What specs would have both stealth and light ranged as career skills, and are any of their trees have talents for stealth?
Spec that has sneak and light ranged skills as career skills
I don't think any one spec combines those two skills. The closest you could do is Shadow, and use Well Rounded to make Ranged (Light) a career skill.
If you're looking for just a spec that has both, I can't seem to find one. A few spec career combos have both.
Trailblazer (from Forged in Battle) would probably be the closest, it has stealth as a career skill, plus talents like stalker, and a few good combat abilities.
Odd right? Your best bet is to go with a stealthy specialization and pick a species with free skills like Human or Klatooinian for the ranged (light).
Trailblazer is it. All the skills and the Ambush Talent.
Edited by 2P51Trailblazer as a spec doesn't have ranged light I think shadow is where it's at
Soldier has Range Light.