 2, Halloween Town lvl 3, Disney Castle lvl 1. When you play your Tornado Step, it immediately is placed on Traverse Town lvl 3. You end your turn. Your opponent draws, plays cards, doesn't play a world, ends their turn. Your turn. You draw. Action phase begins. Tornado Step moves up to Halloween Town lvl 2 now. Blah blah blah, you end turn. Opponent's turn. Repeat previous actions. After two more of your turns, if your opponent has yet to play a world, Tornado Step now occupies Disney Castle lvl 1. By rulings, it was not placed there, it moved there, making it's actions legal. It's power level is now at 10, due to the way the additions work. Tornado Step's 1 POW, plus 3 POW from Traverse Town, plus 2 POW from Halloween Town, plus 3 POW from Halloween Town, and plus 1 POW from Disney Castle.
I believe this is how it works, unless Jaffer or a mod states otherwise.
Hope this helps!
that makes since too, but yet again, no one is for certain. so i like the way you put it and i think i'll use it that way until anyone makes a final ruling... so if anyone ha the power to make this ruling or find out for sure i encourage it... this is a really descent card and it needs to by clarified...
Q: How does Tornado Step's effect work if it comes across a Disney Castle or a Hundred Acre Wood in the opponent's world stack?
A: The abilities of World Cards below any player's top World Card are void, therefore, the Tornado Step could move through Disney Castle or Hundred Acre Wood.
He goes from your bottom most world and each turn moves up one world card until he is at the top. As for Disney Castle, Tornado Step would only be allowed to be moved there because he was already in play.